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Provide your feedback : Accessibility

An accessibility barrier is anything that does not allow persons with disabilities to be included and take part in all areas of life and society. Barriers prevent persons with disabilities from taking part in the same way that persons without disabilities do. The Accessible Canada Act identifies five types of accessibility barriers:

We want to hear from you!

Tell us about:

How to provide your feedback

Please send questions or feedback related to accessibility at FINTRAC to the Manager of Workplace Experience through one of the following methods:

Email:  Accessibility/

Phone: 1-866-346-8722 (toll free)

TTY (teletypewriter):  1 800-465-7735


Manager of Workplace Experience
People, Culture and Workplace Sector
234 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa Ontario  K1P 1H7

Anonymous feedback can be provided by phone or by mail.

Please ensure to include your contact information when submitting your feedback. We will acknowledge receipt of your feedback, unless received anonymously, in the same manner as it was received. We may also contact you to gain a greater understanding of your feedback.

Privacy notice statement

The feedback you provide through this consultation will be kept confidential and will be used only for the purpose of gathering your suggestions. Your submission is voluntary and we recommend that you do not provide any personal information. If you provide personal information, it will be protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act and described in the Personal Information Bank PSU 938 entitled "Outreach Activities". Also, please note that the Government of Canada will not make individual submissions public, but does maintain the right to report publicly on the aggregate results.

For more information on your rights related to the Privacy Act please contact FINTRAC's Access to Information and Privacy Office at

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