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Service provider arrangements

Availability of FINTRAC's online systems

API report submission is available for Suspicious Transaction Reports, Large Cash Transaction Reports, Large Virtual Currency Reports, Electronic Funds Transfer Reports and Casino Disbursement Reports.

FINTRAC is currently implementing new reporting systems in a phased approach. For more information, consult:

New regulations coming into force in 2024

Overview of the new regulations coming into force in 2024

The Government of Canada published new regulations in the Canada Gazette, Part II (Volume 157, Number 21) that will further support Canada's efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist activity financing, and strengthen FINTRAC's ability to contribute to the protection of Canadians and Canada's economy.

More information and related web content will be created (or updated) before these new regulations come into force.

Further details:

As a reporting entity (RE), you may enter into an agreement with a service provider to have them submit and correct reports to FINTRAC on your behalf. Your service provider will also communicate with FINTRAC on your behalf in relation to reporting.

The reports that a service provider can submit and correct on your behalf are:

How do I delegate reporting to a service provider?

Both you and the service provider need to enroll with FINTRAC's web reporting system before the service provider can submit reports on your behalf. Once enrolled, your administrator can manage your organization's users' access rights, and delegate a service provider to submit reports on your behalf.

To delegate to a service provider, you need to:

  1. Click on "Manage service provider relationships" on the FINTRAC web reporting system's homepage.
  2. Select "Delegate to a service provider".
  3. Enter the service provider number at the bottom of the page and click on "Designate".

REs who use a service provider are still responsible for:

How do I enroll in FINTRAC's web reporting system?

Contact FINTRAC to enroll in FINTRAC's web reporting system by:

What information do I need to enroll in FINTRAC's web reporting system?

To enroll in FINTRAC's web reporting system, you will need to provide FINTRAC with:

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