FINTRAC Web Reporting System overview
From: Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)
Availability of FINTRAC's online systems
API report submission is available for Suspicious Transaction Reports, Large Cash Transaction Reports, Large Virtual Currency Reports, Electronic Funds Transfer Reports and Casino Disbursement Reports.
FINTRAC is currently implementing new reporting systems in a phased approach. For more information, consult:
Learn about the main sections and features of the FINTRAC Web Reporting System to submit individual reports electronically to FINTRAC.
On this page
- The FINTRAC Web Reporting System's homepage
- Navigating the FINTRAC Web Reporting System
- Submitting reports to FINTRAC
- Notification messages, details and definitions
The FINTRAC Web Reporting System's homepage
When you sign in to the FINTRAC Web Reporting System, you will be directed to the homepage, as shown in Figure 1.

Section 1 shows the "Report to FINTRAC" link, which enables you to complete the following financial transaction reports and submit them to FINTRAC:
- Suspicious Transaction Report
- Large Cash Transaction Report
- Electronic Funds Transfer Report—outgoing
- Electronic Funds Transfer Report—incoming
- Casino Disbursement Report
- Large Virtual Currency Transaction Report
Section 2 shows the "Training reports" link which takes you to FINTRAC's training environment. Reports created in this environment will not be submitted to FINTRAC. This environment is meant for employee training.
Section 3 shows the "My organization" link which takes you to your organization's tombstone information and that of your FINTRAC Web Reporting System administrator and administrator's assistant.
Section 4 shows the "Users" link which enables the FINTRAC Web Reporting System administrator or the administrator's assistant to add or update user information.
Section 5 shows the "Location" link which enables you to create and manage reporting locations.
Section 6 shows the "Manage service provider relationships" link which allows you to manage your service provider relationships, if applicable.
Navigating the FINTRAC Web Reporting System
To navigate the FINTRAC Web Reporting System and submit financial transaction reports, perform the following steps:
- Click on "Report to FINTRAC" (see number 1 in Figure 1). This will take you to the "Report to FINTRAC" page.
- On the "Report to FINTRAC" page, you can choose from the following options (See Figure 2):
- "Create a new report"—in this section, you can fill out financial transaction reports.
- "Finish an incomplete report"—in this section, you will find the reports that have not yet submitted to FINTRAC. You will also find the reports you recalled for correction.
- "Find a report by its external report reference number"—in this section, you can search for a report by its external reference number, which is a number issued by the system when a report is created.
- "Find a report by its report number"—in this section, you can search for a report by the number your organization assigns to submitted reports, if applicable.
- "Find reports by date"—in this section, you can search for a report using the date it was submitted to FINTRAC.
Figure 2 - Report to FINTRAC page - When you fill out a report, you can navigate to different parts of the report by:
- Clicking on the "Next part" button in the top right-hand side menu (Figure 3) or at the bottom of each part (Figure 4). Please note that this action will automatically save the information in the report.
- Clicking on the specific "Report part" on the right-hand side menu (Figure 3). This action will also automatically save the information in the report.
Figure 3 - Navigating through the report Figure 4 - Save and next part
- The "Training reports" (see number 2 in Figure 1) link allows you to practice filling out reports in a training environment. These reports are not submitted to FINTRAC (Figure 5).
Figure 5 - Training reports homepage
Submitting reports to FINTRAC
Once you have filled out a report, select "Validate" (Figure 6) under the "Report actions" menu (at the top of the right-hand side menu). This ensures that all the required fields in your report have been filled out properly. When the validation process is complete, and no errors were found, you will be able to submit your report to FINTRAC by clicking on the "Submit" button (Figure 7). If errors were found through the validation process, you will be notified of the fields that need to be corrected. You will be able to submit the report when the errors are corrected.

Notification messages, details and definitions
As you navigate through the FINTRAC Web Reporting System, you may get notification messages that provide additional information.
You will be notified of downtime, outages, etc. on the homepage of the system in the "Notification" section (Figure 8).

When you use the FINTRAC Web Reporting System training environment, a warning message (Figure 9) will be displayed at the top of each page.

There are two types of notification messages that can be displayed in a financial transaction report:
- Warning (Figure 10): This message will be displayed when "if applicable" information is not provided or is incomplete. This does not prevent you from submitting the report to FINTRAC. However, if the information is available in your records, you are required to provide it in the report.
- Reject (Figure 11): This message will be displayed when mandatory information is missing. You will not be able to submit the report until the missing mandatory information is provided.

You will also notice that help text can be displayed by clicking on "More on how to…" (Figures 12 and 13) at the top of the page for each report part. To hide the help text, click again on "More on how to …".

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