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FINTRAC Web Reporting System : Methods to report to FINTRAC

Updated on October 23, 2023

From: Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)

Explains how to access the FINTRAC Web Reporting System to report financial transactions and provides basic instructions on how to use it.

Availability of FINTRAC's online systems

API report submission is available for Suspicious Transaction Reports, Large Cash Transaction Reports, Large Virtual Currency Reports, Electronic Funds Transfer Reports and Casino Disbursement Reports.

FINTRAC is currently implementing new reporting systems in a phased approach. For more information, consult:

Foreign money services businesses submitting Electronic Funds Transfer Reports through the FINTRAC Web Reporting System need to apply an interim measure because of a technical issue. Other reporting entity sectors are not affected.

On this page

What is the FINTRAC Web Reporting System

The FINTRAC Web Reporting System allows you to individually submit the following reports electronically to FINTRAC or modify them:

It is a secure system that is geared towards reporting entities with lower reporting volumes.

Transaction submission limit

In the FINTRAC Web Reporting System, you can submit up to 99 transactions in a single report. If the number of transactions exceeds the limit, you must create a new report to include the additional transactions.

Linking transactions across multiple reports

When you create another report because you exceeded the transaction limit, you can link transactions across multiple reports by including the reporting entity report reference number with a suffix (for example, -01, -02, etc.). This will also ensure that FINTRAC is aware of linked reports.

If you need to link transactions in multiple reports, you can continue counting transactions incrementally with each report. For example, if you are using the FINTRAC Web Reporting System, you could submit 250 transactions detailed over 3 reports as:

Starting action and completing action limits

You can include up to 50 starting actions and 50 completing actions in a single transaction as long as they occurred on the same date and time.

If a transaction has more than 50 starting actions or more than 50 completing actions, you can include these additional starting or completing actions by creating a new transaction in the same report.

Note: Because you must provide a date and time for each transaction, it is understood that all the starting and completing actions within the transaction also occur at this date and time. If this is not the case, then you will need to add a new transaction to the report with the new date and time. This applies even if the number of starting actions or completing actions is under 50.

Creating subject profiles

A subject is a person or entity involved in a transaction and must be included in the report. Subjects can be:

The FINTRAC Web Reporting System allows you to create different subject profiles to help streamline the entry of their information in report fields.

Examples of subject profiles to streamline the entry of information in the FINTRAC Web Reporting System
Type of subject profiles Used to create
“Create person name or “Create entity name” A subject profile that is:
  • a source of cash
  • an account holder
  • involved in the completing action
“Create person details” or “Create entity details” A subject profile for:
  • a conductor
  • a requester
  • a third party
  • a receiver
  • a beneficiary

Once you have created a subject profile, you can select it as you navigate through each section of the report and the subject's information will automatically populate the fields accordingly.

If a person or entity has more than 1 role in a report (for example, a person is both the conductor and beneficiary in the transaction), the subject profile can be selected to populate fields for all roles.

Although you can select a subject profile to populate fields for all transactions in the same report where you created the profile, it will not be available for selection in other reports due to privacy considerations.

Related guidance

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