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Module 4 Non-SWIFT electronic funds transfer report specifications

Version 3.1.3

Includes specifications for Non-SWIFT EFT reports (EFTO and EFTI)

5.2.3 Detailed Specification Layout (Format Version 03) — Non-SWIFT Electronic Funds Transfer Reports

The following specifications outline the format for international non-SWIFT electronic funds transfer (EFT) reports included in a batch, based on batch report format version 03. This format has been in effect since May 2006 and updated December 30, 2008.  All previous batch formats for EFT reports will no longer be supported.

Changes to this module are editorial revisions only.  There are no legislative changes or changes in format.

There are two distinct types of non-SWIFT EFT reports, as follows:

The detailed specification layout for an EFTO, based on batch format version 03 is contained in Section

The detailed specification layout for an EFTI, based on batch format version 03 is contained in Section

Any report parts that are not applicable do not need to be included. However, all fields in each applicable part must be included, unless you are deleting a report (as explained in Section 3.4 and Part A below). If any fields in applicable parts have no data, pad those fields with spaces or zeros according to the required field format.

For additional information about EFT report fields, refer to Guideline 8: Submitting Electronic Funds Transfer Reports to FINTRAC.

The layout for each EFTO and EFTI report will be in the order presented in the tables below (i.e., Part A, Part B, Part C, etc.). Detailed specification layout (format version 03): Non-SWIFT Electronic Funds Transfer Report — Outgoing (EFTO)

Part A – Transaction information
This part is for information about when the EFT was sent.

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Report sequence number


Report sequence number within the preceding sub-header.


Reporting entity report reference number


A unique report reference number is required for each report submitted from the same reporting entity.
If you need to access this report in F2R, as explained in Section 3.4.2, your report reference number will be in field 1A of the part called “General Information”. This additional part will also contain the contact information applicable to this report (from your batch header).


Action code


If you are submitting a new batch (batch type “A”), enter “A” to indicate there is no change or deletion as this is a new report.
If you are submitting a correction batch (batch type “C”), indicate whether this report is to be changed or deleted from a previously accepted batch.
To change a report, use the action code “C” and complete the rest of the report.
To delete a report, use the action code of “D” and include the entire report being deleted.


Time of transaction


Enter the time that the electronic funds transfer was sent. Time format HHMMSS (space fill if unknown).
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Date of transaction


Enter the date of the electronic funds transfer transmission.
Date format YYYYMMDD
Date must be no earlier than the coming into force of March 31, 2003, for this report type. It cannot be a future date.
This field is mandatory. If it is not included, the report will be rejected.  


Amount of transaction

X(15)d RJZ

Enter the amount of outgoing funds involved in the transaction, including two decimal places. 
This field is mandatory. If it is not included, the report will be rejected.


24-hour rule indicator


If a report is about an EFT of less than $10,000 that is one of two or more EFTs of less than $10,000 made within 24 consecutive hours of each other that total $10,000 or more, enter the 24-hour rule indicator of “1”. Each such EFT is submitted on a separate report.
If the transaction being reported is of $10,000 or more, enter “0”.
This field is required. If it is invalid, the report will be rejected.
If you need to access this report in F2R, as explained in Section 3.4.2, this information will be in the field above field 1 in Part A.


Transaction currency


Enter the currency of the funds involved in the outgoing funds transferred. Refer to the currency code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's Web site.
This field is mandatory. If it is not included, the report will be rejected.


Exchange rate


Enter the actual exchange rate applied to the transfer to convert the amount sent from Canadian dollars to the amount and currency shown in fields A3 and A4 above, including a floating decimal place.
This field requires reasonable efforts.

Total characters in Part A: 73 - Each EFTO must include Part A.

Part B - Information about the client ordering the EFT
This part is for information about the individual or entity ordering you to send the EFT. If the individual or entity that ordered the EFT did so on someone else's behalf, you also have to complete Part D.

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Full name of ordering client (if client is an entity)


If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, enter the name of the entity.
Field B1 is mandatory if the client is an entity. If it is not included in the report, and there is no name entered in fields B2 and B3, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is entered in field A3A and, because of this, information for field B1 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, field B1 must be space-filled.


Surname of ordering client (if client is an individual)


If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, enter the surname of the individual.
Field B2 is mandatory if the client is an individual. If it is not included in the report, and there is no entry in field B1, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is entered in field A3A and, because of this, information for fields B2 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can leave this field blank (i.e., space-filled).
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, field B2 must be space-filled.


Given name of ordering client (if client is an individual)


If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, enter the given name of the individual.
Field B3 is mandatory if the client is an individual. If it is not included in the report, and there is no entry in field B1, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is entered in field A3A and, because of this, information for field B3 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can leave this field blank (i.e., space-filled).
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, field B3 must be space-filled.


Other name/initial of ordering client (if client is an individual)


If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, enter the middle initial or other name of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, field B4 must be space-filled.


Street address


Enter the civic address of the client ordering the EFT.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




Enter the town or city of the client ordering the EFT.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




Enter the country of the client ordering the EFT.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




Enter the province or state of the client ordering the EFT.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Postal/zip code


Enter the postal or zip code of the client ordering the EFT.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Client's telephone number


Enter the telephone number of the client ordering the EFT.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Individual's date of birth


If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, enter the individual's date of birth.
Date format YYYYMMDD.
Must be within the past 120 years, and cannot be a future date.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Individual's occupation


If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, enter the individual's occupation.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Client's account number


Enter the account number issued to the client ordering the EFT. This field is mandatory if applicable. If there is no client account number, the field should be space-filled.
Note: Field B13 was different in format version 01.


Individual's identifier


If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, enter the appropriate code to indicate the document used to identify the individual. If the selections provided do not cover the identifier used, indicate “Other” and provide details in field B14A.

Driver's licence
Birth certificate
Provincial health card
Record of Landing or Permanent residence card

This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Other description


Provide a description of “Other” as explained above. This field is required if code “E” is entered in field B14.
Note: This field was renumbered from B14E to B14A.


ID number


Enter the number of the document described in field B14 or B14A that was used to identify the individual ordering the EFT.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
Note: A social insurance number (SIN) should not be provided in this field. If the identifier document described in field B14A is a SIN card, space-fill this field.
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, this field must be space-filled.

Total characters in Part B: 307 - Each EFTO must include Part B.

Part C - Information about the sender of the EFT (i.e., the individual or entity that sends the payment instructions)
This part is for information about the reporting entity sending the payment instructions.

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Reporting entity's identifier number


Enter your seven-digit identifier number assigned to you by FINTRAC at enrolment. For more information about this, contact your F2R administrator.
This field is mandatory. If it is invalid, the entire batch will be rejected.
If you need to access this report in F2R, as explained in Section 3.4.2, your name will be displayed in Part C instead of your reporting entity identifier number.


Reporting entity's location number


This represents information about the full address of the person or entity sending the payment instructions. Location numbers are assigned during the FINTRAC enrolment process and maintained by your F2R administrator. For more information about this, contact your F2R administrator.
For deposit taking institutions, this number is the branch portion of your transit number with leading zeroes. For example, the location number for branch 02831 of bank number 0004 would be 02831.
For other types of reporting entities, this number will be created and assigned to you by FINTRAC.
This field is mandatory. If it is invalid, the report will be rejected.
If you need to access this report in F2R, as explained in Section 3.4.2, the full address will be displayed in Part C along with your reporting entity location number.

Total characters in Part C: 24 - Each EFTO must include Part C.

Part D - Information about a third party if the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party (if applicable)
This part is for information about any third party on whose behalf the EFT was ordered. If there was no third party related to the EFT order, do not complete this part.

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Full name of third party (if the third party is an entity)


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party entity, enter the name of the entity.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an individual, field D1 must be space-filled.


Surname of third party (if the third party is an individual)


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, individual, enter the surname of the individual.
These fields require reasonable efforts.

If the third party is an entity, field D2 must be space-filled.


Given name of third party (if the third party is an individual)


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, individual, enter the given name of the individual.
These fields require reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, field D3 must be space-filled.


Other name/initial of third party (if the third party is an individual)


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, individual, enter the middle initial or other name of the individual.
These fields require reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, field D4 must be space-filled.


Street address


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the civic address of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the town or city of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the country of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the province or state of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Postal/zip code


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the postal or zip code of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Individual's date of birth


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the individual's date of birth.
Date format YYYYMMDD.
Must be within the past 120 years, and cannot be a future date.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Individual's occupation


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the individual's occupation.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Individual's identifier


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the appropriate code to indicate the document used to identify the third party. 
If the selections provided do not cover the identifier used, indicate “Other” and provide details in field D12A.

Driver's licence
Birth certificate
Provincial health card
Record of Landing or Permanent residence card

This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Other description


Provide a description of “Other” as explained above. This field is required if code “E” is entered in field D12.

Total characters in Part D: 237 - If the client ordering the EFT was not acting on behalf of a third party, do not include Part D in the report for that transaction.

Part E – Information about the receiver of the EFT (i.e., the individual or entity that receives the payment instructions)
This part is for information about the individual or entity to which you are sending the payment instructions.

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Full name of receiver (if receiver is an entity)


If the receiver of the EFT payment instructions is an entity, enter the name of the entity.
Field E1 is mandatory if the receiver is an entity. If it is not included in the report, and there is no name entered in fields E2 and E3, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field E1 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the receiver is an individual, field E1 must be space-filled.


Surname of receiver (if the receiver is an individual)


If the receiver of the EFT payment instructions is an individual, enter the surname of the individual.
Field E2 is mandatory if the receiver is an individual. If it is not included in the report, and there is no entry in field E1, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field E2 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the receiver is an entity, field E2 must be space-filled.


Given name of receiver (if the receiver is an individual)


If the receiver of the EFT payment instructions is an individual, enter the given name of the individual.
Field E3 is mandatory if the receiver is an individual. If it is not included in the report, and there is no entry in field E1, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field E3 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the receiver is an entity, field E3 must be space-filled.


Other name/initial of receiver (if the receiver is an individual)


If the receiver of the EFT payment instructions is an individual, enter the middle initial or other name of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the receiver is an entity, field E4 must be space-filled.


Street address


Enter the civic address of the receiver of the EFT payment instructions.
This field is mandatory. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field E5 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.




Enter the town or city of the receiver of the EFT payment instructions.
This field is mandatory. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field E6 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.




Enter the country of the receiver of the EFT payment instructions.
This field is mandatory. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field E7 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.




Enter the province or state of the receiver of the EFT payment instructions.
This field is mandatory. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field E8 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.


Postal/zip code


Enter the postal or zip code of the receiver of the EFT payment instructions.
This field is mandatory. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field E9 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.

Total characters in Part E: 178 - Each EFTO must include Part E.

Part F – Information about the beneficiary client (i.e., individual or entity to whose benefit the payment is made)
This part is for information about the individual or entity to whose benefit the payment of the EFT was made (or will be made).

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Full name of beneficiary client (if beneficiary client is an entity)


If the beneficiary client is an entity, enter the name of the entity.
Field F1 is mandatory if the beneficiary client is an entity. If it is not included in the report, and there is no name entered in fields F2 and F3, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field F1 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the beneficiary client is an individual, field F1 must be space-filled.


Surname of beneficiary client (if beneficiary client is an individual)


If the beneficiary client is an individual, enter the surname of the individual.
Field F2 is mandatory if the beneficiary client is an individual. If it is not included in the report, and there is no entry in field F1, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field F2 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the beneficiary client is an entity, field F2 must be space-filled.


Given name of beneficiary client (if beneficiary client is an individual)


If the beneficiary client is an individual, enter the given name of the individual.
Fields F3 is mandatory if the beneficiary client is an individual. If it is not included in the report, and there is no entry in field F1, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field F3 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the beneficiary client is an entity, field F3 must be space-filled.


Other name/inital of beneficiary client (if beneficiary client is an individual)


If the beneficiary client is an individual, enter the middle initial or other name of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the beneficiary client is an entity, field F4 must be space-filled.


Street address


Enter the civic address of the beneficiary of the EFT payment.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




Enter the town or city of the beneficiary of the EFT payment.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




Enter the country of the beneficiary of the EFT payment.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




Enter the province or state of the beneficiary of the EFT payment.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Postal/zip code


Enter the postal or zip code of the beneficiary of the EFT payment.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Beneficiary client's telephone number


Enter the telephone number of the beneficiary client.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Individual's date of birth


If the beneficiary client is an individual, enter the individual's date of birth.
Must be within the past 120 years, and cannot be a future date.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the beneficiary client is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Individual's occupation


If the beneficiary client is an individual, enter the individual's occupation.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the beneficiary client is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Beneficiary client's account number


Enter the account number issued to the beneficiary client.
This field is mandatory if applicable. If there is no client account number, the field should be space-filled.


Individual's identifier


If the beneficiary client is an individual, enter the appropriate code to indicate the document used to identify the individual. If the selections provided do not cover the identifier used, indicate “Other” and provide details in field F14A.

Driver's licence
Birth certificate
Provincial health card
Record of Landing or Permanent residence card

This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the beneficiary client is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Other description


Provide a description of “Other” as explained above. This field is required if code “E” is entered in field F14.

Total characters in Part F: 287 - Each EFTO must include Part F.

Part G - Information about a third Party if the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party (if applicable)
This part is for information about any third party on whose behalf the EFT payment is made. If there is no third party related to the EFT payment, do not complete this part.

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Full name of third party (if the third party is an entity)


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party entity, enter the name of the entity.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an individual, field G1 must be space-filled.


Surname of third party (if the third party is an individual)


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the surname of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, field G2 must be space-filled.


Given name of third party (if the third party is an individual)


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the given name of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, field G3 must be space-filled.


Other name/initial of third party (if the third party is an individual)


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the middle initial or other name of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, field G4 must be space-filled.


Street Address


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the civic address of the third party. 
This field requires reasonable efforts.




If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the town or city of the third party. 
This field requires reasonable efforts.




If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the country of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the province or state of the third party.  This field requires reasonable efforts.


Postal/zip code


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the postal or zip code of the third party. 
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Individual's date of birth


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the individual's date of birth.
Must be within the past 120 years, and cannot be a future date.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Individual's occupation


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the individual's occupation.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Individual's identifier


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the appropriate code to indicate the document used to identify the individual.
If the selections provided do not cover the identifier used, indicate “Other” and provide details field G12A.

Driver's licence
Birth certificate
Provincial health card
Record of Landing or Permanent residence card

This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Other description


Provide a description of “Other” as explained above. This field is required if code “E” is entered in field G12.

Total characters in Part G: 237 - If the beneficiary client is not acting on behalf of a third party, do not include Part G in the report for that transaction. Detailed specification layout (format version 03) —Electronic Funds Transfer Report — Incoming (EFTI)

Part A – Transaction Information
This part is for information about when the EFT was sent.

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Report sequence number


Report sequence number within the preceding sub-header.


Reporting entity report reference number


A unique report reference number is required for each report submitted from the same reporting entity.
If you need to access this report in F2R, as explained in Section 3.4.2, your report reference number will be in a part called “General Information”. This additional part will also contain the contact information applicable to this report (from your batch header).


Action code


If you are submitting a new batch (batch type “A”), enter “A” to indicate there is no change or deletion as this is a new report.
If you are submitting a correction batch (batch type “C”), indicate whether this report is to be changed or deleted from a previously accepted batch.
To change a report, use the action code “C” and complete the rest of the report.
To delete a report, use the action code “D” and include the entire report being deleted.


Time of transaction


Enter the time that the electronic funds transfer was sent. Time format HHMMSS (space fill if unknown).
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Date of transaction


Enter the date of the electronic funds transfer transmission.
Date format YYYYMMDD
Date must be no earlier than the coming into force of March 31, 2003, for this report type. It cannot be a future date.
This field is mandatory. If it is not included, the report will be rejected


Amount of transaction


Enter the amount of incoming funds involved in the transaction, including two decimal places. 
This field is mandatory. If it is not included, the report will be rejected.


24-hour rule indicator


If a report is about an EFT of less than $10,000 that is one of two or more EFTs of less than $10,000 made within 24 consecutive hours of each other that total $10,000 or more, enter the 24-hour rule indicator of “1”. Each such EFT is submitted on a separate report.
If the transaction being reported is of $10,000 or more, enter “0”.This field is required. If it is not included, the report will be rejected.
If you need to access this report in F2R, as explained in Section 3.4.2, this information will be in the field above field 1 in Part A.


Transaction currency


Enter the currency of the funds involved in the incoming funds transferred. Refer to the currency code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's Web site.
This field is mandatory. If it is not included, the report will be rejected.  


Exchange rate

X(12)d RJZ

Enter the actual exchange rate applied to the transfer to convert the amount shown in fields A3 and A4 above to Canadian dollars, including a floating decimal place.
This field requires reasonable efforts.

Total characters in Part A: 73 - Each EFTI must include Part A.

Part B - Information about the client ordering the EFT
This part is for information about the individual or entity that ordered the EFT to be sent to you. If the individual or entity that ordered the EFT did so on someone else's behalf, you also have to complete Part D.

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Full name of ordering client (if client is an entity)


If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, enter the name of the entity.
Field B1 is mandatory if the client is an entity. If it is not included in the report, and there is no name entered in fields B2 and B3, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field B1 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field blank.
If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, field B1 must be space-filled.


Surname of ordering client (if client is an individual)


If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, enter the surname of the individual.
Field B2 is mandatory if the client is an individual. If it is not included in the report, and there is no entry in field B1, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is entered in field A3A and, because of this, information for field B2 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, field B2 must be space-filled.


Given name of ordering client (if client is an individual)


If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, enter the given name of the individual.
Field B3 is mandatory if the client is an individual. If it is not included in the report, and there is no entry in field B1, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is entered in field A3A and, because of this, information for field B3 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, field B3 must be space-filled.


Other name/initial of ordering client (if client is an individual)


If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, enter the middle initial or other name of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, field B4 must be space-filled.


Street Address


Enter the civic address of the client ordering the EFT. 
This field requires reasonable efforts.




Enter the town or city of the client ordering the EFT. 
This field requires reasonable efforts.




Enter the country of the client ordering the EFT. 
This field requires reasonable efforts.




Enter the province or state of the client ordering the EFT. 
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Postal/zip code


Enter the postal or zip code of the client ordering the EFT. 
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Client's telephone number


Enter the telephone number of the client ordering the EFT.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Individual's date of birth


If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, enter the individual's date of birth.
Date format YYYYMMDD.
Must be within the past 120 years, and cannot be a future date.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Individual's occupation


If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, enter the individual's occupation.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Client's account number


Enter the account number issued to the client ordering the EFT. This field is mandatory if applicable. If there is no client account number, the field should be space-filled.


Individual's identifier


If the client ordering the EFT is an individual, enter the appropriate code to indicate the document used to identify the individual. If the selections provided do not cover the identifier used, indicate “Other” and provide details in field B14A.

Driver's licence
Birth certificate
Provincial health card
Record of Landing or Permanent residence card

This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Other description


Provide a description of “Other” as explained above. This field is required if code “E” is entered in field B14.
Note: This field was renumbered from B14E to B14A.


ID number


Enter the number of the document described in field B14 or B14A that was used to identify the individual ordering the EFT.  This field requires reasonable efforts.
Note: A social insurance number (SIN) should not be provided in this field. If the identifier document described in field B14A is a SIN card, space-fill this field.
If the client ordering the EFT is an entity, this field must be space-filled.

Total characters in Part B: 307 - Each EFTI must include Part B.

Part C - Information about the sender of the EFT (i.e., the individual or entity that sends the payment instructions)
This part is for information about the individual or entity that sent you the payment instructions.

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Name of sender (if the sender is an entity)


If the sender of the payment instuctions is an entity, enter the name of the entity.
This field is mandatory if the sender is an entity. If it is not included in the report, and there is no name entered in fields C2 and C3, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field C1 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the sender is an individual, field C1 must be space-filled.


Surname of sender (if the sender is an individual)


If the sender of the payment instructions is an individual, enter the surname of the individual.
Fields C2 is mandatory if the sender is an individual. If it is not included in the report, and there is no entry in field C1, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for fields C2 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the sender is an entity, field C2 must be space-filled.


Given name of sender (if the sender is an individual)


If the sender of the payment instructions is an individual, enter the given name of the individual.
Fields C3 is mandatory if the sender is an individual. If it is not included in the report, and there is no entry in field C1, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field C3 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the sender is an entity, field C3 must be space-filled.


Other name/initial of sender (if the sender is an individual)


If the sender of the payment instructions is an individual, enter the middle initial or other name of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the sender is an entity, field C4 must be space-filled.


Street address


Enter the civic address of the sender of the EFT.
This field is mandatory. If it is not included, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field C5 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can leave this field blank (i.e., space-filled).




Enter the town or city of the sender of the EFT.
This field is mandatory. If it is not included, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field C6 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can leave this field blank (i.e., space-filled).




Enter the country of the sender of the EFT.
This field is mandatory. If it is not included, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field C7 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can leave this field blank (i.e., space-filled).




Enter the province or state of the sender of the EFT.
This field is mandatory. If it is not included, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field C8 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can leave this field blank (i.e., space-filled).


Postal/zip code


Enter the postal or zip code of the sender of the EFT.
This field is mandatory. If it is not included, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field C9 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can leave this field blank (i.e., space-filled).

Total characters in Part C: 178 - Each EFTI must include Part C.

Part D - Information about a third party if the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party (if applicable)
This part is for information about any third party on whose behalf the EFT was ordered. If there was no third party related to the EFT order, do not complete this part.

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Full name of third party (if the third party is an entity)


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party entity, enter the name of the entity.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an individual, field D1 must be space-filled.


Surname of third party (if the third party is an individual)


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, individual, enter the surname of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, field D2 must be space-filled.


Given name of third party (if the third party is an individual)


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, individual, enter the given name of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, field D3 must be space-filled.


Other name/initial of third party (if the third party is an individual)


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, individual, enter the middle initial or other name of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, field D4 must be space-filled.


Street address


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the civic address of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the town or city of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the country of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the province or state of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Postal/zip code


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the postal or zip code of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Individual's date of birth


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the individual's date of birth.
Date format YYYYMMDD.
Must be within the past 120 years, and cannot be a future date.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Individual's occupation


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the individual's occupation.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Individual's identifier


If the client ordering the EFT is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the appropriate code to indicate the document used to identify the individual. 
If the selections provided do not cover the identifier used, indicate “Other” and provide details in field D12A.

Driver's licence
Birth certificate
Provincial health card
Record of Landing or Permanent residence card

This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Other description


Provide a description of “Other” as explained above. This field is required if code “E” is entered in field D12.
Note: This field was renumbered from D12E to D12A.

Total characters in Part D: 237 - If the client ordering the EFT was not acting on behalf of a third party, do not include Part D in the report for that transaction.

Part E – Information about the receiver of the EFT (i.e., the individual that receives the payment instructions)
This part is for information about you, the reporting entity receiving the payment instructions.

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Reporting entity's identifier number


Enter your seven-digit identifier number assigned to you by FINTRAC at enrolment. For more information about this, contact your F2R administrator.
This field is mandatory. If it is invalid, the report will be rejected.
If you need to access this report in F2R, as explained in Section 3.4.2, your name will be displayed in Part E instead of your reporting entity identifier number.


Reporting entity's location number


This represents information about the full address of the person or entity receiving the payment instructions. Location numbers are assigned during the FINTRAC enrolment process and maintained by your F2R administrator. For more information about this, contact your F2R administrator.
For deposit taking institutions, this number is the branch portion of your transit number with leading zeroes. For example, the location number for branch 02831 of bank number 0004 would be 02831.
For other types of reporting entities, this number will be created and assigned to you by FINTRAC.
This field is mandatory. If it is invalid, the report will be rejected.
If you need to access this report in F2R, as explained in Section 3.4.2, the full address will be displayed in Part E along with your reporting entity location number.

Total characters in Part E: 24 - Each EFTI must include Part E.

Part F – Information about the beneficiary client (i.e., individual or entity to whose benefit the payment is made).
This part is for information about the individual or entity to whose benefit the payment of the EFT was made (or will be made).

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Full name of beneficiary client (if beneficiary client is an entity)


If the beneficiary client is an entity, enter the name of the entity.
Field F1 is mandatory if the beneficiary client is an entity. If it is not included in the report, and there is no name entered in fields F2 and F3, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field F1 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the beneficiary client is an individual, field F1 must be space-filled.


Surname of beneficiary client (if beneficiary client is an individual)


If the beneficiary client is an individual, enter the surname of the individual.
Fields F2 is mandatory if the beneficiary client is an individual. If it is not included in the report, and there is no entry in field F1, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field F2 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the beneficiary client is an entity, field F2 must be space-filled.


Given name of beneficiary client (if beneficiary client is an individual)


If the beneficiary client is an individual, enter the given name of the individual.
Fields F3 is mandatory if the beneficiary client is an individual. If it is not included in the report, and there is no entry in field F1, the report will be rejected. If the 24-hour rule indicator (“1”) is used in field A3A and, because of this, information for field F3 was not obtained at the time of the transaction (and is not available from your records), you can space-fill this field.
If the beneficiary client is an entity, field F3 must be space-filled.


Other name/initial of beneficiary client (if beneficiary client is an individual)


If the beneficiary client is an individual, enter the middle initial or other name of the individual.
Field F4 requires reasonable efforts.
If the beneficiary client is an entity, field F4 must be space-filled.


Street address


Enter the civic address of the beneficiary of the EFT payment.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




Enter the town or city of the beneficiary of the EFT payment.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




Enter the country of the beneficiary of the EFT payment.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




Enter the province or state of the beneficiary of the EFT payment.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Postal/zip code


Enter the postal or zip code of the beneficiary of the EFT payment.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Beneficiary client's telephone number


Enter the telephone number of the beneficiary client.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Individual's date of birth


If the beneficiary client is an individual, enter the individual's date of birth.
Must be within the past 120 years, and cannot be a future date.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the beneficiary client is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Individual's occupation


If the beneficiary client is an individual, enter the individual's occupation.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the beneficiary client is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Beneficiary client's account number


Enter the account number issued to the beneficiary client. This field is mandatory if applicable. If there is no client account number, the field should be space-filled.
Note: Field F13 was different in format version 01.


Individual's identifier


If the beneficiary client is an individual, enter the appropriate code to indicate the document used to identify the individual. If the selections provided do not cover the identifier used, indicate “Other” and provide details in field F14A.

Driver's licence
Birth certificate
Provincial health card
Record of Landing or Permanent residence card

This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the beneficiary client is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Other description


Provide a description of “Other” as explained above. This field is required if code “E” is entered in field F14.
Note: This field was renumbered from F14E to F14A.

Total characters in Part F: 287 - Each EFTI must include Part F.

Part G - Information about a third party if the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party (if applicable)
This part is for information about any third party on whose behalf the EFT payment is made. If there is no third party related to the EFT payment, do not complete this part.

Field No. Field Name Format Comment


Part ID




Full name of third party (if the third party is an entity)


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party entity, enter the name of the entity.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an individual, field G1 must be space-filled.


Surname of third party (if the third party is an individual)


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the surname of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, field G2 must be space-filled.


Given name of third party (if the third party is an individual)


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the given name of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, field G3 must be space-filled.


Other name/initial of third party (if the third party is an individual)


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the middle initial or other name of the individual.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, field G4 must be space-filled.


Street address


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the civic address of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the town or city of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the country of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.




If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the province or state of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Postal/zip code


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party, enter the postal or zip code of the third party.
This field requires reasonable efforts.


Individual's date of birth


If the beneficiary client is acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the individual's date of birth.
Must be within the past 120 years, and cannot be a future date.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Individual's occupation


If the beneficiary client was acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the individual's occupation.
This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, this field should be space-filled.


Individual's identifier


If the beneficiary client was acting on behalf of a third party individual, enter the appropriate code to identify the document used to identify the individual.
If the selections provided do not cover the identifier used, indicate “Other” and provide details in field G12A.

Driver's licence
Birth certificate
Provincial health card
Record of Landing or Permanent residence card

This field requires reasonable efforts.
If the third party is an entity, this field must be space-filled.


Other description


Provide a description of “Other” as explained above. This field is required if code “E” is entered in field G12.
Note: This field was renumbered from G12E to G12A.

Total characters in Part G: 237 - If the beneficiary client is not acting on behalf of a third party, do not include Part G in the report for that transaction.

5.3.3    EFTO and EFTI Structure Flowchart

EFTO and EFTI structure flowchart
Date Modified: