XML Batch Reporting Instructions and Specifications
November 29, 2010
Includes specifications for Casino Disbursement Reports (CDR)
On this page
- CDR Batch File Specifications
- 1.1 XML batch format version 1.0
- 1.2 Report layout
- 1.2.1 Report parts
- Schema Elements
- 2.1 File header elements
- 2.2 Information about the casino reporting the disbursement
- 2.3 Information about the transaction
- 2.4 Information about the individual who requested the disbursement
- 2.5 Information about the third party on whose behalf disbursement was received (if applicable)
- 2.6 Reason for disbursement
- 2.7 Method of disbursement
- 2.8 File trailer elements
- CDR Structure Flowchart
1. CDR Batch File Specifications
1.1 XML batch format version 1.0
The specifications for the casino disbursement report (CDR) are based on XML format version 1.0. This means that you will have to go through the acceptance procedure of test submissions to submit CDRs by batch. For more information on the acceptance procedure, see Module 1 of this specification document.
The details related to the technical specifications can be found in the rest of this module.
1.2 Report layout
The following specifications outline the format for CDR included in a batch, based on XML batch file report format version 1.0.
The layout for each CDR batch will be as follows:
ReportSubmissionFileHeader | Header |
CasinoDisbursementReport | First report |
CasinoDisbursementReport | Second report |
... (for each report contained in the file) ... | etc. |
ReportSubmissionFileTrailer | Trailer |
1.2.1 Report parts
Any part of a report that is not applicable should not be included. However, all fields in each applicable part must be included, unless you are deleting a report (as explained in subsection 3.3 of Module 1). For additional information about each field in a CDR, refer to Guideline 10A: Submitting Casino Disbursement Reports to FINTRAC Electronically.
A CDR should only contain one disbursement unless it is about two or more disbursements of less than $10,000 made within 24 consecutive hours of each other that total $10,000 or more.
The entire file will be rejected if any of the file specifications are not met.
2 Schema Elements
The CDR XML schema is illustrated in the following diagram:
2.1 File header elements
The batch header contains information identifying the individual or institution transmitting the file. There can be only one batch header for each transmitted file. The following elements are required in the batch header.
?xml (XML declaration)
Definition: | This is the top level XML declaration which specifies the version of XML being used. |
Attributes: | version: |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
Remarks: | This declaration is required to be alone on the first line of the file. The version number and encoding are fixed to the version of the schema. |
CasinoDisbursementReportXmlFile (Root element)
Definition: | This is the container for the following batch file contents: |
Attributes: | ModelVersionNumber |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoDisbursementReportXmlFile ModelVersionNumber="1.0"> … |
Remarks: | This element indicates the start and end of the XML file. |
ReportSubmissionFileHeader (Batch header)
Definition: | This is the container for information related to the individual or institution transmitting the file. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <ReportSubmissionFileHeader> <SubmitOrganizationNumber>9999999</SubmitOrganizationNumber> <ExternalFileName>20091010_1101112_CDR.xml</ExternalFileName> <ReportTypeCode>13</ReportTypeCode> <OperationModeCode>2</OperationModeCode> <PkiCertificateNumber>1211379999</PkiCertificateNumber> </ReportSubmissionFileHeader> |
Remarks: | This element uniquely identifies the XML batch file submitted to FINTRAC and contains information that will be used as a reference in the acknowledgement message returned to the individual or institution transmitting the file. |
SubmitOrganizationNumber (Organization's identifier number)
Definition: | This is the identifier number assigned to the individual or institution transmitting the file by FINTRAC during organization set up or enrolment. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <SubmitOrganizationNumber>9999999</SubmitOrganizationNumber> |
Remarks: |
ExternalFileName (Batch file name)
Definition: | This is an identifier generated by the individual or institution transmitting the file that uniquely identifies each batch submitted. It will be used as a reference in the acknowledgement message returned to the individual or institution transmitting the file. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <ExternalFileName>20091010_1101112_CDR.xml
</ExternalFileName> |
Remarks: | Names should not contain spaces or dashes. |
ReportTypeCode (Report type)
Definition: | This is the code used to identify the type of report. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <ReportTypeCode>13</ReportTypeCode> |
Remarks: | Code: |
OperationModeCode (Operational mode)
Definition: | This is the code used to identify which transmission channel is being used to submit the file. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <OperationModeCode>2</OperationModeCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
PKICertificateNumber (PKI certificate ID)
Definition: | This is the PKI certificate identifier number assigned to the individual or institution transmitting the file by FINTRAC. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <PkiCertificateNumber>1211379999</PkiCertificateNumber> |
Remarks: |
2.2 Information about the casino reporting the disbursement
CasinoDisbursementReport (Casino Disbursement Report)
Definition: | This is the container for the individual report's contents. |
Attributes: | CasinoDisbursementReportSequenceNumber ActionCode: 1 ¦ 2 ¦ 5 Codes: |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoDisbursementReport CasinoDisbursementReportSequenceNumber="1" ActionCode="1"> …
</CasinoDisbursementReport> |
Remarks: |
ReportHeader (Part A)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the casino required to report the disbursement to FINTRAC. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <ReportHeader> <OrganizationNumber>9999999</OrganizationNumber> <OrganizationReportReferenceIdentifier>Report01 </OrganizationReportReferenceIdentifier> <TwentyFourHourRuleCode>0</TwentyFourHourRuleCode> <ReportContactInformation> <IndividualName> <Surname>Doe</Surname> <GivenName>John</GivenName> <MiddleName>E</MiddleName> </IndividualName> <BusinessTelephone> <TelephoneNumber>905-999-9999</TelephoneNumber> <TelephoneExtensionNumber>912</TelephoneExtensionNumber> </BusinessTelephone> </ReportContactInformation> <ExternalLocationIdentifier>999999999</ExternalLocationIdentifier> </ReportHeader> |
Remarks: |
A2 OrganizationNumber* (Reporting entity's identifier number*)
Definition: | This is the identifier number assigned to the casino by FINTRAC at enrolment. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <OrganizationNumber>9999999</OrganizationNumber> |
Remarks: | This element cannot be empty. |
A3 OrganizationReportReferenceIdentifier
(Reporting entity report reference number)
Definition: | This is a unique report reference number assigned by the casino or the individual or institution transmitting the file for each report submitted by or for the same casino. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <OrganizationReportReferenceIdentifier>Report01 |
Remarks: | This element cannot be empty. |
A1 TwentyFourHourRuleCode (24-hour-rule indicator)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate that the report is about a disbursement that is part of a group of two or more disbursements of less than $10,000 each made within 24 consecutive hours of each other that total $10,000 or more. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <TwentyFourHourRuleCode>0</TwentyFourHourRuleCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: Complete a distinct CasinoTransaction, with all the other applicable parts, for each disbursement of the 24-hour rule group. This element cannot be empty. |
(Whom can FINTRAC contact about this report?)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the individual FINTRAC can contact for clarification about this report. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <ReportContactInformation> <IndividualName> <Surname>Doe</Surname> <GivenName>John</GivenName> <MiddleName>E</MiddleName> </IndividualName> <BusinessTelephone> <TelephoneNumber>905-999-9999</TelephoneNumber> <TelephoneExtensionNumber>912</TelephoneExtensionNumber> </BusinessTelephone> </ReportContactInformation> |
Remarks: | This element cannot be empty. |
IndividualName (Contact name)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the name of the individual FINTRAC can contact for clarification about this report. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IndividualName> <Surname>Doe</Surname> <GivenName>John</GivenName> <MiddleName>E</MiddleName> </IndividualName> |
Remarks: | This element cannot be empty. |
A4 Surname* (Contact surname*)
Definition: | This is the surname of the individual FINTRAC can contact for clarification about this report. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Surname>Doe</Surname> |
Remarks: | This element cannot be empty. |
A5 GivenName* (Contact given name*)
Definition: | This is the given name of the individual FINTRAC can contact for clarification about this report. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <GivenName>John</GivenName> |
Remarks: | This element cannot be empty. |
A6 MiddleName (Contact other/initial)
Definition: | This is any other name or initial of the individual FINTRAC can contact for clarification about this report. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <MiddleName>E</MiddleName> |
Remarks: |
BusinessTelephone (Business telephone number)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the business telephone number of the individual FINTRAC can contact for clarification about this report. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <BusinessTelephone> <TelephoneNumber>905-999-9999</TelephoneNumber> <TelephoneExtensionNumber>912</TelephoneExtensionNumber> </BusinessTelephone> |
Remarks: |
A7 TelephoneNumber* (Contact telephone number*)
Definition: | This is the telephone number of the individual FINTRAC can contact for clarification about this report. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <TelephoneNumber>905-999-9999</TelephoneNumber> |
Remarks: | This element cannot be empty. |
A8 TelephoneExtensionNumber (Contact telephone extension number)
Definition: | This is the telephone extension number. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <TelephoneExtensionNumber>912</TelephoneExtensionNumber> |
Remarks: |
ExternalLocationIdentifier (Reporting entity location number)
Definition: | This is the number that identifies the location where the disbursement took place. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <ExternalLocationIdentifier>999999999</ExternalLocationIdentifier> |
Remarks: |
2.3 Information about the transaction
CasinoTransaction (Transaction)
Definition: | This is the container for the individual report's transactions. |
Attributes: | CasinoTransactionSequenceNumber |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoTransaction
CasinoTransactionSequenceNumber="250"> ….</CasinoTransaction> |
Remarks: |
CasinoTransactionDetail (Part B)
Definition: | This is the container for information about where the transaction took place, as well as how and when it was conducted. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoTransactionDetail> <ExternalLocationIdentifier>999999999</ExternalLocationIdentifier> <TransactionConductMethodCode>7</TransactionConductMethodCode> <TransactionConductOtherMethodDescriptionText>Other </TransactionConductOtherMethodDescriptionText> <TransactionDate>20091010</TransactionDate> <TransactionTime>111200</TransactionTime> </CasinoTransactionDetail> |
Remarks: |
B1 ExternalLocationIdentifier* (Reporting entity location number*)
Definition: | This is the number that identifies the location where the transaction took place. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <ExternalLocationIdentifier>999999999</ExternalLocationIdentifier> |
Remarks: | This element cannot be empty. |
B2 TransactionConductMethodCode*
(How the transaction was conducted*)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate how the transaction was conducted. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <TransactionConductMethodCode>7</TransactionConductMethodCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: This element cannot be empty. |
B3 TransactionConductMethodOtherDescriptionText
(Other description field)
Definition: | This is the description of "Other". |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <TransactionConductOtherMethodDescriptionText>Other |
Remarks: | This element is required if TransactionConductMethodCode = |
B4 TransactionDate* (Date of transaction*)
Definition: | This is the date when the transaction occurred. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <TransactionDate>20091010</TransactionDate> |
Remarks: | This element cannot be empty. |
B5 TransactionTime (Time of transaction)
Definition: | This is the time when the transaction occurred. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <TransactionTime>111200</TransactionTime> |
Remarks: |
2.4 Information about the individual who requested the disbursement
DisbursementRequestor (Part C)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <DisbursementRequestor> … </DisbursementRequestor> |
Remarks: |
C1 ClientIdentifierAssignCode
(Is there a client number assigned by the reporting casino for this individual?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate if a client number has been assigned by the casino to the individual initiating the transaction. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <ClientIdentifierAssignCode>1</ClientIdentifierAssignCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
C2 ClientIdentifier (Casino identifier number)
Definition: | This is the number assigned to the client by the reporting casino. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <ClientIdentifier>12345</ClientIdentifier> |
Remarks: | This element must contain data if ClientIdentifierAssignCode = |
(Information about the individual who requested the disbursement)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IndividualInformation> …</IndividualInformation> |
Remarks: |
IndividualName (Individual's full name)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the name of the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IndividualName> <Surname>Smith</Surname> <GivenName>Jane</GivenName> <MiddleName></MiddleName> </IndividualName> |
Remarks: |
C3 Surname* (Individual's surname*)
Definition: | This if the surname of the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Surname>Smith</Surname> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C4 GivenName* (Individual's given name*)
Definition: | This is the given name of the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <GivenName>Jane</GivenName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C5 MiddleName (Individual's other name/initial)
Definition: | The other name or initial of the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <MiddleName></MiddleName> |
Remarks: |
Address (Individual's full address)
Definition: | This is the container for the address information of the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Address> <StreetAddressText>123 Main Street</StreetAddressText> <CityName>Toronto</CityName> <AlphaProvinceStateCode>ON</AlphaProvinceStateCode> <PostalZipCode>M3M3M3</PostalZipCode> <AlphaCountryCode>CA</AlphaCountryCode> </Address> |
Remarks: |
C6 StreetAddressText* (Street address*)
Definition: | This is the street address. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <StreetAddressText>123 Main Street</StreetAddressText> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C7 CityName* (City*)
Definition: | This is the official municipality name. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CityName>Toronto</CityName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C9 AlphaProvinceStateCode* (Province or state*)
Definition: | This is the province or state code. Refer to the relevant code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website for provinces and territories of Canada or states of the United States or Mexico. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaProvinceStateCode>ON</AlphaProvinceStateCode> |
Remarks: | This element is required if AlphaCountryCode = This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C9 ProvinceStateName* (Province or state*)
Definition: | This is the province or state name. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <ProvinceStateName>Sussex</IProvinceStateName> |
Remarks: |
C10 PostalZipCode* (Postal or zip code*)
Definition: | This is the postal or zip code. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <PostalZipCode>M3M3M3</PostalZipCode> |
Remarks: | This element is required if AlphaCountryCode = This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C8 AlphaCountryCode* (Country*)
Definition: | This is the country code. Refer to the country code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaCountryCode>CA</AlphaCountryCode> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C11 HomeTelephoneNumber (Home telephone number)
Definition: | This is the home telephone number of the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <HomeTelephoneNumber>905-999-9999</HomeTelephoneNumber> |
Remarks: |
BusinessTelephone (Business telephone number)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the business telephone number of the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <BusinessTelephone> <TelephoneNumber>905-999-9999</TelephoneNumber> <TelephoneExtensionNumber>912</TelephoneExtensionNumber> </BusinessTelephone> |
Remarks: |
C12 TelephoneNumber (Business telephone number)
Definition: | This is the business telephone number of the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <TelephoneNumber>905-999-9999</TelephoneNumber> |
Remarks: |
C13 TelephoneExtensionNumber (Business telephone extension number)
Definition: | This is the business telephone extension number. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <TelephoneExtensionNumber>912</TelephoneExtensionNumber> |
Remarks: |
C14 BirthDate* (Individual's date of birth*)
Definition: | This is the date of birth of the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <BirthDate>19701212</BirthDate> |
Remarks: | Must be later than 1900 and cannot be a future date. This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C15 AlphaResidenceCountryCode (Country of residence)
Definition: | This is the country of residence for the individual who requested the disbursement. Refer to the country code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaResidenceCountryCode>CA</AlphaResidenceCountryCode> |
Remarks: |
IndividualIdentification (Individual's identifier)
Definition: | This is the container for the information related to the document used to identify the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <IndividualIdentification> <IdentificationTypeCode>3</IdentificationTypeCode> <IdentificationOtherTypeDescriptionText>Service New Brunswick Card</IdentificationOtherTypeDescriptionText> <IdentificationIdentifier>UT12345</IdentificationIdentifier> <AlphaIssueCountryCode>CA</AlphaIssueCountryCode> <AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode>ON</AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode> </IndividualIdentification> |
Remarks: | This element is required for DisbursementRequestor |
C16 IdentificationTypeCode* (Individual's identifier (ID) type*)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate the type of document used to identify the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IdentificationTypeCode>3</IdentificationTypeCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C17 IdentificationOtherTypeDescription (Other description field)
Definition: | This is the description of "Other". |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <IdentificationOtherTypeDescriptionText>Service New
Brunswick Card</IdentificationOtherTypeDescriptionText> |
Remarks: | This element is required if IdentificationTypeCode = This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C18 IdentificationIdentifier* (ID number*)
Definition: | This is the number of the ID described by the IdentificationTypeCode or IdentificationOtherTypeDescription elements. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IdentificationIdentifier>UT12345</IdentificationIdentifier> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = except when IdentificationTypeCode= |
C19 AlphaIssueCountryCode*
(Place of issue of individual's identifier-Country*)
Definition: | This is the country of issue of the document used to identify the individual who requested the disbursement. Refer to the country code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaIssueCountryCode>CA</AlphaIssueCountryCode> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C20 AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode*
(Place of issue of individual's identifier--Province or state*)
Definition: | This is the province or state code. Refer to the relevant code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website for provinces and territories of Canada or states of the United States or Mexico. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode>ON</AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode> |
Remarks: | This element is required if AlphaIssueCountryCode = This element is required if IdentificationTypeCode= The report will be rejected if IdentificationTypeCode= This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C20 IssueProvinceStateName*
IndividualInformation(Place of issue of individual's identifier--Province or state*)
Definition: | This is the province or state name. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <IssueProvinceStateName>Sussex</IssueProvinceStateName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
C21 IndividualOccupationDescriptionText* (Individual's occupation*)
Definition: | This is the occupation of the individual who requested the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <IndividualOccupationDescriptionText>Student |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
2.5 Information about the third party on whose behalf disbursement was received (if applicable)
OnBehalfOfInformation (Third party information)
Definition: | This is the container for the information related to the third party on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <OnBehalfOfInformation> … </OnBehalfOfInformation> |
Remarks: |
C22 OnBehalfOfCode (On behalf of indicator)
Definition: | This code is used to indicate whether the individual who received the disbursement did so on anyone else's behalf. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <OnBehalfOfCode>1</OnBehalfOfCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
OnBehalfOfIndividual (Part E)
Definition: | This is the container to hold the information about the third party individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <OnBehalfOfIndividual> … </OnBehalfOfIndividual> |
Remarks: | This element is required if OnBehalfOfCode = |
(Information about the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IndividualInformation> … </IndividualInformation> |
Remarks: |
IndividualName (Individual's full name)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the name of the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IndividualName> <Surname>Jones</Surname> <GivenName>Robert</GivenName> <MiddleName>B</MiddleName> </IndividualName> |
Remarks: |
E1 Surname* (Individual's surname*)
Definition: | This is the surname of the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Surname>Jones</Surname> |
Remarks: |
E2 GivenName* (Individual's given name*)
Definition: | This is the given name of the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <GivenName>Robert</GivenName> |
Remarks: |
E3 MiddleName (Individual's other name/initial)
Definition: | This is any other name or initial of the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <MiddleName>B</MiddleName> |
Remarks: |
Address (Individual's full address)
Definition: | This is the container for the address information of the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Address> <StreetAddressText>234 rue Principale</StreetAddressText> <CityName>Montréal</CityName> <AlphaProvinceStateCode>QC</AlphaProvinceStateCode> <PostalZipCode>H3H3H3</PostalZipCode> <AlphaCountryCode>CA</AlphaCountryCode> </Address> |
Remarks: |
E4 StreetAddressText* (Street address*)
Definition: | This is the street address. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <StreetAddressText>234 rue Principale</StreetAddressText> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
E5 CityName* (City*)
Definition: | This is the official municipality name. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CityName>Montréal</CityName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
E7 AlphaProvinceStateCode* (Province or state*)
Definition: | This is the province or state code. Refer to the relevant code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website for provinces and territories of Canada or states of the United States or Mexico. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaProvinceStateCode>QC</AlphaProvinceStateCode> |
Remarks: | This element is required if AlphaCountryCode = This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
E7 ProvinceStateName* (Province or state*)
Definition: | This is the province or state name. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <ProvinceStateName>Sussex</ProvinceStateName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
E8 PostalZipCode* (Postal or zip code*)
Definition: | This is the postal or zip code. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <PostalZipCode>H3H3H3</PostalZipCode> |
Remarks: | This element is required if AlphaCountryCode = This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
E6 AlphaCountryCode* (Country)
Definition: | This is the country code. Refer to the country code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaCountryCode>CA</AlphaCountryCode> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
E9 HomeTelephoneNumber (Home telephone number)
Definition: | This is the home telephone number of the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <HomeTelephoneNumber>514-999-9999</HomeTelephoneNumber> |
Remarks: |
BusinessTelephone (Business telephone number)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the business telephone number of the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | <BusinessTelephone> <TelephoneNumber>514-999-9999</TelephoneNumber> <TelephoneExtensionNumber>912</TelephoneExtensionNumber> </BusinessTelephone> |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | |
Remarks: |
E10 TelephoneNumber (Business telephone number)
Definition: | This is the business telephone number of the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <TelephoneNumber>514-999-9999</TelephoneNumber> |
Remarks: |
E11 TelephoneExtensionNumber (Business telephone extension number)
Definition: | This is the business telephone extension number of the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <TelephoneExtensionNumber>912</TelephoneExtensionNumber> |
Remarks: |
E12 BirthDate (Individual's date of birth)
Definition: | This is the birth date of the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <BirthDate>19720505</BirthDate> |
Remarks: | Must be later than 1900 and cannot be a future date. |
E13 AlphaResidenceCountryCode (Country of residence)
Definition: | This is the country of residence for the individual. Refer to the country code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaResidenceCountryCode>CA</AlphaResidenceCountryCode> |
Remarks: |
IndividualIdentification (Individual's identifier)
Definition: | This is the container for the information about the document used to identify the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <IndividualIdentification> <IdentificationTypeCode>27</IdentificationTypeCode> <IdentificationOtherTypeDescriptionText> </IdentificationOtherTypeDescriptionText> <IdentificationIdentifier> </IdentificationIdentifier> <AlphaIssueCountryCode>CA</AlphaIssueCountryCode> <AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode></AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode> </IndividualIdentification> |
Remarks: |
E14 IdentificationTypeCode (Individual's identifier (ID) type)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate the type of document used to identify the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IdentificationTypeCode>27</IdentificationTypeCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
E15 IdentificationOtherTypeDescription (Other description field)
Definition: | This is the description of "Other". |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <IdentificationOtherTypeDescriptionText>Service New
Brunswick Card</IdentificationOtherTypeDescriptionText> |
Remarks: | This element is required if IdentificationTypeCode = |
E16 IdentificationIdentifier (ID number)
Definition: | This is the number of the ID described by the IdentificationTypeCode or IdentificationOtherTypeDescription elements. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IdentificationIdentifier></IdentificationIdentifier> |
Remarks: | This element must be empty if IdentificationTypeCode= |
E17 AlphaIssueCountryCode
(Place of issue of individual's identifier-Country)
Definition: | This is the country of issue of the document used to identify the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. Refer to the country code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaIssueCountryCode>CA</AlphaIssueCountryCode> |
Remarks: |
E18 AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode
(Place of issue of individual's identifier--Province or state)
Definition: | This is the province or state code. Refer to the relevant code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website for provinces and territories of Canada or states of the United States or Mexico. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode></AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode> |
Remarks: | This element is required if AlphaIssueCountryCode = This element is required if IdentificationTypeCode= The file will be rejected if IdentificationTypeCode= |
E18 IssueProvinceStateName
(Place of issue of individual's identifier--Province or state)
Definition: | This is the province or state name. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <IssueProvinceStateName>Sussex</IssueProvinceStateName> |
Remarks: |
E19 IndividualOccupationDescriptionText (Individual's occupation)
Definition: | This is the occupation of the individual on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <IndividualOccupationDescriptionText>Waiter |
Remarks: |
E20 RelationshipTypeCode (Relationship)
Definition: | This is the relationship of the individual named in the DisbursementRequestor element to the individual named in the OnBehalfOfIndividual element. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <RelationshipTypeCode>7</RelationshipTypeCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
E21 RealtionshipOtherTypeDescriptionText (Other description field)
Definition: | This is the description of "Other". |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <RelationshipOtherTypeDescriptionText>Neighbour |
Remarks: | This element is required if RelationshipTypeCode = |
OnBehalfOfBusinessEntity (Part D)
Definition: | This is the container for the information about the entity on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <OnBehalfOfBusinessEntity> … </OnBehalfOfBusinessEntity> |
Remarks: | This element is required if OnBehalfOfCode= |
D1 BusinessEntityName* (Full name of entity*)
Definition: | This is the full name of the business, corporation, trust or other entity. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <BusinessEntityName>Cleansweep Inc</BusinessEntityName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
D2 BusinessTypeDescriptionText* (Type of business*)
Definition: | This is the description of the type of business. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <BusinessTypeDescriptionText>Residential
cleaners</BusinessTypeDescriptionText> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
Address (Entity's full address)
Definition: | This is the container for the address information for the entity on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Address> <StreetAddressText>345 Huron Ave</StreetAddressText> <CityName>Winnipeg</CityName> <AlphaProvinceStateCode>MB</AlphaProvinceStateCode> <PostalZipCode>R3R3R3</PostalZipCode> <AlphaCountryCode>CA</AlphaCountryCode> </Address> |
Remarks: |
D3 StreetAddressText* (Street address*)
Definition: | This is the street address. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <StreetAddressText>345 Huron Ave</StreetAddressText> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
D4 CityName* (City*)
Definition: | This is the official municipality name. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CityName>Winnipeg</CityName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
D6 AlphaProvinceStateCode* (Province or state*)
Definition: | This is the province or state code. Refer to the relevant code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website for provinces and territories of Canada or states of the United States or Mexi co. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaProvinceStateCode>MB</AlphaProvinceStateCode> |
Remarks: | This element is required if AlphaCountryCode= This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
D6 ProvinceStateName* (Province or state*)
Definition: | This is the province or stat name. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <ProvinceStateName>Sussex</ProvinceStateName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
D7 PostalCode* (Postal or zip code*)
Definition: | This is the postal or zip code. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <PostalZipCode>R3R3R3</PostalZipCode> |
Remarks: | This element is required if AlphaCountryCode= This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
D5 AlphaCountryCode* (AlphaCountryCode*)
Definition: | This is the country code. Refer to the country code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaCountryCode>CA</AlphaCountryCode> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
BusinessTelephone (Business telephone number)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the business telephone number of the entity on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <BusinessTelephone> <TelephoneNumber>204-999-9999</TelephoneNumber> <TelephoneExtensionNumber>912</TelephoneExtensionNumber> </BusinessTelephone> |
Remarks: |
D8 TelephoneNumber (Business telephone number)
Definition: | This is the business telephone number of the entity on whose behalf the disbursement was received. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <TelephoneNumber>204-999-9999</TelephoneNumber> |
Remarks: |
D9 TelephoneExtensionNumber (Business telephone extension number)
Definition: | This is the business telephone extension number. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <TelephoneExtensionNumber>912</TelephoneExtensionNumber> |
Remarks: |
BusinessEntityIncorporationInformation (Incorporation Information)
Definition: | This is the container for incorporation information. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <BusinessEntityIncorporationInformation> <BusinessEntityIncorporationCode>1</BusinessEntityIncorporationCode> <IncorporationInformation> <IncorporationIdentifier>MB12345</IncorporationIdentifier> <AlphaIssueCountryCode>CA</AlphaIssueCountryCode> <AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode>MB</AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode> </IncorporationInformation> </BusinessEntityIncorporationInformation> |
Remarks: |
D10 BusinessEntityIncorporationCode (Is the entity a corporation?)
Definition: | This is the code to indicate whether or not the entity is a corporation. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <BusinessEntityIncorporationCode>1</BusinessEntityIncorporationCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
IncorporationInformation (Incorporation information)
Definition: | This is the container for the incorporation information if the entity is a corporation. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <IncorporationInformation> <IncorporationIdentifier>MB12345</IncorporationIdentifier> <AlphaIssueCountryCode></AlphaIssueCountryCode> <AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode>MB</AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode> </IncorporationInformation> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if BusinessEntityIncorporationCode = |
D11 IncorporationIdentifier* (Incorporation number*)
Definition: | This is the incorporation number for the entity. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IncorporationIdentifier>MB12345</IncorporationIdentifier> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
D12 AlphaIssueCountryCode* (Place of issue of incorporation-Country*)
Definition: | This is the country code. Refer to the country code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaIssueCountryCode></AlphaIssueCountryCode> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
D13 AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode*
(Place of issue of incorporation--Province or state*)
Definition: | This is the province or state code. Refer to the relevant code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website for provinces and territories of Canada or states of the United States or Mexico. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode>MB</AlphaIssueProvinceStateCode> |
Remarks: | This element is required if AlphaIssueCountryCode = This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
D13 AlphaIssueProvinceStateName*
(Place of issue of incorporation--Province or state*)
Definition: | The province or state name. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <IssueProvinceStateName>Sussex</IssueProvinceStateName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
(Individual(s) authorized to bind the entity or act with respect to the casino account)
Definition: | This is the container that holds the information about individuals authorized to bind the entity or act with respect to the casino account. |
Attributes: | AuthorizeIndividualSequenceNumber |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <AuthorizeIndividual AuthorizeIndividualSequenceNumber="1"> <Surname>Belliveau</Surname> <GivenName>Jean</GivenName> <MiddleName>Paul</MiddleName> </AuthorizeIndividual> |
Remarks: |
D14 Surname (Individual's surname)
Definition: | This is the surname of the individual authorized to bind the entity or act with respect to the casino account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Surname>Belliveau</Surname> |
Remarks: |
D15 GivenName (Individual's given name)
Definition: | This is the given name of the individual authorized to bind the entity or act with respect to the casino account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <GivenName>Jean</GivenName> |
Remarks: |
D16 MiddleName (Individual's other name/initial)
Definition: | This is any other name or initial of the individual authorized to bind the entity or act with respect to the casino account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <MiddleName>Paul</MiddleName> |
Remarks: |
2.6 Reason for disbursement
If you are including more than one transaction in this report under the 24-hour rule, you have to complete Part F1 for each transaction included in the report.
DisbursementReasonInformation (Part F1)
Definition: | This is the container for information about why the disbursement was requested. |
Attributes: | DisbursementReasonInformationSequenceNumber |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <DisbursementReasonInformation
DisbursementReasonInformationSequenceNumber="1"> …
</DisbursementReasonInformation> |
Remarks: |
(Information about why the disbursement was requested)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the reason for disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <DisbursementReasonDetail> <DisbursementReasonCode>2</DisbursementReasonCode> <Amount>25000.00</Amount> <AlphaCurrencyCode>CDN</AlphaCurrencyCode> </DisbursementReasonDetail> |
Remarks: |
F1.1 DisbursementReasonCode* (Reason for disbursement*)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate the reason for the disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <DisbursementReasonCode>2</DisbursementReasonCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
F1.2 DisbursementAdvanceOnCreditOtherReasonDescriptionText
(Other description field)
Definition: | This is the description of "Other" for the advance on credit reason. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <DisbursementAdvanceOnCreditOtherReasonDescriptionText>Something else
</DisbursementAdvanceOnCreditOtherReasonDescriptionText> |
Remarks: | This element is required if DisbursementReasonCode = |
F1.3 Amount* (Amount*)
Definition: | This is the amount requested for each reason for disbursement, including two decimal places. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Amount>25000.00</Amount> |
Remarks: |
F1.4 AlphaCurrencyCode* (Currency Code*)
Definition: | This is the type of currency for each amount associated to a reason for disbursement. Refer to the currency code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
This Example: | <AlphaCurrencyCode>CAD</AlphaCurrencyCode> |
Remarks: |
CasinoAccountInformation (Casino account information)
Definition: | This is the container for information about a casino account involved in the reason for disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoAccountInformation> … </CasinoAccountInformation> |
Remarks: |
F1.5 CasinoAccountInvolveCode
(Did the reason for disbursement involve a casino account?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether or not a casino account was involved in the reason for disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoAccountInvolveCode>1</CasinoAccountInvolveCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
CasinoAccount (Part G)
Definition: | This is the container for the information related to the casino account held at the casino where the disbursement took place. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <CasinoAccount> <CasinoIdentifierAssignCode>1</CasinoIdentifierAssignCode> <CasinoIdentifier>BB12345</CasinoIdentifier> <AccountIdentifier>34567</AccountIdentifier> <CasinoAccountTypeCode>2</CasinoAccountTypeCode> <AlphaCurrencyCode>CAD</AlphaCurrencyCode> <AccountHolderTypeCode>1</AccountHolderTypeCode> <IndividualAccountHolderName IndividualAccountHolderNameSequenceNumber="1"> <Surname>Ngo</Surname> <GivenName>Robert</GivenName> <MiddleName>S</MiddleName> </IndividualAccountHolderName> </CasinoAccount> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if CasinoAccountInvolveCode = |
G1 CasinoIdentifierAssignCode
(Is there an identifier number for the casino where the account is held?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether or not a casino identifier number exists. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoIdentifierAssignCode>1</CasinoIdentifierAssignCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
G2 CasinoIdentifier* (Casino identifier number where the account is held*)
Definition: | This is the casino identifier number. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoIdentifier> BB12345</CasinoIdentifier> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if CasinoIdentifierAssignCode = |
G3 AccountIdentifier* (Account number*)
Definition: | This is the number of the relevant casino account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AccountIdentifier>34567</AccountIdentifier> |
Remarks: |
G4 CasinoAccountTypeCode* (Type of account*)
Definition: | This is the type of casino account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoAccountTypeCode>2</CasinoAccountTypeCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
G5 CasinoAccountOtherTypeDescriptionText (Other description field)
Definition: | This is the description of "Other". |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <CasinoAccountOtherTypeDescriptionText>Something
else</CasinoAccountOtherTypeDescriptionText> |
Remarks: | This element is required if CasinoAccountTypeCode = |
G6 AlphaCurrencyCode* (Currency Code*)
Definition: | This is the type of currency for the casino account associated to the reason for disbursement. Refer to the currency code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaCurrencyCode>CAD</AlphaCurrencyCode> |
Remarks: |
G7 AccountHolderTypeCodes
(Is this account held by one or more individuals or an entity?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether the account holder is an individual or an entity. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AccountHolderTypeCode>1</AccountHolderTypeCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
IndividualAccountHolderName (Individual account holder's name)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the individual holding the casino account. |
Attributes: | IndividualAccountHolderNameSequenceNumber |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IndividualAccountHolderName IndividualAccountHolderNameSequenceNumber="1"> <Surname>Ngo</Surname> <GivenName>Robert</GivenName> <MiddleName>S</MiddleName> </IndividualAccountHolderName> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if AccountHolderTypeCode = |
G8 Surname* (Account holder's surname*)
Definition: | This is the surname of the casino account holder. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Surname>Ngo</Surname> |
Remarks: |
G9 GivenName* (Account holder's given name*)
Definition: | This is the given name of the casino account holder. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <GivenName>Robert</GivenName> |
Remarks: |
G10 MiddleName (Account holder's other name/initial)
Definition: | This is any other name or initial of the casino account holder. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <MiddleName>S</MiddleName> |
Remarks: |
G11 BusinessEntityAccountHolderName* (Full name of entity*)
Definition: | This is the full name of the business, corporation, trust or other entity holding the casino account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <BusinessEntityAccountHolderName>Cleansweep
Inc</BusinessEntityAccountHolderName> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if AccountHolderTypeCode = |
OtherIndividualInformation (Information about another individual)
Definition: | This is the container for information about another individual associated to the reason for disbursement, other than an individual named in DisbursementRequestor or OnBehalfOfIndividual elements. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <OtherIndividualInformation> <AssociateOtherIndividualCode>1</AssociateOtherIndividualCode> <OtherIndividual OtherIndividualSequenceNumber="1"> <IndividualName> <Surname>Joli</Surname> <GivenName>Trey</GivenName> <MiddleName>S</MiddleName> </IndividualName> <AssociateAccountCode>1</AssociateAccountCode> <Account> <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of BC</FinancialInstitutionName> <TransitIdentifier>12321</TransitIdentifier> <AccountIdentifier>234565</AccountIdentifier> </Account> </OtherIndividual> </OtherIndividualInformation> |
Remarks: |
F1.6 AssociateOtherIndividualCode
(Was there any individual (other than those named in Part
C or E of this transaction) associated to the reason for disbursement?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether or not another individual is involved in the reason for disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AssociateOtherIndividualCode>1</AssociateOtherIndividualCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
OtherIndividual (Part H)
Definition: | This is the container for information about another individual associated to the reason for disbursement, other than an individual named in DisbursementRequestor or OnBehalfOfIndividual elements. |
Attributes: | OtherIndividualSequenceNumber |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <OtherIndividual OtherIndividualSequenceNumber="1"> …
</OtherIndividual> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if AssociateOtherIndividualCode = |
IndividualName (Full name of individual)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the name of the other individual associated to the reason for disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IndividualName> <Surname>Joli</Surname> <GivenName>Trey</GivenName> <MiddleName>S</MiddleName> </IndividualName> |
Remarks: |
H1 Surname* (Individual's surname*)
Definition: | This is the surname of the other individual associated to the reason for disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Surname>Joli</Surname> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
H2 GivenName* (Individual's given name*)
Definition: | This is the given name of the other individual associated to the reason for disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <GivenName>Trey</GivenName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
H3 MiddleName (Individual's other name/initial)
Definition: | This is any other name or initial of the other individual associated to the reason for disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <MiddleName>S</MiddleName> |
Remarks: |
H4 AssociateAccountCode
(Was there an account for this individual (other than the
account provided in Part G) associated to the disbursement?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether or not there was an account associated to the reason for disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AssociateAccountCode>1</AssociateAccountCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
Account (Account information)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the account associated to the reason for disbursement (other than the CasinoAccount). |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <Account> <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of BC</FinancialInstitutionName> <TransitIdentifier>12321</TransitIdentifier> <AccountIdentifier>234565</AccountIdentifier> </Account> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if AssociatedAccountCode = |
H5 FinancialInstitutionName* (Financial institution name*)
Definition: | This is the financial institution's name where the account is held. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of
BC</FinancialInstitutionName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
H6 TransitIdentifier* (Transit number*)
Definition: | This is the transit number where the account is held. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <TransitIdentifier>12321</TransitIdentifier> |
Remarks: |
H7 AccountIdentifier* (Account number*)
Definition: | This is the number of the relevant account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AccountIdentifier>234565</AccountIdentifier> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
OtherBusinessEntityInformation (Information about another entity)
Definition: | This is the container for information about another entity associated to the reason for disbursement, other than the entity named in the OnBehalfOfBusinessEntityelement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <OtherBusinessEntityInformation> <AssociateOtherBusinessEntityCode>1</AssociateOtherBusinessEntityCode> <OtherBusinessEntity OtherBusinessEntitySequenceNumber="1"> <BusinessEntityName>Cleansweep Inc</BusinessEntityName> <AssociateAccountCode>1</AssociateAccountCode> <Account> <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of BC</FinancialInstitutionName> <TransitIdentifier>12321</TransitIdentifier> <AccountIdentifier>234565</AccountIdentifier> </Account> </OtherBusinessEntity> </OtherBusinessEntityInformation> |
Remarks: |
F1.7 AssociateOtherBusinessEntityCode
(Was there any entity (other than the reporting casino or any entity named in Part D of this transaction) associated to the reason for disbursement?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether or not another entity is involved in the reason for disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AssociateOtherBusinessEntityCode>1</AssociateOtherBusinessEntityCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
OtherBusinessEntity (Part I)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the other entity involved in the reason for disbursement. |
Attributes: | OtherBusinessEntitySequenceNumber |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <OtherBusinessEntity
OtherBusinessEntitySequenceNumber="1"> … </OtherBusinessEntity> |
Remarks: | This element must be incorporated if AssociateOtherBusinessEntityCode = |
I1 BusinessEntityName* (Full name of entity*)
Definition: | This is the full name of the business, corporation, trust or other entity involved in the reason for disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <BusinessEntityName>CleanSweep Inc</BusinessEntityName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
I2 AssociateAccountCode
(Was there an account for this entity (other than the account provided in Part G) associated to the disbursement?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether or not there was an account involved. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AssociateAccountCode>1</AssociateAccountCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
Account (Account)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the account associated to the disbursement (other than the CasinoAccount). |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <Account> <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of BC</FinancialInstitutionName> <TransitIdentifier>12321</TransitIdentifier> <AccountIdentifier>234565</AccountIdentifier> </Account> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if AssociatedAccountCode = |
I3 FinancialInstitutionName* (Financial institution name*)
Definition: | This is the financial institution's name. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of
BC</FinancialInstitutionName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
I4 TransitIdentifier* (Transit number*)
Definition: | This is the transit number where the account is held. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <TransitIdentifier>12321</TransitIdentifier> |
Remarks: |
I5 AccountIdentifier* (Account number*)
Definition: | This is the number of the relevant account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AccountIdentifier>234565</AccountIdentifier> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
2.7 Method of disbursement
If you are including more than one transaction in this report under the 24-hour rule, you have to complete Part F2 for each transaction included in the report.
DisbursementMethodInformation (Part F2)
Definition: | This is the container for information about how the disbursement was actually paid out. |
Attributes: | DisbursementMethodInformationSequenceNumber |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <DisbursementMethodInformation
DisbursementMethodInformationSequenceNumber="1"> …
</DisbursementMethodInformation> |
Remarks: |
(Information about how the disbursement was actually paid out)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <DisbursementMethodDetail> <DisbursementMethodCode>1</DisbursementMethodCode> <Amount>25000.00</Amount> <AlphaCurrencyCode>CAD</AlphaCurrencyCode> </DisbursementMethodDetail> |
Remarks: |
F2.1 DisbursementMethodCode* (Method of disbursement*)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <DisbursementMethodCode>1</DisbursementMethodCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
F2.2 DisbursementOtherMethodDescriptionText (Other description field)
Definition: | This is the description of "Other". |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <DisbursementOtherMethodDescriptionText>Something
else</DisbursementOtherMethodDescriptionText> |
Remarks: | This element is required if DisbursementMethodCode = |
F2.3 Amount* (Amount*)
Definition: | This is the amount paid out for each method of disbursement, including two decimal places. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Amount>25000.00</Amount> |
Remarks: |
F2.4 AlphaCurrencyCode* (Currency Code*)
Definition: | This is the type of currency for each amount associated to a method of disbursement. Refer to the currency code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaCurrencyCode>CAD</AlphaCurrencyCode> |
Remarks: |
CasinoAccountInformation (Casino account information)
Definition: | This is the container for information about a casino account involved in the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoAccountInformation> … </CasinoAccountInformation> |
Remarks: |
F2.5 CasinoAccountInvolveCode
(Did the method of disbursement involve a casino account?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether or not a casino account was involved in the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoAccountInvolveCode>1</CasinoAccountInvolveCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
CasinoAccount (Part G)
Definition: | This is the container for the information related to the casino account held at the casino where the disbursement took place. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <CasinoAccount> <CasinoIdentifierAssignCode>1</CasinoIdentifierAssignCode> <CasinoIdentifier>BB12345</CasinoIdentifier> <AccountIdentifier>23456</AccountIdentifier> <CasinoAccountTypeCode>1</CasinoAccountTypeCode> <AlphaCurrencyCode>CAD</AlphaCurrencyCode> <AccountHolderTypeCode>1</AccountHolderTypeCode> <IndividualAccountHolderName IndividualAccountHolderNameSequenceNumber="1"> <Surname>Holliday</Surname> <GivenName>William</GivenName> <MiddleName>S</MiddleName> </IndividualAccountHolderName> </CasinoAccount> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if CasinoAccountInvolveCode = |
G1 CasinoIdentifierAssignCode
(Is there an identifier number for the casino where the account is held?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether or not a casino identifier number exists. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoIdentifierAssignCode>1</CasinoIdentifierAssignCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
G2 CasinoIdentifier (Casino identifier number where the account is held)
Definition: | This is the casino identifier number. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoIdentifier>BB12345</CasinoIdentifier> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if CasinoIdentifierAssignCode = |
G3 AccountIdentifier* (Account number**)
Definition: | This is the number of the relevant casino account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AccountIdentifier>23456</AccountIdentifier> |
Remarks: |
G4 CasinoAccountTypeCode* (Type of account*)
Definition: | This is the type of casino account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <CasinoAccountTypeCode>1</CasinoAccountTypeCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
G5 CasinoAccountOtherTypeDescriptionText (Other description field)
Definition: | This is the description of "Other". |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <CasinoAccountOtherTypeDescriptionText>Something
else</CasinoAccountOtherTypeDescriptionText> |
Remarks: | This element is required if CasinoAccountOtherTypeCode = |
G6 AlphaCurrencyCode* (Currency Code*)
Definition: | This is the type of currency for the casino account associated to the method of disbursement. Refer to the currency code table in the technical documentation area of the Publications page on FINTRAC's website. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AlphaCurrencyCode>CAD</AlphaCurrencyCode> |
Remarks: |
G7 AccountHolderTypeCode
(Is this account held by one or more individuals or an entity?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether the account holder is an individual or an entity. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AccountHolderTypeCode>1</AccountHolderTypeCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
Definition: | This is the container for information about the individual holding the casino account. |
Attributes: | IndividualAccountHolderNameSequenceNumber |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IndividualAccountHolderName IndividualAccountHolderNameSequenceNumber="1"> <Surname>Holliday</Surname> <GivenName>William</GivenName> <MiddleName>S</MiddleName> </IndividualAccountHolderName> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if AccountHolderTypeCode = |
G8 Surname* (Account holder's surname*)
Definition: | This is the surname of the casino account holder. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Surname>Holliday</Surname> |
Remarks: |
G9 GivenName* (Account holder's given name*)
Definition: | This is the given name of the casino account holder. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <GivenName>William</GivenName> |
Remarks: |
G10 MiddleName (Account holder's other name/initial)
Definition: | This is any other name or initial of the casino account holder. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <MiddleName>S</MiddleName> |
Remarks: |
G11 BusinessEntityAccountHolderName* (Full name of entity*)
Definition: | This is the full name of the business, corporation, trust or other entity holding the casino account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <BusinessEntityAccountHolderName>Cleansweep Inc |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if AccountHolderTypeCode = |
OtherIndividualInformation (Information about another individual)
Definition: | This is the container for information about another individual associated to the method of disbursement, other than an individual named in DisbursementRequestor or OnBehalfOfIndividual elements. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <OtherIndividualInformation> <AssociateOtherIndividualCode>1 </AssociateOtherIndividualCode> <OtherIndividual OtherIndividualSequenceNumber="1"> <IndividualName> <Surname>Peters</Surname> <GivenName>Peter</GivenName> <MiddleName>S</MiddleName> </IndividualName> <AssociateAccountCode>1</AssociateAccountCode> <Account> <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of BC</FinancialInstitutionName> <TransitIdentifier>12321 </TransitIdentifier> <AccountIdentifier>234565 </AccountIdentifier> </Account> </OtherIndividual> </OtherIndividualInformation> |
Remarks: |
F2.6 AssociateOtherIndividualCode
(Was there any individual (other than those named in Part C or E of this transaction) associated to the method of disbursement?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether or not another individual is involved in the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AssociateOtherIndividualCode>1</AssociateOtherIndividualCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
OtherIndividual (Part H)
Definition: | This is the container for information about another individual associated to the method of disbursement, other than an individual named in DisbursementRequestor or OnBehalfOfIndividual elements. |
Attributes: | OtherIndividualSequenceNumber |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <OtherIndividual OtherIndividualSequenceNumber="1"> …
</OtherIndividual> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if AssociateOtherIndividualCode= |
IndividualName (Full name of individual)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the name of the other individual associated to the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <IndividualName> <Surname>Peters</Surname> <GivenName>Peter</GivenName> <MiddleName>P</MiddleName> </IndividualName> |
Remarks: |
H1 Surname* (Individual's surname*)
Definition: | This is the surname of the other individual associated to the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <Surname>Peters</Surname> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
H2 GivenName* (Individual's given name*)
Definition: | This is the given name of the other individual associated to the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <GivenName>Peter</GivenName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
H3 MiddleName (Individual's other name/initial)
Definition: | This is any other name or initial of the other individual associated to the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <MiddleName>P</MiddleName> |
Remarks: |
H4 AssociateAccountCode
(Was there an account for this individual (other than the account provided in Part G) associated to the disbursement?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether or not there was an account associated to the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AssociateAccountCode>1</AssociateAccountCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
Account (Account information)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the account associated to the method of disbursement (other than the CasinoAccount). |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <Account> <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of BC</FinancialInstitutionName> <TransitIdentifier>12321</TransitIdentifier> <AccountIdentifier>234565</AccountIdentifier> </Account> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if AssociatedAccountCode = |
H5 FinancialInstitutionName* (Financial institution name*)
Definition: | This is the financial institution's name where the account is held. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of
BC</FinancialInstitutionName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
H6 TransitIdentifier* (Transit number*)
Definition: | This is the transit number where the account is held. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <TransitIdentifier>12321</TransitIdentifier> |
Remarks: |
H7 AccountIdentifier* (Account number*)
Definition: | This is the number of the relevant account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AccountIdentifier>234565</AccountIdentifier> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
OtherBusinessEntityInformation (Information about another entity)
Definition: | This is the container for information about another entity associated to the method of disbursement, other than the entity named in the OnBehalfOfBusinessEntity elements. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <OtherBusinessEntityInformation> <AssociateOtherBusinessEntityCode>1</AssociateOtherBusinessEntityCode> <OtherBusinessEntity OtherBusinessEntitySequenceNumber="1"> <BusinessEntityName>Cleansweep Inc</BusinessEntityName> <AssociateAccountCode>1</AssociateAccountCode> <Account> <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of BC</FinancialInstitutionName> <TransitIdentifier>12321</TransitIdentifier> <AccountIdentifier>234565</AccountIdentifier> </Account> </OtherBusinessEntity> </OtherBusinessEntityInformation> |
Remarks: |
F2.7 AssociateOtherBusinessEntityCode
(Was there any entity (other than the reporting casino or any entity named in Part D of this transaction) associated to the method of disbursement?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether or not another entity is involved in the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AssociateOtherBusinessEntityCode>1</AssociateOtherBusinessEntityCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
OtherBusinessEntity (Part I)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the other entity involved in the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | OtherBusinessEntitySequenceNumber |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <OtherBusinessEntity OtherBusinessEntitySequenceNumber="1"> <BusinessEntityName>Cleansweep Inc</BusinessEntityName> <AssociateAccountCode>1</AssociateAccountCode> <Account> <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of BC</FinancialInstitutionName> <TransitIdentifier>12321</TransitIdentifier> <AccountIdentifier>234565</AccountIdentifier> </Account> </OtherBusinessEntity> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if AssociateOtherBusinessEntityCode= |
I1 BusinessEntityName* (Full name of entity*)
Definition: | This is the full name of the business, corporation, trust or other entity involved in the method of disbursement. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <BusinessEntityName>Cleansweep Inc</BusinessEntityName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
I2 AssociatedAccountCode
(Was there an account for this entity (other than the account provided in Part G) associated to the disbursement?)
Definition: | This is the code used to indicate whether or not there was an account involved. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AssociateAccountCode>1</AssociateAccountCode> |
Remarks: | Codes: |
Account (Account information)
Definition: | This is the container for information about the account associated to the disbursement (other than the CasinoAccount). |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Optional |
Example: | <Account> <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of BC</FinancialInstitutionName> <TransitIdentifier>12321</TransitIdentifier> <AccountIdentifier>234565</AccountIdentifier> </Account> |
Remarks: | This element must be completed if AssociatedAccountCode = |
I3 FinancialInstitutionName* (Financial institution name*)
Definition: | This is the financial institution's name. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <FinancialInstitutionName>Bank of
BC</FinancialInstitutionName> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
I4 TransitIdentifier* (Transit number*)
Definition: | This is the transit number where the account is held. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <TransitIdentifier>12321</TransitIdentifier> |
Remarks: |
I5 AccountIdentifier* (Account number*)
Definition: | This is the number of the relevant account. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <AccountIdentifier>234565</AccountIdentifier> |
Remarks: | This element must always contain data if TwentyFourHourRuleCode = |
2.8 File trailer elements
The batch trailer identifies the end of the reports in the file.
ReportSubmissionFileTrailer (Batch file trailer)
Definition: | This is the container for the file trailer. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <ReportSubmissionFileTrailer> <ReportCount>750</ReportCount> </ReportSubmissionFileTrailer> |
Remarks: |
ReportCount (Report count)
Definition: | Total number of records contained in the batch file. |
Attributes: | |
Limits: | Mandatory for processing |
Example: | <ReportCount>750</ReportCount> |
Remarks: |
3 CDR Structure Flowchart
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