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Reporting electronic funds transfers to FINTRAC : FINTRAC’s compliance guidance

From: Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)

This guidance explains the requirement to report electronic funds transfers to FINTRAC.

This guidance replaces the following guidance, which have been archived online:


In this guidance

Related links

1. Who must comply

The following reporting entity sectors must comply with the electronic funds transfer reporting requirements:


A life insurance company or an entity that is a life insurance broker or agent may be considered to be a financial entity when it:

Refer to the life insurance page for more information.

As of July 1, 2024, an armoured car business must register as a money services business.

If you are a person who is a reporting entity, and you are also an employee of a reporting entity, your employer is responsible for meeting the electronic funds transfer reporting requirements associated with your activities as an employee. 

Similarly, if you are a reporting entity that is an agent of or authorized to act on behalf of another reporting entity, it is the responsibility of the reporting entity for which you are an agent or acting on behalf to meet the reporting requirements associated with the activities you conduct on its behalf. This does not apply if you are a life insurance broker or agent (unless you are an employee as explained above).

A service provider can submit and correct an Electronic Funds Transfer Report on your behalf. However, as the reporting entity, you are ultimately responsible for meeting the requirements under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (the Act) and associated Regulations, even if a service provider is reporting on your behalf. This legal responsibility cannot be delegated.

Legal references

2. Key terms and concepts

This section contains key terms and concepts for the electronic funds transfer report.

Electronic funds transfers

An electronic funds transfer is the transmission—by any electronic, magnetic or optical means—of instructions for the transfer of funds, including a transmission of instructions that is initiated and finally received by the same person or entity. In the case of SWIFT messages, only SWIFT MT-103 messages and their equivalent are included. An electronic funds transfer does not include a transmission of instructions for the transfer of funds:

An international electronic funds transfer means an electronic funds transfer other than for the transfer of funds within Canada.


Initiation is the first transmission of instructions for the transfer of funds. This occurs when you (the reporting entity) are the first reporting entity that initiates the sending of an electronic funds transfer at the request of a person or entity. For more information on when you must report the initiation of an international electronic funds transfer, refer to:

Final receipt

Final receipt is the receipt of instructions by the person or entity that is to make the remittance to a beneficiary.  This occurs when you (the reporting entity) are the last reporting entity to receive an electronic funds transfer for remittance to a beneficiary. For more information on when you must report the final receipt of an international electronic funds transfer, refer to:

Senders and Intermediaries

If you act as an intermediary in the sending of an international electronic funds transfer (incoming or outgoing), you will not have to report this transfer to FINTRAC because you do not initiate or finally receive the transfer. However, you will be required to keep records of these transfers, and include requester and beneficiary information with the transmission of instructions as per the travel rule.

For more information, refer to

Legal references

Other parties involved in an electronic funds transfer

The following table is a description of other parties that may be involved in an electronic funds transfer.

Other parties involved in an electronic funds transfer
Party Description
Requester A requester is a person or entity that requests the initiation of an electronic funds transfer.
Beneficiary A beneficiary is a person or entity that will benefit from a transaction or to which the final remittance is made.
Third party

A third party is a person or entity that instructs another person or entity to act on their behalf for a financial activity or transaction. The third party may or may not be funding the transaction.

For electronic funds transfers, a third party can be someone who instructs the requester or beneficiary.
Account holder (if different from the requester) This occurs when the funds used to initiate a transfer are not withdrawn from the requester's account, but someone else's account. This only applies to financial entities and casino.  (Money services businesses and foreign money services businesses are not recognized to have accounts for the purpose of the Act or Regulations.)


When a business (entity) needs to send an international electronic funds transfer, the information that you provide in an Electronic Funds Transfer Report will depend on the circumstances:

3. Reporting requirements for casinos and financial entities


If you are a casino or financial entity, you must submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report to FINTRAC when you initiate an international electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in in a single transaction at the request of a person or entity.

Legal references

Final receipt

If you are a casino or financial entity, you must submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report to FINTRAC when you finally receive an international electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction.

Legal references

4. Reporting requirements for a money services business and a foreign money services business

Residential status

If you are a money services business or foreign money services business, you need to determine a requester's and/or beneficiary's residential status for certain transactions.

The residential status should reflect whether they are in Canada or outside Canada.

A residential status of in Canada means the client has a connection or residential tie to Canada. For example, a client has a residential status of in Canada when at least one of the following are met:

If the client does not have a connection or residential tie to Canada, then the client's residential status is outside Canada.

Having a residential status of in Canada does not mean the client is physically in Canada. The following are examples of clients with in Canada residential status when the client is not physically in Canada:

You can determine your client's residential status based on your knowledge of the client when verifying their identity and during the course of your business relationship with the client. Changes to the client's residential status should be considered and recorded as you perform ongoing monitoring of the business relationship with the client.


If a client's residential status has been determined to be outside Canada based on the criteria above—but the client is physically present at a Canadian location of a money services business, then the physical presence of the client at the Canadian location supersedes any residential status you may have previously made. Specifically, when a client is physically present at a Canadian location of a money services business, the client is considered to be in Canada.

Why and when you need to determine residential status

You need to determine residential status to help you confirm if certain electronic funds transfers are international and therefore, reportable to FINTRAC.

As a money services business you will need to determine residential status (in Canada or outside Canada) when you are the initiator and final receiver of the same electronic funds transfer.

As a foreign money services business, you will need to determine residential status when you initiate and/or finally receive an electronic funds transfer to determine if it is reportable to FINTRAC.

Note for money services businesses:

For electronic funds transfers transmitted to or from Canada that you initiate or finally receive (but not both), you do not need to determine the requester or beneficiary's residential status. You must report this type of international electronic funds transfers to FINTRAC if it is a transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction and it was:

Refer to the Money services business and Foreign money services business sections for more information on your electronic funds transfer reporting requirements.

Money services business


If you are money services business, you must submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report to FINTRAC when you initiate an international electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in in a single transaction at the request of a person or entity.

Legal references

Final receipt

If you are a money services business, you must submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report to FINTRAC when you finally receive an international electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction.

Legal references

Initiation and final receipt

If you are a money services business, you must report:

This reporting requirement is meant to capture international electronic funds transfers that occur between clients who use the same money services business and when the transmission of instructions may not physically cross an international border.

Legal references

Summary of reporting requirements for money services business

When you are the initiator or final receiver of an electronic funds transfer, you do not need to determine the client's residential status. Refer to Table 1 for a summary of your reporting requirements when you are either the initiator or final receiver.

Table 1 - Money services business – Summary of reporting requirements when you are the initiator or final receiver of an electronic funds transfer
Money services business is the Money services business's client Reporting requirement for the money services business
Initiator Requester Report the initiation of an international electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction if the final receiver is located outside Canada
Final receiver Beneficiary Report the final receipt of an international electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction if the initiator is located outside Canada

When you are the initiator and final receiver of an electronic funds transfer, you will need to determine the residential status of the requester and beneficiary to determine if the electronic funds transfer is international and therefore, reportable. Refer to Table 2 for a summary of your reporting requirements when you are both the initiator and final receiver of an electronic funds transfer.

Table 2 - Money services business – Summary of reporting requirements when you are both the initiator and final receiver of an electronic funds transfer
Residential status of the client is determined to be Reporting requirement for the foreign money services business
In Canada Outside Canada
Requester Beneficiary Report the initiation of an international electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction
Beneficiary Requester Report the final receipt of an international electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction
(this cell is blank) Requester and beneficiary

Report both:

  • the initiation of an international electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction and
  • final receipt of an international electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction
Requester and beneficiary (this cell is blank) No reporting obligation

Foreign money services business


If you are a foreign money services business, you must submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report to FINTRAC when you initiate an electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction at the request of a person or entity in Canada, and the electronic funds transfer is sent or is to be sent from one country to another. It should be noted that:

Legal references

Final receipt

If you are a foreign money services business, you must submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report to FINTRAC when you finally receive an electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction for a beneficiary in Canada, and the transfer is sent or is to be sent from one country to another. It should be noted that:

Legal references

Initiation and final receipt

If you are a foreign money services business, you must report:

In Canada means the person or entity has a residential status in Canada as explained in residential status section.

This reporting requirement is meant to capture electronic funds transfers that occur between clients who use the same foreign money services business and therefore, the transmission of instructions may not physically cross an international border.

Legal references

Summary of reporting requirements for foreign money services business

If you are the initiator or final receiver of an electronic funds transfer, you will need to determine if the electronic funds transfer is reportable to FINTRAC by confirming

Refer to Table 3 for a summary of your reporting requirements when your client is either the requester or the beneficiary.

Table 3 - Foreign money services business – Summary of reporting requirements when you are the initiator or final receiver of an electronic funds transfer
Foreign money services business is the Client of the foreign money services business is the Residential status of the client is determined to be Sent from one country to another Reporting requirement for the foreign money services business
Initiator Requester In Canada Yes, when country location of the initiator (in Canada) is different from the final receiver (outside Canada) Report the initiation of an electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction
Initiator Requester In Canada No, when country location of the initiator is the same as the final receiver (Canada for both) No reporting obligation
Final Receiver Beneficiary In Canada Yes, when country location of the initiator (outside Canada) is different from the final receiver (in Canada) Report the final receipt of an electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction
Final Receiver Beneficiary In Canada No, when country location of the initiator is the same as the final receiver (Canada for both) No reporting obligation

If you are the initiator and final receiver of an electronic funds transfer, you will need to determine if the electronic funds transfer is reportable to FINTRAC by confirming

Refer to Table 4 for a summary of your reporting requirements when you are both the initiator and final receiver of an electronic funds transfer.

Table 4 - Foreign money services business – Summary of reporting requirements when you are both the initiator and final receiver of an electronic funds transfer
Client's residential status determined to be Reporting requirement for the money services business
In Canada Outside Canada
Requester Beneficiary Report the initiation of an international electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction
Beneficiary Requester Report the final receipt of an international electronic funds transfer of $10,000 or more in a single transaction
(this cell is blank) Requester and beneficiary No reporting obligation
Requester and beneficiary (this cell is blank) No reporting obligation


For electronic funds transfer reporting obligations, a foreign money services business is considered to be

Legal references

5. Important considerations when reporting electronic funds transfers

When to submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report

You must submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report to FINTRAC within 5 business days after the day on which you initiate the transfer.

You must submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report to FINTRAC within 5 business days after the day on which you finally receive the transfer.

Legal references

24-hour rule

You must also submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report to FINTRAC in accordance with the 24-hour rule. That is, you must submit a report when you:

SWIFT and non-SWIFT transfers

SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) and non-SWIFT electronic funds transfers must be aggregated together in accordance with the 24-hour rule.


If these 2 transactions fall within the bank's 24-hour window for aggregation, then these 2 transactions must be aggregated and reported to FINTRAC under the 24-hour rule because:

For more information, please refer to:

Legal reference

Foreign currency

If you initiate or finally receive an electronic funds transfer in a foreign currency, convert the amount into Canadian dollars using the exchange rate published by the Bank of Canada in effect at the time of the transaction to determine whether you have reached the reporting threshold amount of $10,000 CAD.

If an exchange rate is not published by the Bank of Canada, then you must use the rate you establish in the normal course of your business at the time of the transaction.

Your process for establishing an exchange rate to determine if you have reached the reporting threshold amount should be outlined in your compliance policies and procedures.

Legal references

6. How to submit a report to FINTRAC

You must submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report to FINTRAC electronically using the following options:

Note about paper form:

If you do not have the technical capability to submit reports electronically to FINTRAC, you must submit reports in paper form.

Legal references

7. The form for reporting electronic funds transfers

In this section


Form structure

The Electronic Funds Transfer Report form has 2 main sections: General information and Transaction information

Structure of the Electronic Funds Transfer Report form: Main sections and types of information for each section
Main sections of the form Type of information for each section
General information
  • Information about your business including contact details
  • Electronic funds transfer direction (initiation or final receipt)
  • Aggregation type and 24-hour window for aggregation
Transaction information
  • Information about the electronic funds transfer, including transfer type—SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) or non-SWIFT, date and time of the transfer, amount and currency, exchange rate and whether the transaction is below or above $10,000 CAD
  • Information about the client's residential status (for money services business and foreign money services business only)
  • Source of funds information
  • Requester (the person or entity that requests the initiation of the electronic funds transfer)
  • Account holder if different from the requester
  • Third party to the requester (person or entity on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested)
  • Initiator (person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer— this is the reporting entity when the electronic funds transfer direction is outgoing)
  • Sender of electronic funds transfer (person or entity that sends or is to send an electronic funds transfer initiated by another person or entity)
  • Person or entity involved in effecting electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message (and additional payment information for SWIFT messages)
  • Receiver (person or entity that finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer— this is the reporting entity when the electronic funds transfer direction is incoming)
  • Disposition information
  • Beneficiary (person or entity to which remittance is made, that is, the person or entity that benefits from the electronic funds transfer)
  • Third party to the beneficiary (person or entity on whose behalf the remittance of the electronic funds transfer is made)


Form highlights

The Electronic Funds Transfer Report form can be used to report the

Note: In cases where an Electronic Funds Transfer is returned, the original initiation of instructions is not impacted. These transactions must be reported regardless of whether the transaction is ultimately completed or returned to the originating entity.

When completing the form, you must select the direction (initiation or final receipt) and provide information about the transfer. The direction you select may have an impact on: 

The form also contains fields where you can provide information on all parties involved in the transfer of funds (for example, multiple requesters, sources of funds, account holders, third parties and beneficiaries).

8. Other requirements associated with electronic funds transfers

In this section

Compliance program

Your compliance program's policies and procedures must outline your process and criteria on:

If you have an automated or triggering system in place to detect when the threshold amount is reached for reporting, a person may still assess the transaction(s), as a best practice, to ensure the submission of an Electronic Funds Transfer Report.

Your compliance program must also include training on suspected money laundering and terrorist financing activities in relation to your business.

For more information:

Suspicious transactions

In addition to reporting electronic funds transfers, you may also be required to submit Suspicious Transaction Reports to FINTRAC when you have reasonable grounds to suspect that a transaction is related to the commission, or the attempted commission, of a money laundering or terrorist activity financing offence. Therefore, you may be required to submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report and a Suspicious Transaction Report for the same transaction.

For more information:

Electronic funds transfers related to listed person or entity property

If an electronic funds transfer is related to property owned or controlled by or on behalf of a listed person or entity, you must not complete the transaction (initiation, transfer, final receipt or disbursement).

Once you are required to make a disclosure under section 83.1 of the Criminal Code, an order or regulation made under the United Nations Act, an order or regulation made under the Special Economic Measures Act, or subsection 7(2) of the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Sergei Magnitsky Law), you must submit a Listed Person or Entity Property Report to FINTRAC immediately.

For more information:

Legal references

Large cash transactions

There may be instances where you may be required to submit a Large Cash Transaction Report in addition to an Electronic Funds Transfer Report. For example, if a person or entity provides $10,000 cash and requests that you initiate an international electronic funds transfer, you must submit a Large Cash Transaction Report in addition to an Electronic Funds Transfer Report.

For more information:

Travel rule

You must ensure that specific information is included with an electronic funds transfer that you initiate, send or receive.

For more information:

Record keeping

When you submit an Electronic Funds Transfer Report to FINTRAC, you must keep a copy of it for at least 5 years from the date the report was created.

Legal references

Verifying the identity of persons and entities

There are requirements on when and how to verify the identity of persons and entities for electronic funds transfers.

For specific information:

Third party determination

For the purposes of reporting an electronic funds transfer, there are requirements to determine whether:

the beneficiary of an electronic funds transfer is acting on behalf of another person or entity

Legal references

Ministerial directives

You must consider all requirements issued under a ministerial directive along with your electronic funds transfer reporting requirements.

For more information:

Voluntary self-declaration of non-compliance

If you discover instances of non-compliance related to your electronic funds transfer reporting requirements, FINTRAC strongly encourages you to report a voluntary self-declaration of non-compliance.

For more information:

9. Exceptions for electronic funds transfers

There are exceptions to reporting electronic funds transfer under the 24-hour rule.

For more information on these exceptions, consult:

Legal references

Annex A: Field instructions to complete an Electronic Funds Transfer Report

This annex contains instructions on how to complete the fields in an Electronic Funds Transfer Report.

The Electronic Funds Transfer Report form can be used to report the

When completing the form, you must select the direction (initiation or final receipt) and provide information about the transfer. The direction you select may have an impact on: 


In this Annex, the field instructions apply to both the initiation and final receipt of an international electronic funds transfer except when indicated otherwise. In addition:

In addition:

In this annex

Standardized field instructions

This section contains instructions for completing some fields that appear in multiple sections of the form.

In this section

Field categories

Fields are categorized as either:

Instructions for field categories
Field categories Instructions

These fields are indicated with an asterisk symbol (*) and must be completed.

Because an Electronic Funds Transfer Report can include multiple transactions conducted within 24 consecutive hours that total $10,000 or more, the information for some mandatory fields may not have been obtained at the time of the transaction. In this case, the fields become "reasonable measures" fields, and the instructions for reasonable measures (below in this table) must be applied.

Note:. If an Electronic Funds Transfer Report contains multiple transactions conducted within 24 consecutive hours and 1 of these transactions is $10,000 CAD or more, then the mandatory fields will apply

Legal references
  • Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations, SOR/2002-184, section 152(2)
Mandatory for processing These fields are indicated with a double dagger symbol (‡) and must be completed.
Mandatory if applicable These fields are indicated with a dagger symbol (†) and must be completed if they are applicable to you or the transaction being reported.
Reasonable measures

You must take reasonable measures to obtain the information for all non-mandatory fields in the report, if they are applicable.

Reasonable measures are the steps that you must take, as outlined in your policies and procedures, to obtain the information that can include asking the person or entity involved in the transaction for the information.

If you obtain the information, you must report it. You must also provide the information if it is contained within your systems or records.

Legal references
  • Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations, SOR/2002-184, section 152(1)

Name fields

Instructions for the name fields
Name fields Instructions
Surname Provide the last name of the person.
Given name

Provide the first name of the person.

Note: If a person has only a single name, enter "XXX" in the "Given name" field and the person's single name in the "Surname" field.

Other/Initial Provide the middle or other name(s) of the person, or their initial(s) if no other names apply.
Alias Provide the name a person uses, or by which they are known, other than the name provided under surname, given name, or other/initial.
Name of entity Provide the full name of the entity.

Address fields

Provide the address details in the structured or unstructured fields (as applicable) as explained below.

Structured address fields

Structured address fields include:

If you have the ability to separate the information

You must report it in the structured address fields.

For example, if a person lives at #10-123 Main Street, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada A1B 2C3, complete the address fields as follows:

Example illustrating how to provide information if you have the ability to separate address information
Structured address fields Information provided
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number 10
House/Building number 123
Street address Main Street
City Richmond
Country Canada
Postal code A1B 2C3
If you are unable to separate the address information into the structured address fields

If, for example, your system groups the Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number with the House/Building number and Street address, then provide:

If there is no civic address

If a person or entity's address is in an area where there is no civic address, provide a description of the physical location.

For example, if a person lives in the third house to the right after the community center in Tinytown, Saskatchewan, Canada X1Y 2Z2, complete the address fields as follows:

Example illustrating how to provide information if there is no civic address
Structured address fields Information provided
Street address Third house to the right after the community center
City Tinytown
Province SK
Country Canada
Postal code X1Y 2Z2

Note: If you use the structured address fields, you cannot use the unstructured address fields to provide additional information.

Unstructured address field

You should only use the unstructured address field when it is not possible to separate the address information. This typically occurs when you are uploading a large volume of reports and the data originates from outside your organization. For example, when you are in final receipt of an electronic funds transfer and the foreign address of the person who requested the transfer information cannot be easily populated into the structured address fields.

If possible, enter information about the country in the Country field and provide the unstructured address information in the following format:

Invalid addresses

The following are not valid addresses, and should not be provided in either the structured or unstructured address fields:

A legal land description can be acceptable as long as the land description is specific enough to pinpoint the physical location of the client's address. If the legal land description refers to an area or a parcel of land on which multiple properties are located, the legal land description would not be sufficient.
Persons who are transient or have no fixed address

For persons who are transient (for example, travelling in a recreational vehicle or temporarily working in a camp) and have no fixed address, you are required to provide the following information:

Address information to provide for persons who are transient or have no fixed address
Type of person What to provide
Canadian residents Their permanent Canadian address, even if that is not where they are currently residing
Foreign clients travelling in Canada for a short period of time Their foreign residential address
Foreign clients living in Canada for a longer period of time (such as a student) The person's temporary Canadian address

Occupation/business fields

Instructions for the occupation/business fields
Occupational/business fields Instructions

When entering occupation information, you should be as descriptive as possible. For example, if the person is:

  • a manager, provide the area of management, such as “hotel reservations manager” or “retail clothing store manager”
  • a consultant, provide the type of consulting, such as “IT consultant” or “forestry consultant”
  • a professional, provide the type of profession, such as “petroleum engineer” or “family physician”
  • a labourer, provide the type of labour performed, such as “road construction worker” or “landscape labourer”
  • not working, you should still be as descriptive as possible, and indicate “student,” “unemployed,” “retired,” etc.

You can enter a numeric classification code and the code title in this field (for example, NOC – National Occupational Classification). However, a numeric code on its own is not sufficient as you need a written description of the occupation as explained above.

Note: If your client indicates that they are the manager of Blue Moon Auto Parts Ltd., you would enter “manager of auto parts company” in the occupation field and “Blue Moon Auto Parts Ltd.” in the name of employer field as explained below.

Name of employer

Enter the name of the person’s employer.

Do not provide the name of a supervisor or manager.

This field is meant to capture the name of the business that employs the person.

If the person has multiple employers, you only need to provide one but it should be the person’s primary employer.

Providing the name of employer can augment the description of a person’s occupation. For example, “retail clothing store manager for ABC high-end clothing store” and “retail clothing store manager for XYZ discount clothing store” are more descriptive than “retail clothing store manager” on its own.

Nature of entity’s principal business

You should be as descriptive as possible when entering the entity’s principal business.

If the entity’s principal business is “sales,” provide the type of sales, such as “pharmaceutical sales” or “retail clothing sales.”

You can enter a numeric classification code and the code title in this field (for example, NAICS – North American Industry Classification System). However, a numeric code on its own is not sufficient, as you need a written description of the nature of the entity’s principal business as explained above.

Identification fields

Instructions for the identification fields
Identification fields Instructions
Identifier type

Select the identifier type for the person or entity as applicable.

If the identifier type is not listed, select “Other” and provide details.

If you use the dual process method to identify a person, you must provide details of both sources of information in the identifier type fields.

Note: Don’t report a Social Insurance Number (SIN) to FINTRAC. In addition, you cannot use documentation for identification purposes where it is prohibited by provincial legislation.

For more information on how to identify persons and entities, refer to:

Number associated with identifier type This is the number indicated on the identifier type that was used to verify the identity of the person or entity. For example, on a driver’s licence, the licence number is the identification number and on a Certificate of Incorporation, the incorporation number is the identification number.
Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Provide the country, province, or state that issued the documentation used to identify the person or entity.

How to provide the jurisdiction that issued the documentation used for identification
Type of jurisdiction What and how to provide
A country Enter that country as the jurisdiction of issue.
A province or state in Canada, the United States or Mexico Select the province or state code from the list of options.
A province or state outside Canada, the United States or Mexico


  • that province or state name as the jurisdiction of issue, and
  • the corresponding country information

Telephone number fields

Instructions for the telephone number fields
Location of telephone number Instructions
Canada or the United States Enter the area code and local number (for example, 999-999-9999).
Outside Canada or the United States

Enter the:

  • country code
  • city code, and
  • local number using a dash (-) to separate each one

For example, “99-999-9999-9999” would indicate:

  • a 2-digit country code
  • a 3-digit city code, and
  • an 8-digit local number

Specific field instructions for the Electronic Funds Transfer Report

This section contains instructions for the report fields and are laid out in the same order as they appear on the Electronic Funds Transfer Report.

Note: For some fields, the instructions can be found in the Standardized field instructions section

In this section

General information

Instructions for the fields under "General information"
Fields Instructions
* Reporting entity number

You must enroll in FINTRAC Web Reporting System (FWR) to submit reports electronically.

Provide the 7-digit identifier number assigned to you by FINTRAC at enrolment.
‡ Reporting entity report reference number

A number assigned to each report by:

  • you (the reporting entity), or
  • the individual or organization submitting the report on your behalf
This number must be unique to your business, meaning it can only be used once.
Which one of the following types of reporting entities best describes you?
Instructions for the question related to the type of reporting entities best describing you
Fields Instructions
* Activity sector

Enter your business activity sector.

If you are involved in more than 1 type of business activity, indicate the one applicable to the transaction being reported.

If there is more than 1 business activity for 1 or more transactions on the report, select only 1 to indicate your principal type of business activity.
Whom can FINTRAC contact about this report?

Enter the contact information of the person you would like FINTRAC to liaise with in the event that a follow up is required.

You must ensure that all of your contacts' information is up to date in FINTRAC Web Reporting System (FWR) prior to submitting your report(s).

Report information
Instructions for the fields under "Report information"
Fields Instructions
‡ Electronic funds transfer direction


  • initiation if you initiate an electronic funds transfer at the request of a person or entity 
  • final receipt if you finally receive an electronic funds transfer and remit the funds to  the beneficiary of the transfer

When you select the electronic funds transfer direction (initiation or final receipt): 

  • the level of effort (for example, mandatory or reasonable measures) for a field in an initiation report may be different for the same field that  is in a final receipt report and
  • the information you provide for a field in an initiation report may be different for the same field that is in a final receipt report.  For example, if you are initiating an electronic funds transfer, you must provide your information in the initiator fields as you are the initiator.  If you finally receive an electronic funds transfer, you must provide the initiator's information in the initiator fields (and not your information as you are the final receiver).
‡ Aggregation type

Indicate the type of aggregation used when multiple transactions occur within a consecutive 24-hour period:

  • requester
  • on behalf of (third party)
  • beneficiary

If the report is for 1 transaction only, or for a ministerial directive, then aggregating transactions does not apply and you should select "Not applicable".

Note:  You must provide a start date/time and end date/time in the fields below, even if there is no aggregation and you select "not applicable" in the aggregation type field.

‡ 24-hour period start date and time

Provide the start date and time of the 24-hour period.

You must include the time zone (that is, UTC offset) in the 24-hour period start time field.

You must enter the start time in the following format: HH:MM:SS±ZZ:ZZ.

For example, 1:25:06 pm in Ottawa, Ontario would be reported as 13:25:06-05:00.
‡ 24-hour period end date and time

Provide the end date and time of the 24-hour period.

If your 24-hour period starts at 8:00 am, it would end at 7:59 am the following day.

You must include the time zone (that is, UTC offset) in the 24-hour period end time field.

The field above provides instructions for formatting.

Note:  The start date/time and end date/time that you provide will establish the 24-hour period in which you look for possible aggregate transactions, and report all applicable transactions within.

Because you must aggregate on each party separately (requester, on behalf of [third party], or beneficiary), it is possible to have multiple 24-hour windows (for example, a 24-hour window for requesters that is different than your 24-hour window for beneficiaries).

Ministerial directive

If a transaction is being reported to FINTRAC under a ministerial directive, then indicate this by selecting the ministerial directive in the report.

Leave this field blank if the transaction(s) are not part of a ministerial directive.


  • An Electronic Funds Transfer Report submitted under a ministerial directive can contain only 1 transaction and it must be below threshold. Therefore, if you indicate that the transaction is being submitted under a ministerial directive, you must also select "Not applicable" in the '24-hour aggregation type' field.
  • Only 1 ministerial directive (IR2020) is available for an Electronic Funds Transfer Report.

Transaction information

Information about the transaction
Instructions for the fields under "Information about the transaction"
Fields Instructions
*Electronic funds transfer type


  • SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) if you know that the SWIFT network was used, in whole or in part, to send the funds at any time during the transfer process, and you have SWIFT information to provide such as BIC (bank identification code) or BEI (business entity identifier)
  • Non-SWIFT if the SWIFT network was not used at all during the transfer process or if you do not know if the SWIFT network was used.  
* Date and time of transaction

Enter the date and time of the electronic funds transfer. It cannot be a future date.

Provide the date and time you initiate the electronic funds transfer. The date and time you initiate the transfer may:

  • be the same date and time the requester provides the instructions, or
  • occur after the date and time the requester provides the instructions if the requester provides post-dated or recurring instructions in advance

Final receipt:
Provide the date and time you receive the instructions for the transfer of funds to the beneficiary. This date and time may:

  • be the same time you remit the funds to the beneficiary (for example, you receive funds for the beneficiary and immediately deposit the funds into the beneficiary's account), or
  • occur before you remit the funds to the beneficiary (for example, you are a money services business and your business process requires the beneficiary to physically come to your store to pick up the funds after you receive the instructions for the transfer of funds)

A report can contain multiple transactions that took place in different time zones, but these transactions should all be within your 24-hour aggregation window that is indicated by the 24-hour period start date and time and the 24-hour period end date and time in the report. 


If your report indicates that the 24-hour window is from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) and you have transactions that occurred in both EST and Pacific Standard Time (PST) zones, you will need to do the following:

Instructions for transactions that took place in different time zones
Time zone where transactions have occurred Instructions
Eastern Standard Time (EST) zone Include the transactions in the report if they fall within your 24-hour window.
Pacific Standard Time (PST) zone

Convert the time of the transactions to EST to determine if they fall within your 24-hour window.

If they fall within the 24-hour window after conversion, then include them in the report.

You can include these transactions in PST or EST time as long as they are within your 24-hour window.

Your process to convert and report transactions that occur in different time zones should be documented in your policies and procedures to ensure your reporting is consistent.

For more information:

* Amount

This is the amount that the requester instructed to be transferred excluding any fees you may charge.  If this amount was not in Canadian dollars, do not convert it to CAD but provide the currency type in the currency field.

The requester instructs $11,000 be transferred to a friend in England.  You charge a $50 service fee.  If the requester:

  • provides an additional $50 to cover the service fee so that the total amount provided by the requester is $11,050, report $11,000 in the amount field
  • does not provide an additional $50 to cover the fee so that you deduct the fee from $11,000, report $10,950 in the amount field

Final receipt:
This is the amount that you received for the beneficiary and before any fees you charge to the beneficiary. If this amount was not in Canadian dollars, do not convert it to CAD but provide the currency type in the currency field.


You finally receive $11,000 for the beneficiary. If you charge a service fee of $50 so that only $10,950 is remitted to the beneficiary, you would still report $11,000 in the amount field
* Currency type Enter the currency of the funds being transferred, including if it was in Canadian dollars. If the currency type is not in the list provided, you must select "Other" and provide the full name of the currency.
Exchange rate Provide the rate of exchange that you used for the transaction.
‡ Threshold indicator


  • "above threshold" if the amount of the transfer is equal to $10,000 or more
  • "below threshold" if it is under $10,000
‡ Reporting entity transaction reference number

This is a unique number assigned to each transaction by:

  • you (the reporting entity), or
  • the individual or organization submitting the report on your behalf 
‡ Have you applied a regulatory exception to this transaction?


  • Yes, if you have applied a regulatory exception under Part 6 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations.
  • No, if you have not applied a regulatory exception under Part 6 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations.

Under Part 6 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations, your requirement to keep records, verify identity and make a politically exposed persons and heads of international organization determination do not apply if your client is:

  • a public body
  • a very large corporation or trust that has minimum net assets of $75 million on its last audited balance sheet, whose shares or units are traded on a Canadian stock exchange or a stock exchange designated under subsection 262(1) of the Income Tax Act and that operates in a country that is a member of the Financial Action Task Force or
  • a subsidiary of a public body or a corporation or trust referred above, whose financial statements are consolidated with the financial statements of that public body, corporation or trust

Therefore, if your client is a public body, very large corporation or trust, or a subsidiary of a public body or very large corporation or trust (as described above), and the client is a requester or beneficiary of an electronic funds transfer, you may have limited information to provide on the client in the electronic transfer report. In this case, you should select Yes.

Legal references
For money services businesses and foreign money services businesses only

Complete this section if you selected initiation as the direction of this report.

Fields Instructions

Question 1
†As the initiator of this transaction, are you also the final receiver for this transaction?


  • yes if the requester and beneficiary of the international electronic funds transfer are both your clients
  • no if your client is only the requester or if your client is only the beneficiary of the international electronic funds transfer

Question 2
† Are the funds finally received within your business?


  • yes if the funds are finally received within your organization.
  • no if the funds are not finally received within your organization.
† (If yes to questions 1 and 2) What is the requester's residential status?

Select the appropriate status:

  • In Canada or
  • Outside Canada

Refer to Residential status in section 4, Reporting requirements for money services business and foreign money services business for information on how to determine residential status.

† (If yes to questions 1 and 2) What is the beneficiary's residential status? Same instructions as above.

Question 3
† Is the requester moving funds into or out of Canada?

Select one of the following options:

  • Into Canada
  • Out of Canada
  • Both
For money services business and foreign money services business only

Complete this section if you selected final receipt as the direction of this report.

Fields Instructions

Question 1
†As the final receiver of this transaction, are you also the initiator for this transaction?


  • yes if the requester and beneficiary of the international electronic funds transfer are both your clients
  • no if your client is only the requester or if your client is only the beneficiary of the international electronic funds transfer

Question 2
† Is the transfer of funds initiated from your business?


  • yes if the transfer of funds was initiated from your business.
  • no if the transfer of funds was not initiated from your business.
† (If yes to questions 1 and 2) What is the requester's residential status?

Select the appropriate status:

  • In Canada or
  • Outside Canada

Refer to Residential status in section 4, Reporting requirements for money services business and foreign money services business for information on how to determine residential status.

† (If yes to questions 1 and 2) What is the beneficiary's residential status? Same instructions as above.

Question 3
† Is the requester moving funds into or out of Canada?

Select one of the following options:

  • Into Canada
  • Out of Canada
  • Both
Source of funds involved at initiation

If you have information on any source of funds involved in the transaction, you must report it.

If there are multiple sources, you must provide information for each source.

Fields Instructions
‡ Was information about the source (person / entity) of funds obtained?

This field is a "Yes/No" question.

Select "Yes" if you have:

  • the name of any person or entity that is the source of the funds
  • their account number or policy number, or
  • an identifying number if there is no account number or policy number

Otherwise, select "No" to indicate that you do not have the information.

How were the funds obtained?

This is how the requester initially acquired the funds used for the transaction, not where the funds may have been transferred from.

For example, you can obtain funds from activities such as:

  • employment
  • sale of a large asset, and
  • gifts

This information must be reported if obtained.

Source of funds – person
Instructions for the fields under "Source of funds – person"
Fields Instructions
Surname Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Given name Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Account number

Provide the account number for the source of funds.

It is acceptable to include the financial institution number and branch number as part of an account number.

Policy number Provide the policy number for the source of funds.
Identifying number If there is no account or policy number, provide an identifying number if available.
Source of funds – entity
Instructions for the fields under "Source of funds – entity"
Fields Instructions
Name of entity Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Account number

Provide the account number for the source of funds.

It is acceptable to include the financial institution number and branch number as part of an account number.

Policy number Provide the policy number for the source of funds.
Identifying number If there is no account or policy number, provide an identifying number if available.
Note about the source of funds fields

Although the following 3 fields are all about how the requester obtained the funds and the source of funds, they are different:

The following example demonstrates their differences.


Vicky Violet brings in $12,000 cash for deposit into her bank account and tells the bank that she obtained this cash when she sold her car to Griffin Grey.

She was only able to provide Griffin Grey's name to the bank because she did not have information on his account number, policy number or identifying number.

As such, the source of funds fields would be completed as follows:

How the source of funds fields would be completed for this example
Source of funds fields Information provided in the field
How were the funds obtained? Sale of car
Was information about the source (person / entity) of funds obtained? Yes
Source of funds Griffin Grey

For more information on completing these fields, please refer to field descriptions.

Fields Instructions
‡ Requester type


  • Person if the requester is a person
  • Entity if the requestor is an entity

Note: If it is unknown whether the Requester is a person or entity, you must select “Entity” as the Requester type.

Requester – person

Provide all the information you have on 1, or multiple persons who requested the initiation of the transfer.

Instructions for the fields under "Requester – person"
Fields Instructions
† Surname Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† Given name Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Alias Same instructions (Name fields)
Client number A unique identifying number assigned by the reporting entity to the person requesting the initiation of the transfer.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
† Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
† City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
† Country Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Telephone number Refer to Telephone number fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Extension Same instructions (Telephone number fields)
Email address Provide the email address of the requester.

† Date of birth

Final receipt:

 Date of birth
Provide the date of birth of the requester.
Country of residence

Enter the primary country of residence for the person.

It can be the same or different from the country entered in the address section.

† Occupation

Final receipt:

Refer to Occupation/business fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Name of employer Same instructions (Occupation/business fields)
Identification of the requester – person
Instructions for the fields under "Identification of the requester – person"
Fields Instructions

† Identifier type

Final receipt:

Identifier type
Refer to Identification fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† If "Other", please specify Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Number associated with identifier type

Final receipt:

Number associated with identifier type
Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Jurisdiction of issue (country)

Final receipt:

   Jurisdiction of issue (country)
Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)

Final receipt:

Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)
Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)

Final receipt:

  Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer

Provide the account or reference information as it relates to the electronic funds transfer.

Instructions for the fields under "Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
† Reference number

If the transaction involved a reference number, provide it in this field.

If the transaction involves an account at a financial entity, securities dealer or casino (account-based reporting entity), do not provide the account number information in this field—instead, provide that information in the account number field.

For all other reporting entities, if you have an internal account number that is used as a reference number, then provide the internal account number in this field.

Other number related to reference number Provide any other number related to the reference number as applicable.

† Financial institution number

Final receipt:

  Financial institution number
Provide the financial institution number.

† Branch number

Final receipt:

   Branch number
Provide the branch number.
† Account number

If the transaction involves an account at a financial entity, securities dealer or casino (account-based reporting entities), provide that account number.

If you are not an account-based reporting entity (for example, a money services business), but the transaction involves an account at an account-based reporting entity (for example, a financial entity), provide that account number in this field.

† Account type

Final receipt:

   Account type

Select the financial institution account type:

  • Personal
  • Business
  • Trust
  • Casino
  • Other
† If 'Other', please specify If ‘Other’ is selected, you must specify the account type.

† Account currency

Final receipt:

 Account currency
Enter the account currency code.
Date account opened Enter the date the account was opened (YYYY-MM-DD).
Account holder (person) of account above
Instructions for the fields under "Account holder (person) of account above"
Fields Instructions

† Surname

Final receipt:

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".

† Given name

Final receipt:

  Given name
Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Account holder (entity) of account above
Instructions for the fields under "Account holder (entity) of account above"
Field Instructions

† Name of entity

Final receipt:

Name of entity
Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Information about requesting the transaction online
Fields Instructions
Type of device used

Select the type of device used for requesting the transaction online:

  • Computer/Laptop
  • Mobile phone
  • Tablet
  • Other
† If 'Other', please specify If “Other” is selected, you must specify the type of device used.
Username Provide the user name requesting the transaction online.
Device identifier number

The device identifier number is a number assigned to the device, such as:

  • a Media Access Control (MAC) address, or
  • International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number
Internet protocol address

Provide the Internet Protocol (IP) address.

It is the unique identifying number assigned to every device connected to the internet.

Date and time of online session in which request is made

Provide the date and time of the online session in which the request was made.

You must enter the start time in the following format: HH:MM:SS±ZZ:ZZ.

For example, 1:25:06 pm in Ottawa, Ontario would be reported as 13:25:06-05:00.

Requester – entity

Provide all the information you have on 1, or multiple entities specified as the requesters of the transfer.

Instructions for the fields under "Requester – entity"
Fields Instructions
† Name of entity Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Client number A unique identifying number assigned by the reporting entity to the entity requesting the transfer.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
† Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
† City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
† Country Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Telephone number Refer to Telephone number fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Extension Same instructions (Telephone number fields)

† Nature of entity's principal business

Final receipt:
 Nature of entity's principal business

Refer to Occupation/business fields under "Standardized field instructions".
‡ Do you have incorporation or registration information?


  • yes if you have incorporation or registration information.
  • no if you do not have incorporation or registration information.
Incorporated or registered?

Select the incorporation or registration type:

  • Registered
  • Incorporated
  • Incorporated and registered, or
  • Unknown
† Incorporation number / † Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Provide the incorporation number and jurisdiction of issue of the entity requesting the transaction for each jurisdiction where the entity is incorporated.

If the jurisdiction is a province or state:

  • in Canada, the United States or Mexico, select the code from the list of options
  • outside Canada, the United States or Mexico, provide the name of the province or state
† Registration number / † Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Provide the registration number and jurisdiction of issue of the entity requesting the transaction for each jurisdiction where the entity is registered.

If the jurisdiction is a province or state:

  • in Canada, the United States or Mexico, select the code from the list of options
  • outside Canada, the United States or Mexico, provide the name of the province or state

For Canadian entities, a registration number can include the 9-digit business number assigned to that entity by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Identification of the requester – entity

Provide the following information that was used to verify the identity of the entity. For some entities, this information may be the same as the registration or incorporation information.

Instructions for the fields under "Identification of the requester – entity"
Fields Instructions

† Identifier type

Final receipt:

Identifier type
Refer to Identification fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† If "Other", please specify Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Number associated with identifier type

Final receipt:

Number associated with identifier type
Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Jurisdiction of issue (country)

Final receipt:

Jurisdiction of issue (country)
Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)

Final receipt:

Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)
Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)

Final receipt:

Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Person authorized to bind the entity or act with respect to the account (maximum 3)

If the requester is an entity, provide the information for up to 3 persons who are authorized to:

Instructions for the fields under "Person authorized to bind the entity or act with respect to the account"
Fields Instructions

† Surname

Final receipt:

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".

† Given name

Final receipt:

Given name
Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer

Provide the account or reference information as it relates to the electronic funds transfer.

Instructions for the fields under "Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
† Reference number

If the transaction involved a reference number, provide it in this field.

If the transaction involves an account at a financial entity, securities dealer or casino (account-based reporting entity), do not provide the account number information in this field—instead, provide that information in the account number field.

For all other reporting entities, if you have an internal account number that is used as a reference number, then provide the internal account number in this field.

Other number related to reference number Provide any other number related to the reference number as applicable.

† Financial institution number

Final receipt:
Financial institution number

Provide the financial institution number.

† Branch number

Final receipt:

Branch number
Provide the branch number.
† Account number

If the transaction involves an account at a financial entity, securities dealer or casino (account-based reporting entities), provide that account number.

If you are not an account-based reporting entity (for example, a money services business), but the transaction involves an account at an account-based reporting entity (for example, a financial entity), provide that account number in this field.

† Account type

Final receipt:

Account type

Select the financial institution account type:

  • Personal
  • Business
  • Trust
  • Casino
  • Other
† If 'Other', please specify If “Other” is selected, you must specify the account type.

† Account currency

Final receipt:

Account currency
Enter the account currency code.
Date account opened Enter the date the account was opened (YYYY-MM-DD).
Account holder (person) of account above
Instructions for the fields under "Account holder (person) of account above"
Fields Instructions

† Surname

Final receipt:

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".

† Given name

Final receipt:

Given name
Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Account holder (entity) of account above
Instructions for the field under "Account holder (entity) of account above"
Field Instructions

† Name of entity

Final receipt:

Name of entity
Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Information about requesting the transaction online
Fields Instructions
Type of device used

Select the type of device used for requesting the transaction online:

  • Computer/Laptop
  • Mobile phone
  • Tablet
  • Other
† If 'Other', please specify If “Other” is selected, you must specify the type of device used.
Username Provide the username requesting the transaction online.
Device identifier number

The device identifier number is a number assigned to the device, such as:

  • a Media Access Control (MAC) address, or
  • International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number
Internet protocol address

Provide the Internet Protocol (IP) address.

It is the unique identifying number assigned to every device connected to the internet.

Date and time of online session in which request is made

Provide the date and time of the online session in which the request was made.

You must enter the start time in the following format: HH:MM:SS±ZZ:ZZ.

For example, 1:25:06 pm in Ottawa, Ontario would be reported as 13:25:06-05:00.

Account holder if different from the requester

Provide information on the holder of the account from which the funds are withdrawn if different from the requester

Fields Instructions
‡ Were the funds withdrawn from an account not held by the requester (person/entity)?


  • yes if the funds were withdrawn from an account not held by the requester.
  • no if the funds were not withdrawn from an account not held by the requester.
Account holder type


  • Person if the account holder is a person
  • Entity if the account holder is an entity

Note: If it is unknown whether the account holder is a person or entity, you must select “Entity” as the account holder type.

Person who is account holder if different from the requester
Instructions for the fields under "Person who is account holder if different from the requester"
Fields Instructions
† Surname Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† Given name Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Alias Same instructions (Name fields)
Client number A unique identifying number assigned to the different account holder by the reporting entity.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
† Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
† City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
† Country Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Telephone number Refer to Telephone number fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Extension Same instructions (Telephone number fields)
Email address Provide the email address of the account holder.

† Date of birth

Final receipt:
Date of birth

Provide the date of birth of the account holder.
Country of residence

Enter the primary country of residence for the person.

It can be the same or different from the country entered in the address section.

† Occupation

Final receipt:

Refer to Occupation/business fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Name of employer

Same instructions (Occupation/business fields)

Identification of the person who is the account holder if different from the requester
Instructions for the fields under "Identification of the person who is the account holder if different from the requester"
Fields Instructions

† Identifier type

Final receipt:

Identifier type
Refer to Identification fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† If "Other", please specify Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Number associated with identifier type

Final receipt:

Number associated with identifier type
Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Jurisdiction of issue (country)

Final receipt:

Jurisdiction of issue (country)
Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)

Final receipt:

Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)
Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)

Final receipt:

Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Relationship of the account holder (person) above to the requester
Instructions for the fields under "Relationship of the account holder (person) above to the requester"
Fields Instructions

† Relationship

Final receipt:

Select the relationship of the account holder to the requester.
† If "Other", please specify If “Other” was selected, you must specify the relationship of the account holder to the requester.
Entity who is account holder if different from the requester
Instructions for the fields under "Entity who is account holder if different from the requester"
Fields Instructions
† Name of entity Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Client number A unique identifying number assigned to the entity by the reporting entity.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
† Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
† City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
† Country Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Telephone number Refer to Telephone number fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Extension Same instructions (Telephone number fields)
Email address Provide the email address of the entity holding the account.

† Nature of entity's principal business

Final receipt:

  Nature of entity's principal business
Refer to Occupation/business fields under "Standardized field instructions".
‡ Do you have incorporation or registration information?


  • yes if you have incorporation or registration information.
  • no if you do not have incorporation or registration information.
Incorporated or registered?

Select the incorporation or registration type:

  • Registered
  • Incorporated
  • Incorporated and registered, or
  • Unknown

† Incorporation number / † Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Final receipt:

Incorporation number /  Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Provide the incorporation number and jurisdiction of issue of the entity for each jurisdiction where the entity is incorporated.

If the jurisdiction is a province or state:

  • in Canada, the United States or Mexico, select the code from the list of options
  • outside Canada, the United States or Mexico, provide the name of the province or state

† Registration number / † Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Final receipt:
Registration number / Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Provide the registration number and jurisdiction of issue of the entity for each jurisdiction where the entity is registered.

If the jurisdiction is a province or state:

  • in Canada, the United States or Mexico, select the code from the list of options
  • outside Canada, the United States or Mexico, provide the name of the province or state

For Canadian entities, a registration number can include the 9-digit business number assigned to that entity by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Identification of the entity who is the account holder if different from the requester

Provide the following information that was used to verify the identity of the entity. For some entities, this information may be the same as the registration or incorporation information.

Instructions for the fields under "Identification of the entity who is the account holder if different from the requester"
Fields Instructions

† Identifier type

Final receipt:

  Identifier type
Refer to Identification fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† If "Other", please specify Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Number associated with identifier type

Final receipt:

Number associated with identifier type
Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Jurisdiction of issue (country)

Final receipt:

Jurisdiction of issue (country)
Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)

Final receipt:

Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)
Same instructions (Identification fields)

† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)

Final receipt:

Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Person authorized to bind the entity or act with respect to the account (maximum 3)

If the account holder is an entity, provide the information for up to 3 persons who are authorized to:

Instructions for the fields under "Person authorized to bind the entity or act with respect to the account"
Fields Instructions

† Surname

Final receipt:

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".

† Given name

Final receipt:

Given name
Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Relationship of the account holder (entity) above to the requester
Instructions for the fields under "Relationship of the account holder (entity) above to the requester"
Fields Instructions

† Relationship

Final receipt:

Select the relationship of the account holder to the requester.
† If "Other", please specify Specify the relationship of the account holder to the requester.
On whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested

Provide information about the person or entity on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested

Instructions for the field under "On whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested"
Field Instructions
‡ Was the initiation of the electronic funds transfer requested on behalf of another person or entity?


  • "Yes" if the initiation of the electronic funds transfer was requested on behalf of another person or entity.
  • "No" if the initiation of the electronic funds transfer was not requested on behalf of another person or entity.

The "on behalf of" party is also known as:

  • the "third party", or
  • the party providing instructions for the transaction
Who was the initiation of the electronic funds transfer requested on behalf of?


  • person if the initiation of the electronic funds transfer was requested on behalf of another person
  • entity if the initiation of the electronic funds transfer was requested on behalf of another entity
Information about the third party (person on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested) 

If the initiation of the electronic funds transfer was requested on behalf of another person, you must include the relevant information.

Instructions for the fields under "Information about the third party (person on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested)"
Fields Instructions

† Surname

Final receipt:

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".

† Given name

Final receipt:
Given name

Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)

Initiation only:

Same instructions (Name fields)

Initiation only:

Client number
A unique identifying number assigned to the third party by the reporting entity.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
Country Same instructions (Address fields)
Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Initiation only:
Telephone number
Refer to Telephone number fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Initiation only:
Same instructions (Telephone number fields)
Initiation only:
Email address
Provide the email address of the third party.
Date of birth Provide the date of birth of the third party.
Initiation only:
Country of residence

Enter the primary country of residence for the person.

It can be the same or different from the country entered in the address section.

Occupation Refer to Occupation/business fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Initiation only:
Name of employer
Same instructions (Occupation/business fields)
Identification of the third party (person on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested)
Instructions for the fields under "Identification of the third party (person on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested)"
Fields Instructions
Identifier type Refer to Identification fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† If "Other", please specify Same instructions (Identification fields)
Number associated with identifier type Same instructions (Identification fields)
Initiation only:
Jurisdiction of issue (country)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Initiation only:
Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Initiation only:
Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Relationship of the third party (person named above) to the requester
Instructions for the fields under "Relationship of the third party (person named above) to the requester"
Fields Instructions

† Relationship

Final receipt:

Select the relationship of the "on behalf of" party to the requester.

The "on behalf of" party is understood to be the person or entity that instructs the person or entity requesting the transfer.

† If "Other", please specify Specify the relationship of the “on behalf of” party to the requester.
Information about the third party (entity on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested)

If the initiation of the electronic funds transfer was requested on behalf of another entity, you must include the relevant information.

Instructions for the fields under "Information about the third party (entity on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested)"
Fields Instructions

† Name of entity

Final receipt:
Name of entity

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Client number A unique identifying number assigned to the third party by the reporting entity.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
Country Same instructions (Address fields)
Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Initiation only:
Telephone number
Refer to Telephone number fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Initiation only:
Same instructions (Telephone number fields)
Initiation only:
Email address
Provide the email address of the third party entity.
Nature of entity's principal business Refer to Occupation/business fields under "Standardized field instructions".
‡ Do you have incorporation or registration information?


  • yes if you have incorporation or registration information.
  • no if you do not have incorporation or registration. information
Incorporated or registered?

Select the incorporation or registration type:

  • Registered
  • Incorporated
  • Incorporated and registered, or
  • Unknown
Incorporation number / Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Provide the incorporation number and jurisdiction of issue of the entity on whose behalf the transfer was requested for each jurisdiction where the entity is incorporated.

If the jurisdiction is a province or state:

  • in Canada, the United States or Mexico, select the code from the list of options
  • outside Canada, the United States or Mexico, provide the name of the province or state
Registration number / Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Provide the registration number and jurisdiction of issue of the entity on whose behalf the transfer was requested for each jurisdiction where the entity is registered.

If the jurisdiction is a province or state:

  • in Canada, the United States or Mexico, select the code from the list of options
  • outside Canada, the United States or Mexico, provide the name of the province or state

For Canadian entities, a registration number can include the 9-digit business number assigned to that entity by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Identification of the third party (entity on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested)

Provide the following information that was used to verify the identity of the entity on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested.

For some entities, this information may be the same as the registration or incorporation information.

Instructions for the fields under "Identification of the third party (entity on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested)"
Fields Instructions
Identifier type Refer to Identification fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† If "Other", please specify Same instructions (Identification fields)
Number associated with identifier type Same instructions (Identification fields)
Initiation only:
Jurisdiction of issue (country)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Initiation only:
Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Initiation only:
Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Person authorized to bind the third party (entity) or act with respect to the account (maximum 3)
Instructions for the fields under "Person authorized to bind the third party (entity) or act with respect to the account"
Fields Instructions
Surname Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Given name Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Relationship of the third party (entity named above) to the requester
Instructions for the fields under "Relationship of the third party (entity named above) to the requester"
Fields Instructions

† Relationship

Final receipt:

Select the relationship of the "on behalf of" party to the requester.

The "on behalf of" party is understood to be the person or entity that instructs the requester.
† If "Other", please specify If ‘Other’ is selected, you must specify the relationship of the third party to the requester.
Person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer

Provide information on the initiator: 

Fields Instructions
‡ Initiator type


  • Person if the initiator is a person
  • Entity if the initiator is an entity

Note: If it is unknown whether the initiator is a person or entity, you must select “Entity” as the initiator type.

Person who initiates the electronic funds transfer
Instructions for the fields under "Person who initiates the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
† Surname Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† Given name Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier Provide the bank identification code or business entity identifier.
Identification number assigned to person in respect of their electronic funds transfer activities Provide the identification number activities.

† Reporting entity location number

Final receipt:
Reporting entity location number

The location number is:

  • created and assigned to you by FINTRAC during the enrolment process to FINTRAC Web Reporting System (FWR), and
  • maintained by your FWR administrator.

For more information about this, contact your FWR administrator.

Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
† Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
† City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
† Country Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Final receipt only:
Unstructured address details
Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer
Instructions for the fields under "Entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
† Name of entity Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier Provide the bank Identification code or business entity identifier.
Identification number assigned to the entity in respect of their electronic funds transfer activities Provide the identification number assigned to the entity.

† Reporting entity location number

Final receipt
Reporting entity location number

The location number is:

  • created and assigned to you by FINTRAC during the enrolment process to FINTRAC Web Reporting System (FWR), and
  • maintained by your FWR administrator.

For more information about this, contact your FWR administrator.

Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
† Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
† City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
† Country Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Final receipt only:
Unstructured address details
Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Sender of electronic funds transfer that was initiated by another person or entity

A sender:

Examples of senders include intermediary institutions and agents.

Provide information on every sender involved in the transfer. 

Fields Instructions
‡ Are there additional parties sending this electronic funds transfer? You will need to provide an answer to this question, regardless if you initiate or are in final receipt of an electronic funds transfer.
† Sender type


  • Person if the sender is a person
  • Entity if the sender is an entity

Note: If it is unknown whether the sender is a person or entity, you must select “Entity”.

Person who sends or is to send the electronic funds transfer
Instructions for the fields under "Person who sends or is to send the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
† Surname Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† Given name Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier Provide the bank identification code or business entity identifier.
Identification number assigned to person in respect of their electronic funds transfer activities Provide the identification number.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
† Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
† City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
† Country Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Entity that sends or is to send the electronic funds transfer
Instructions for the fields under "Entity that sends or is to send the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
† Name of entity Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier Provide the bank identification code or business entity identifier.
Identification number assigned to the entity in respect of their electronic funds transfer activities Provide the identification number assigned to the entity.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
† Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
† City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
† Country Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer
Instructions for the fields under "Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
Relationship Select the relationship from the list of options.
† If "Other", please specify If ‘Other’ is selected, you must specify their relationship to the initiator of the electronic funds transfer.
Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer
Instructions for the fields under "Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
Relationship Select the relationship from the list of options.
† If "Other", please specify If ‘Other’ is selected, you must specify their relationship to the final recipient of the electronic funds transfer.
Person or entity involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message

A person or entity involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message:

Provide information about every person or entity that is involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message.

Instructions for the field under "Person or entity involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message"
Field Instructions
† Are there additional parties involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message? You will need to answer this question if the electronic funds transfer type is SWIFT, regardless if you initiate or are in final receipt of an electronic funds transfer.
† Type of additional parties involved


  • Person if the additional party is a person
  • Entity if the additional party is an entity

Note: If it is unknown whether the additional party is a person or entity, you must select “Entity”.

Person involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message
Instructions for the fields under "Person involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message"
Fields Instructions
† Surname Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† Given name Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier Provide the bank identification code or business entity identifier.
Identification number assigned to person in respect of their electronic funds transfer activities Provide the identification number assigned to person.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
† Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
† City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
† Country Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Entity involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message
Instructions for the fields under "Entity involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message"
Fields Instructions
† Name of entity Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier Provide the bank identification code or business entity identifier.
Identification number assigned to the entity in respect of their electronic funds transfer activities Provide the identification number assigned to the entity.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
† Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
† City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
† Country Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer
Instructions for the fields under "Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
Relationship Select the relationship from the list of options.
† If "Other", please specify Specify the relationship of the person or entity involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer to the person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer.
Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that sends or is to send the electronic funds transfer
Instructions for the fields under "Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that sends or is to send the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
Relationship Select the relationship from the list of options.
† If "Other", please specify Specify the relationship of the person or entity involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer to the person or entity that sends or is to send the electronic funds transfer.
Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer
Instructions for the fields under "Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that finally receives or is to finally the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
Relationship Select the relationship from the list of options.
† If "Other", please specify Specify the relationship of the person or entity involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer to the person or entity that sends or is to send the electronic funds transfer.
Person or entity that finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer

Provide information on the receiver:

Fields Instructions
‡ Receiver type


  • Person if the receiver is a person
  • Entity if the receiver is an entity

Note: If it is unknown whether the receiver is a person or entity, you must select “Entity”.

Person who finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer
Instructions for the fields under "Person who receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
† Surname Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† Given name Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier Provide the bank identification code or business entity identifier.
Identification number assigned to person in respect of their electronic funds transfer activities Provide the identification number assigned to person.

Reporting entity location number

Final receipt:
† Reporting entity location number

The location number is:

  • created and assigned to you by FINTRAC during the enrolment process to FINTRAC Web Reporting System (FWR), and
  • maintained by your FWR administrator.

For more information about this, contact your FWR administrator.

Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
† Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
† City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
† Country Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Initiation only:
Unstructured address details
Refer to Unstructured address field under "Standardized field instructions".
Entity that finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer
Instructions for the fields under "Entity that finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
† Name of entity Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier Provide the bank identification code or business entity identifier.
Identification number assigned to the entity in respect of their electronic funds transfer activities Provide the identification number assigned to the entity.

Reporting entity location number

Final receipt:
† Reporting entity location number

The location number is:

  • created and assigned to you by FINTRAC during the enrolment process to FINTRAC Web Reporting System (FWR), and
  • maintained by your FWR administrator.

For more information about this, contact your FWR administrator.

Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
† Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
† City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
† Country Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
† Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Initiation only:
Unstructured address details
Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Disposition information
Details of disposition

This field describes what happened to the funds that are received by the receiver and how the funds are remitted to the beneficiary.  If you are submitting:

You can select more than one disposition.

Instructions for types of disposition to select for the field "* Details of disposition"
Types of dispositions to select from Instructions
Cash out To be used when the funds are paid out in cash.
Payment to account To be used when funds or virtual currency are used to pay down a loan, mortgage, line of credit or credit card account balance.
Cash withdrawal (account based)

To be used when cash is withdrawn from an account-based reporting entity, such as a bank or credit union.

This cannot be the first disposition. For example, the funds received must be deposited into an account (first disposition) before cash is withdrawn from the account.

Added to virtual currency wallet

Select when virtual currency is added to a virtual currency wallet.

This cannot be the first disposition. For example, the funds received must be exchanged to virtual currency (first disposition) before it can be added to a virtual currency wallet (subsequent disposition).

Deposit to account Select when the funds are deposited into an account at an account-based reporting entity, such as a bank or credit union.
Exchange to fiat currency

Select for:

  • a fiat-to-fiat currency exchange (for example, CAD to USD), or
  • a virtual currency-to-fiat exchange (for example, bitcoin to CAD)

A virtual currency-to-fiat exchange cannot be the first disposition. The funds received must be exchanged to virtual currency (first disposition) before the virtual currency can be exchanged to fiat (subsequent disposition).

Exchange to virtual currency

Select for:

  • a fiat-to-virtual currency exchange (for example, CAD to bitcoin), or
  • a virtual currency-to-virtual currency exchange (for example, bitcoin to Ethereum (ETH))

A virtual currency-to-virtual currency exchange cannot be the first disposition. The funds received must be first exchanged to virtual currency (first disposition) before the virtual currency can be exchanged to another virtual currency.

Holding funds Select when a non-account-based reporting entity (for example, a money services business) receives funds and holds these funds for a client for the purpose of a future transaction (for example, buy virtual currency when it hits a certain threshold).
Investment product purchase or deposit Select when a client buys or makes a deposit to a Guaranteed Investment Contract (GIC), Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), stock from an exchange (for example, Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX)), or any other such investments.
Issued cheque

Select for the issuance of:

  • a certified cheque
  • a disbursement through a casino cheque, etc.
Life insurance policy purchase or deposit Select when a client buys or puts a deposit down to purchase a life insurance policy.
Outgoing domestic funds transfer Select when the transaction instructions are for the transfer of funds within Canada.
Outgoing email money transfer Select when the funds are transferred using a recipient's email address.
Outgoing international funds transfer Select when the transaction instructions are for the transfer of funds outside of Canada.
Outgoing mobile money transfer Select when the funds are transferred using a recipient's phone number.
Outgoing virtual currency transfer

Select when a reporting entity transfers virtual currency from a client's virtual currency wallet to another virtual currency wallet.

This cannot be the first disposition. For example, the funds received must be exchanged to virtual currency (first disposition) before it can be added to a virtual currency wallet (second disposition) and then transferred to another virtual currency wallet.

Purchase of bank draft

Select when a client purchases a bank draft from a financial entity.

The term bank draft refers to a negotiable instrument that can be used as payment (similar to a cheque). Unlike a cheque though, a bank draft is guaranteed by the issuing bank.

Purchase of casino product

Select when a client purchases a casino product.

A casino product can include, but is not limited to:

  • chips
  • plaques, and
  • tokens
Purchase of money order

Select when a client purchases a money order.

A money order is a certificate, usually issued by a government or financial institution that allows the stated payee to receive cash on demand.

A money order functions much like a cheque as the purchaser of the money order may stop the payment.

Purchase of precious metals

Select when a client purchases precious metals from a dealer in precious metals and precious stones.

Precious metals means:

  • gold
  • silver
  • palladium, and
  • platinum

in the form of:

  • coins
  • bars
  • ingots
  • granules, or
  • in other similar forms
Purchase of prepaid payment product/card

Select when a client purchases a prepaid payment product.

The product must be tied to a prepaid payment product account held by a financial entity.

A prepaid payment product is a product that is issued by a financial entity that enables a person or entity to engage in a transaction by giving them electronic access to funds or to virtual currency paid into a prepaid payment product account held with the financial entity in advance of a transaction taking place.

Real estate purchase or deposit Select when a client purchases or puts a deposit down on real estate.
Purchase of / Payment for goods Select when a client purchases or pays for goods not already captured by any other disposition type included in the list above (for example, car, yacht).
Purchase of / Payment of services Select when a client purchases or pays for services not already captured by any other disposition type included in the list above (for example, cable, internet, hydro).

Select when the disposition is not captured by any other disposition type included in the list above.

Upon selecting "Other," you must provide a description of the disposition.

"Other" should not be used to combine multiple dispositions that are listed above. Specifically, if there are multiple dispositions that are included in the list above, then each disposition should be selected and not combined under "Other".

Note: If the disposition is "Other", provide details that describe the disposition of the transaction in the field "† If "Other", please specify".


Final receipt:
* Amount

Enter the amount of disposition.  The disposition amount:

  • is the amount that it is remitted to the beneficiary
  • may be the same or different from the amount that was transferred to the beneficiary (or example, when you receive a transfer for a beneficiary and deduct a fee from this transfer amount, the disposition amount will be different from the transfer amount)

If the disposition involves a fiat currency, enter the currency even if it was in Canadian dollars.

If the currency type is not in the list provided, you must select "Other" and provide the name of the currency.

Virtual currency type Provide the virtual currency type.
† If "Other", please specify Specify the virtual currency type.
Exchange rate Provide the rate of exchange that you used for the transaction.
Value in Canadian dollars

Provide the Canadian dollar value of the disposition if it is not funds.

For example, provide the value of the virtual currency, jewellery, precious metals or precious stones that was purchased.

This may be the market, retail or other value that you would use in the ordinary course of your business at the time of transaction, and as detailed by and in accordance with your policies and procedures.

Involved in the disposition
Instructions for the field under "Involved in the disposition"
Field Instructions
‡ Was there any other person or entity involved in the disposition?


  • yes if there was any other person or entity involved in the disposition.
  • no if there was not any other person or entity involved in the disposition.
Person involved in the disposition

If you have information about other persons involved in the disposition, you must include it.

Note: These entities cannot be:

Instructions for the fields under "Person involved in the disposition"
Fields Instructions
Surname Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Given name Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Account number

Provide the account number of the person involved in the disposition.

It is acceptable to include the financial institution number and branch number as part of an account number.

Policy number Provide the policy number of the person involved in the disposition.
Identifying number Provide the identifying number of the person involved in the disposition.
Entity involved in the disposition

If you have information about other entities involved in the disposition, you must include it.

Note: These entities cannot be:

Instructions for the fields under "Entity involved in the disposition"
Fields Instructions
Name of entity Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Account number

Provide the account number of the entity involved in the disposition.

It is acceptable to include the financial institution number and branch number as part of an account number.

Policy number Provide the policy number of the entity involved in the disposition.
Identifying number Provide the identifying number of the entity involved in the disposition.
Beneficiary information

Provide all the information you have on 1 or multiple beneficiaries of the transfer.

Instructions for the fields under "Beneficiary information"
Field Instructions
‡ Beneficiary type


  • Person if the beneficiary is a person
  • Entity if the beneficiary is an entity

Note: If it is unknown whether the beneficiary is a person or entity, you must select “Entity”.

Person beneficiary
Instructions for the fields under "Person beneficiary"
Fields Instructions
† Surname Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
†Given name Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Alias Same instructions (Name fields)
Client number A unique identifying number assigned to the person beneficiary by the reporting entity.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)

Street address

Final receipt:
†Street address

Same instructions (Address fields)


Final receipt:

Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)


Final receipt:

Same instructions (Address fields)

Province or state (code)

Final receipt:
†Province or state (code)

Same instructions (Address fields)

Province or state (name)

Final receipt:
†Province or state (name)

Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Telephone number Refer to Telephone number fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Extension Same instructions (Telephone number fields)
Email address Provide the email address of the person beneficiary.
Username Provide the user name of the person beneficiary.
Date of birth Provide the date of birth of the person beneficiary.
Country of residence

Enter the primary country of residence for the person.

It can be the same or different from the country entered in the address section.

Occupation Refer to Occupation/business fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Name of employer Same instructions (Occupation/business fields)
Identification of the person beneficiary
Instructions for the fields under "Identification of the person beneficiary"
Fields Instructions

Identifier type

Final receipt:
† Identifier type

Refer to Identification fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† If "Other", please specify Same instructions (Identification fields)

Number associated with identifier type

Final receipt:
† Number associated with identifier type

Same instructions (Identification fields)

Jurisdiction of issue (country)

Final receipt:
† Jurisdiction of issue (country)

Same instructions (Identification fields)

Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)

Final receipt:
† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)

Same instructions (Identification fields)

Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)

Final receipt:
† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)

Same instructions (Identification fields)
Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer

Provide the account or reference information as it relates to the electronic funds transfer.

Instructions for the fields under "Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
† Reference number

If the transaction involved a reference number, provide it in this field.

If the transaction involves an account at a financial entity, securities dealer or casino (account-based reporting entity), do not provide the account number information in this field—instead, provide that information in the account number field.

For all other reporting entities, if you have an internal account number that is used as a reference number, then provide the internal account number in this field.

Other number related to reference number Provide any other number related to the reference number as applicable.

Financial institution number

Final receipt:
† Financial institution number

Provide the financial institution number.

Branch number

Final receipt:
† Branch number

Provide the branch number.
† Account number

If the transaction involves an account at a financial entity, securities dealer or casino (account-based reporting entities), provide that account number.

If you are not an account-based reporting entity (for example, a money services business), but the transaction involves an account at an account-based reporting entity (for example, a financial entity), provide that account number in this field.

Account type

Final receipt:
† Account type

the financial institution account type:

  • Personal
  • Business
  • Trust
  • Casino
  • Other
† If 'Other', please specify If ‘Other’ is selected, you must specify the account type.

Account currency

Final receipt:
† Account currency

Enter the account currency code.
Date account opened Enter the date the account was opened (YYYY-MM-DD).
Account holder (person) of account above
Instructions for the fields under "Account holder – person"
Fields Instructions


Final receipt:
† Surname

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".

Given name

Final receipt:
† Given name

Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Account holder (entity) of account above
Instructions for the field under "Account holder – entity"
Field Instructions

Name of entity

Final receipt:
† Name of entity

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Entity beneficiary
Instructions for the fields under "Entity beneficiary"
Fields Instructions
† Name of entity Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Client number A unique identifying number assigned to the entity beneficiary by the reporting entity.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)

Street address

Final receipt:
† Street address

Same instructions (Address fields)


Final receipt:
† City

Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)


Final receipt:
† Country

Same instructions (Address fields)

Province or state (code)

Final receipt:
† Province or state (code)

Same instructions (Address fields)

Province or state (name)

Final receipt:
† Province or state (name)

Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Telephone number Refer to Telephone number fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Extension Same instructions (Telephone number fields)
Email address Provide the email address of the entity beneficiary.
Username Provide the user name of the entity beneficiary.
Nature of entity's principal business Refer to Occupation/business fields under "Standardized field instructions".
‡ Do you have incorporation or registration information?


  • yes if you have incorporation or registration information.
  • no if you do not have incorporation or registration information.
Incorporated or registered?

Select the incorporation or registration type:

  • Registered
  • Incorporated
  • Incorporated and registered, or
  • Unknown

Incorporation number / Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Final receipt:
† Incorporation number / Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Provide the incorporation number and jurisdiction of issue of the entity that is the beneficiary for each jurisdiction where the entity is incorporated.

If the jurisdiction is a province or state:

  • in Canada, the United States or Mexico, select the code from the list of options
  • outside Canada, the United States or Mexico, provide the name of the province or state

Registration number / Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Final receipt:
† Registration number / Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Provide the registration number and jurisdiction of issue of the entity that is the beneficiary for each jurisdiction where the entity is registered.

If the jurisdiction is a province or state:

  • in Canada, the United States or Mexico, select the code from the list of options
  • outside Canada, the United States or Mexico, provide the name of the province or state

For Canadian entities, a registration number can include the 9-digit business number assigned to that entity by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Identification of the entity beneficiary

Provide the following information that was used to verify the identity of the entity that is a beneficiary.

For some entities, this information may be the same as the registration or incorporation information.

Instructions for the fields under "Identification of the entity beneficiary"
Fields Instructions

Identifier type

Final receipt:
† Identifier type

Refer to Identification fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† If "Other", please specify Same instructions (Identification fields)

Number associated with identifier type

Final receipt:
† Number associated with identifier type

Same instructions (Identification fields)

Jurisdiction of issue (country)

Final receipt:
† Jurisdiction of issue (country)

Same instructions (Identification fields)

Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)

Final receipt:
† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)

Same instructions (Identification fields)

Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)

Final receipt:
† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)

Same instructions (Identification fields)
Person authorized to bind the entity beneficiary or act with respect to the account (maximum 3)
Instructions for the fields under "Person authorized to bind the entity beneficiary or act with respect to the account"
Fields Instructions


Final receipt:
† Surname

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".

Given name

Final receipt:
† Given name

Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer

Provide the account or reference information as it relates to the electronic funds transfer.

Instructions for the fields under "Account or reference related to the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Instructions
†Reference number

If the transaction involved a reference number, provide it in this field.

If the transaction involves an account at a financial entity, securities dealer or casino (account-based reporting entity), do not provide the account number information in this field—instead, provide that information in the account number field.

For all other reporting entities, if you have an internal account number that is used as a reference number, then provide the internal account number in this field.

Other number related to reference number Provide any other number related to the reference number as applicable.

Financial institution number

Final receipt:
† Financial institution number

Provide the financial institution number.

Branch number

Final receipt:
† Branch number

Provide the branch number.
† Account number

If the transaction involves an account at a financial entity, securities dealer or casino (account-based reporting entities), provide that account number.

If you are not an account-based reporting entity (for example, a money services business), but the transaction involves an account at an account-based reporting entity (for example, a financial entity), provide that account number in this field.

Account type

Final receipt:
† Account type

Select the financial institution account type:

  • Personal
  • Business
  • Trust
  • Casino
  • Other
† If 'Other', please specify If ‘Other’ is selected, you must specify the account type.

Account currency

Final receipt:
† Account currency

Enter the account currency code.
Date account opened Enter the date the account was opened (YYYY-MM-DD).
Account holder (person) of account above
Instructions for the fields under "Account holder (person) of account above"
Fields Instructions


Final receipt:
† Surname

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".

Given name

Final receipt:
† Given name

Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Account holder (entity) of account above
Instructions for the field under "Account holder (entity) of account above"
Field Instructions

Name of entity

Final receipt:
† Name of entity

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
On whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance

Provide all the information you have on the person or entity on whose behalf the beneficiary is to receive the remittance.

Instructions for the fields under "On whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance"
Fields Instructions
‡ Is there a third party beneficiary for the electronic funds transfer payment?


  • yes if there is a third party beneficiary for the electronic funds transfer payment.
  • no if there is not a third party beneficiary for the electronic funds transfer payment.
Third party type


  • Person if the third party is a person
  • Entity if the third party is an entity

Note: If it is unknown whether the third party is a person or entity, you must select “Entity”.

Person on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance
Instructions for the fields under "Person on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance"
Fields Instructions


Final receipt:
† Surname

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".

Given name

Final receipt:
† Given name

Same instructions (Name fields)
Other/Initial Same instructions (Name fields)
Final receipt only:
Same instructions (Name fields)
Final receipt only:
Client number
A unique identifying number assigned by the reporting entity to the person on whose behalf the beneficiary is to receive remittance.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
Country Same instructions (Address fields)
Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".

Final receipt only:
Telephone number

Refer to Telephone number fields under "Standardized field instructions".

Final receipt only:

Same instructions (Telephone number fields)

Final receipt only:
Email address

Provide the email address of the person on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance.
Date of birth Provide the date of birth of the person on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance.

Final receipt only:
Country of residence

Enter the primary country of residence for the person.

It can be the same or different from the country entered in the address section.

Occupation Refer to Occupation/business fields under "Standardized field instructions".

Final receipt only:
Name of employer

Same instructions (Occupation/business fields)
Identification of the person on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance
Instructions for the fields under "Identification of the person on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance"
Fields Instructions
Identifier type Refer to Identification fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† If "Other", please specify Same instructions (Identification fields)
Number associated with identifier type Same instructions (Identification fields)
Final receipt only:
Jurisdiction of issue (country)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Final receipt only:
Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Final receipt only:
Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Entity on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance
Instructions for the fields under "Entity on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance"
Fields Instructions

Name of entity

Final receipt:
† Name of entity

Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Final receipt only:
Client number
A unique identifying number assigned by the reporting entity to the entity on whose behalf the beneficiary is to receive remittance.
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Refer to Address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
House/Building number Same instructions (Address fields)
Street address Same instructions (Address fields)
City Same instructions (Address fields)
District Same instructions (Address fields)
Country Same instructions (Address fields)
Province or state (code) Same instructions (Address fields)
Province or state (name) Same instructions (Address fields)
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Same instructions (Address fields)
Postal or zip code Same instructions (Address fields)
Unstructured address details Refer to Unstructured address fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Final receipt only:
Telephone number
Refer to Telephone number fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Final receipt only:
Same instructions (Telephone number fields)
Final receipt only:
Email address
Provide the email address of the entity on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance.
Nature of entity's principal business Refer to Occupation/business fields under "Standardized field instructions".
‡ Do you have incorporation or registration information?


  • yes if you have incorporation or registration information.
  • no if you do not have incorporation or registration. information
Incorporated or registered?

Select the incorporation or registration type:

  • Registered
  • Incorporated
  • Incorporated and registered, or
  • Unknown
Incorporation number / Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Provide the incorporation number and jurisdiction of issue of the entity for each jurisdiction where the entity is incorporated.

If the jurisdiction is a province or state:

  • in Canada, the United States or Mexico, select the code from the list of options
  • outside Canada, the United States or Mexico, provide the name of the province or state
Registration number / Jurisdiction of issue (country, province or state)

Provide the registration number and jurisdiction of issue of the entity for each jurisdiction where the entity is registered.

If the jurisdiction is a province or state:

  • in Canada, the United States or Mexico, select the code from the list of options
  • outside Canada, the United States or Mexico, provide the name of the province or state

For Canadian entities, a registration number can include the 9-digit business number assigned to that entity by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Identification of the entity on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance

Provide the information that was used to verify the identity of the entity on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance.

For some entities, this information may be the same as the registration or incorporation information.

Instructions for the fields under "Identification of the entity on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance"
Fields Instructions
Identifier type Refer to Identification fields under "Standardized field instructions".
† If "Other", please specify Same instructions (Identification fields)
Number associated with identifier type Same instructions (Identification fields)
Final receipt only:
Jurisdiction of issue (country)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Final receipt only:
Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (code)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Final receipt only:
Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) (name)
Same instructions (Identification fields)
Person authorized to bind the entity on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance (maximum 3)
Instructions for the fields under "Person authorized to bind the entity on whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance"
Fields Instructions
Final receipt only:
Refer to Name fields under "Standardized field instructions".
Final receipt only:
Given name
Same instructions (Name fields)
Final receipt only:
Same instructions (Name fields)
Relationship of the third party named above to the beneficiary  
Instructions for the fields under "Relationship of the third party named above to the beneficiary"
Fields Instructions


Final receipt:
† Relationship

Select the relationship from the list of options.
†If "Other", please specify If ‘Other’ type of relationship is selected, you must specify the relationship of the third party to the beneficiary.
Additional payment information fields (for SWIFT messages) 
Instructions for the fields under "Additional payment information fields (for SWIFT messages)"
Fields Instructions
Select the additional payment information field(s) from the list of options.
Specify the value for each field.

Annex B: Initiation scenarios

The following scenarios demonstrate form completion and the expected field information in an Electronic Funds Transfer Report (initiation) based on the client's instructions and transaction(s) in each scenario.


In this annex

Scenario B.1: Initiation with single transaction (entity to entity)


Company C, a company in Canada, needs to transfer $10,000 USD to Company U, a company in the United States, to pay for the purchase of goods.  The details of this transfer are as follows:

Expected field information in the report that is submitted by Bank C

Bank C submits an Electronic Funds Transfer Report (initiation) with the following information. 

General information – Scenario B.1
"General information about Bank C"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
* Reporting entity number 1234567
‡ Reporting entity report reference number EFT15137-2168516
* Activity sector Bank
Contact information for this report Information about the person at Bank C that FINTRAC can liaise with in the event that a follow up is required
‡ Electronic funds transfer direction Initiation
‡ Aggregation type Not applicable
‡ 24-hour period start date and time 2023-10-31T00:00:00-03:00
‡24-hour period end date and time 2023-10-31T23:59:59-03:00
Transactional information – Scenario B.1
"Transactional information"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
* Electronic funds transfer type SWIFT
* Date and time of transaction 2023-10-31T12:09:55-03:00
* Amount 10,000
* Currency USD
‡ Threshold indicator Above threshold
‡ Reporting entity transaction reference number EFT20241031-092
‡ Have you applied a regulatory exception to this transaction? No
"Source of funds involved at initiation"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Was information about the source (person/entity) of funds obtained? No
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Requester type Person
† Surname Orange
† Given name Sumo
Client number 1321813
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Apt 1B
House/Building number 234
† Street address Pine Street
† City Calgary
† Country Canada
† Province or state (code): AB
Postal or zip code A1A 1A1
Telephone number 342-513-8132
Email address
† Date of birth 1976-01-01
Country of residence Canada
† Occupation Assistant to the Treasury Manager
Name of employer Company C
† Identifier type Drivers License
† Number associated with identifier type AB1327951321
† Jurisdiction of issue (country) Canada
† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state)(code): AB
"Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
† Financial institution number


(This is Bank C's financial institution number.)

† Branch number


(This is Bank C's branch number – the branch where Company C's bank account is held.)

† Account number


(This is the Company C's account number at Bank C.)

† Account type Business
† Account currency USD
Date account opened 2010-01-01
"Account holder of account above"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
† Name of entity Company C
"Information about requesting the transaction online"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
Type of device used Computer / Laptop
Username companyC-SO
Device identifier number type 00:00:5e:00:53:af
Internet protocol address
Date and time of online session in which request is made 2023-10-31T:12:09:55-03:00
"Account holder if different from the requester"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Were the funds withdrawn from an account not held by the requestor? Yes
Account holder type Business
† Name of entity Company C
Client number 1321811
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Suite 2000
House/Building number 900
† Street address Main Street
† City Calgary
† Country Canada
† Province or state (code): AB
Postal or zip code A1A 1A9
Telephone number 324-192-8432
† Nature of entity's principal business: Agricultural equipment supplier
‡ Do you have incorporation or registration information? Yes
Incorporated or registered? Incorporated and registered
† Incorporation number AB4321234
† Jurisdiction of issue (country) of incorporation Canada
† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) of incorporation (code) AB
† Registration number RN87321987321
† Jurisdiction of issue (country) of registration Canada
† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) of registration (code) AB
† Identifier type Certificate of incorporation
† Number associated with identifier type AB4321234
† Jurisdiction of issue (country) Canada
† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state)(code): AB
"Person authorized to bind the entity who is the account holder if different from the requester – Person 1 (maximum 3)"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
† Surname Orange
† Given name Sumo
"Person authorized to bind the entity who is the account holder if different from the requester – Person 2 (maximum 3)"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
† Surname Farmer
† Given name Jim
"Person authorized to bind the entity who is the account holder if different from the requester – Person 3 (maximum 3)"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
† Surname Rancher
† Given name Pearl
"Relationship of the account holder above to the requester"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
† Relationship Employer
"On whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Was the initiation of the electronic funds transfer requested on behalf of another person or entity? Yes
Who was the initiation of the electronic funds transfer requested on behalf of? Entity
† Name of entity Company C
Client number 1321811
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Suite 2000
House/Building number 900
Street address Main Street
City Calgary
Country Canada
Province or state (code): AB
Postal or zip code A1A 1A9
Telephone number 324-192-8432
Nature of entity's principal business: Agricultural equipment supplier
‡ Do you have incorporation or registration information? Yes
Incorporated or registered? Incorporated and registered
Incorporation number AB4321234
Jurisdiction of issue (country) of incorporation Canada
Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) of incorporation (code) AB
Registration number RN87321987321
Jurisdiction of issue (country) of registration Canada
Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) of registration (code) AB
Identifier type Certificate of incorporation
Number associated with identifier type AB4321234
Jurisdiction of issue (country) Canada
Jurisdiction of issue (province or state)(code): AB
"Person authorized to bind the entity on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested – Person 1 (maximum 3)"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
Surname Orange
Given name Sumo
"Person authorized to bind the entity on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested – Person 2 (maximum 3)"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
Surname Farmer
Given name Jim
"Person authorized to bind the entity on whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested – Person 3 (maximum 3)"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
Surname Rancher
Given name Pearl
"Relationship of the entity named above to the requester"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
† Relationship Employer
"Person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Initiator type Entity
† Name of entity Bank C
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier BNKCCACAL
† Reporting entity location number 999
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Suite 10
House/Building number 889
† Street address Front Street
† City Calgary
† Country Canada
† Province or state (code): AB
Postal or zip code A2A 1A9
"Sender of electronic funds transfer that was initiated by another person or entity"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Are there additional parties sending this electronic funds transfer? No
"Person or entity involved in effecting electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
† Are there additional parties involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message? No
"Person or entity that finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Receiver type Entity
† Name of entity Bank U
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier BNKUUSNYC
House/Building number 1
† Street address Wall Street
† City New York City
† Country USA
† Province or state (code): NY
Postal or zip code 10005
"Involved in disposition"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Was there any other person or entity involved in the disposition? No
"Beneficiary information"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Beneficiary type Entity
† Name of entity Company U
House/Building number 234
Street address 5th Avenue
City New York City
Country USA
Province or state (code): NY
Postal or zip code 10073
‡ Do you have incorporation or registration information? No
"Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
† Account number


(This is Company U's account number at Bank U.)

"On whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
† Is there a third party beneficiary for the electronic funds transfer payment? No

Infographic summarizing scenario B.1

Illustration of details of the initiation of a single electronic funds transfer transaction from one entity to another entity.
View text equivalent for the infographic summarizing scenario B.1

Company C, a company in Canada, needs to transfer $10,000 USD to Company U, a company in the United States, to pay for the purchase of goods. The details of this transfer are as follows:

Scenario B.2: Initiation with multiple transactions (person to person)


Giant Green goes to Money Movers Inc. (a money services business in Canada) with $9,000 CAD in cash and requests to transfer this amount to Bright Yellow in Germany. Giant Green provides the following information to Money Movers Inc.:

Later the same day, Pale Green goes to a different location of Money Movers Inc. in Canada and requests to transfer $7,000 CAD to Bright Yellow in Germany. Pale Green provides the following information to Money Movers Inc.:

Money Movers Inc.:

Expected field information in the report that is submitted by Money Movers Inc.

Money Movers Inc. submits an Electronic Funds Transfer Report (initiation) with the following information. 

General information – Scenario B.2
"General information about Money Movers Inc."
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
* Reporting entity number 2345678
‡ Reporting entity report reference number MSB8138-12135
* Activity sector Money services business
Contact information for this report Information about the person at Money Movers Inc. that FINTRAC can liaise with in the event that a follow up is required
‡ Electronic funds transfer direction Initiation
‡ Aggregation type Beneficiary
‡ 24-hour period start date and time 2023-10-31T00:00:00-03:00
‡24-hour period end date and time 2023-10-31T23:59:59-03:00
Transactional information – Scenario B.2
"Transactional information"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
* Electronic funds transfer type Non-SWIFT Non-SWIFT
* Date and time of transaction 2023-10-31T12:09:55-03:00 2023-10-31T12:58:55-03:00
* Amount 9,000 7,000
* Currency CAD CAD
‡ Threshold indicator Below threshold Below threshold
‡ Reporting entity transaction reference number MSB8138-12135-01 MSB8138-12135-02
‡ Have you applied a regulatory exception to this transaction? Reporting entity location number No No
"For money services business and foreign money services business only"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
Question 1
† As the initiator of this transaction, are you also the final receiver for this transaction?
No No
Question 2
† Are the funds finally received within your business?
No No
† (If yes to questions 1 and 2) What is the requester's residential status?    
† (If yes to questions 1 and 2) What is the beneficiary's residential status?    
Question 3
† Is the requester moving funds into or out of Canada?
Out of Canada Out of Canada
"Source of funds involved at initiation"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
‡ Was information about the source (person/entity) of funds obtained? Yes No
How were the funds obtained? Cash from Sale of art [Field left blank because not applicable]
Surname Grey [Field left blank because not applicable]
Given name Griffin [Field left blank because not applicable]
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
‡ Requester type Person Person
† Surname Green Green
† Given name Giant Pale
Client number 2138762 2139521
House/Building number 881 881
† Street address Oak Street Oak Street
† City Winnipeg Winnipeg
† Country Canada Canada
† Province or state (code): MB MB
Postal or zip code R3R 4Y2 R3R 4Y2
Telephone number 204-598-6321 204-598-6321
Email address
† Date of birth 1980-01-01 2001-01-02
Country of residence Canada Canada
† Occupation Painter Student at the University of Winnipeg
Name of employer Colorful Painting Company [Field left blank because not applicable]
† Identifier type Drivers License Passport
† Number associated with identifier type QC9232L112Q CAN12345
† Jurisdiction of issue (country) Canada Canada
† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state)(code): QC [Field left blank because not applicable]
"Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
† Reference number MSB21321981 MSB21321995
"Account holder if different from the requester"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
‡ Were the funds withdrawn from an account not held by the requestor? No No
"On whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
‡ Was the initiation of the electronic funds transfer requested on behalf of another person or entity? Yes No
Who was the initiation of the electronic funds transfer requested on behalf of? Person [Field left blank because not applicable]
† Surname Green [Field left blank because not applicable]
† Given name Pale [Field left blank because not applicable]
Client number 2139521 [Field left blank because not applicable]
House/Building number 881 [Field left blank because not applicable]
Street address Oak Street [Field left blank because not applicable]
City Winnipeg [Field left blank because not applicable]
Country Canada [Field left blank because not applicable]
Province or state (code): MB [Field left blank because not applicable]
Postal or zip code R3R 4Y2 [Field left blank because not applicable]
Telephone number 204-598-6321 [Field left blank because not applicable]
Email address [Field left blank because not applicable]
Date of birth 2000-01-02 [Field left blank because not applicable]
Country of residence Canada [Field left blank because not applicable]
Occupation Student at University of Winnipeg [Field left blank because not applicable]
Identifier type Passport [Field left blank because not applicable]
Number associated with identifier type CAN12345 [Field left blank because not applicable]
Jurisdiction of issue (country) Canada [Field left blank because not applicable]
"Relationship of the person named above to the requester"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
† Relationship Relative [Field left blank because not applicable]
"Person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
‡ Initiator type Entity Entity
† Name of entity Money Movers Inc. Money Movers Inc.
† Reporting entity location number 1150 1151
House/Building number 100 500
† Street address Main Street Red River Road
† City Winnipeg Winnipeg
† Country Canada Canada
† Province or state (code): MB MB
Postal or zip code R1M 2Y3 R5K 1A5
"Sender of the electronic funds transfer that was initiated by another person or entity"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
‡ Are there additional parties sending this electronic funds transfer? Yes Yes
† Sender type Entity Entity
† Name of entity Bank C Bank C
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier BNKCCACAL BNKCCACAL
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Suite 10 Suite 10
House/Building number 889 889
† Street address Front Street Front Street
† City Calgary Calgary
† Country Canada Canada
† Province or state (code): AB AB
Postal or zip code A2A 1A9 A2A 1A9
"Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
Relationship Sending institution Sending institution
"Person or entity that finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
‡ Receiver type Entity Entity
† Name of entity Bank G Bank G
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier BNKUGRBER BNKUGRBER
House/Building number 900 900
† Street address Mein Road Mein Road
† City Berlin Berlin
† Country Germany Germany
† Province or state (name): Brandenburg Brandenburg
"Beneficiary information"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
‡ Beneficiary type Person Person
† Surname Yellow Yellow
† Given name Bright Bright
Street address Theaterplatz 2 Theaterplatz 2
City Dresden Dresden
Country Germany Germany
Province or state (name): Saxony Saxony
Postal or zip code 01067 01067
"Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
† Account number 98-13215-87921321 98-13215-87921321
"On whose behalf beneficiary is to receive remittance"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2 Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 2 of 2
† Is there a third party beneficiary for the electronic funds transfer payment? No No

Infographic summarizing scenario B.2

Illustration of details of the initiation of multiple electronic funds transfer transactions from person to person.
View text equivalent for infographic summarizing scenario B.2

Giant Green goes to Money Movers Inc. (a money services business in Canada) with $9,000 CAD in cash and requests to transfer this amount to Bright Yellow in Germany. Giant Green provides the following information to Money Movers Inc.:

Later the same day, Pale Green goes to a different location of Money Movers Inc. in Canada and requests to transfer $7,000 CAD to Bright Yellow in Germany. Pale Green provides the following information to Money Movers Inc.:

Money Movers Inc.:

Annex C: Final receipt scenarios

The following scenarios demonstrate form completion and the expected field information in an Electronic Funds Transfer Report (final receipt) based on the client's instructions and transaction(s) in each scenario.


In this annex

Scenario C.1: Final receipt with intermediaries (entity to person)


Gaming Corporation MX goes to its bank, Bank M in Mexico, and requests a transfer of 25,000 EUR to Maroon Red in Canada. The details of this transfer are as follows:

Expected field information in the report that is submitted by Bank C.

Bank C submits an Electronic Funds Transfer Report (final receipt) with the following information. 

General information – Scenario C.1
"General information about Bank C"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
* Reporting entity number 1234567
‡ Reporting entity report reference number EFT15137-2168517
* Activity sector Bank
Contact information for this report Information about the person at Bank C that FINTRAC can liaise with in the event that a follow up is required
‡ Electronic funds transfer direction Final receipt
‡ Aggregation type Not applicable
‡ 24-hour period start date and time 2023-10-31T00:00:00-04:00
‡24-hour period end date and time 2023-10-31T23:59:59-04:00
Transactional information – Scenario C.1
"Transactional information"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
* Electronic funds transfer type Non-SWIFT
* Date and time of transaction 2023-10-31T12:10:55-04:00
* Amount 25,000
* Currency EUR
‡ Threshold indicator Above threshold
‡ Reporting entity transaction reference number EFT20241031-093
‡ Have you applied a regulatory exception to this transaction? Reporting entity location number No
"Source of funds involved at initiation"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Was information about the source (person/entity) of funds obtained? No
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Requester type Entity
† Name of entity Gaming Corporation MX
House/Building number 981
† Street address Main Street
† City Mexico City
† Country Mexico
† Province or state (code): OA
Postal or zip code 81222
Telephone number 18008130215
‡ Do you have incorporation or registration information? No
"Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
† Account number MX60 X054 2811 1010 0000 0123 456
"Account holder if different from the requester"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Were the funds withdrawn from an account not held by the requester? No
"On whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Was the initiation of the electronic funds transfer requested on behalf of another person or entity? No
"Person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Initiator type Entity
† Name of entity Bank M
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier BNKMXEOA
House/Building number 22
† Street address Bank Street
† City Mexico City
† Country Mexico
† Province or state (code): OA
Postal or zip code 81221
"Sender of electronic funds transfer that was initiated by another person or entity"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Are there additional parties sending this electronic funds transfer? Yes
† Sender type Entity
† Name of entity Bank F
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier BNKFRPAR
House/Building number 999
† Street address Main Street
† City Paris
† Country France
Sub-province and/or sub-locality Provence
Postal or zip code 41257
"Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
Relationship Intermediary Institution
"Person or entity that finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Receiver type Entity
† Name of entity Bank C
* Bank identification code or business entity identifier BNKCCACAL
* Reporting entity location number 999
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Suite 10
House/Building number 889
* Street address Front Street
* City Calgary
* Country Canada
* Province or state (code): AB
Postal or zip code A2A 1A9
"Disposition information"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
* Details of disposition Deposit to an account
* Amount 36,753.30
Currency CAD
Exchange rate 1.47
"Involved in disposition"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Was there any other person or entity involved in the disposition? No
"Beneficiary information"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Beneficiary type Person
† Surname Red
† Given name Maroon
Client number 4888773
House/Building number 555
† Street address Oak Street
† City Victoria
† Country Canada
† Province or state (code): BC
Postal or zip code V6G 0G1
Telephone number 250-121-7582
Email address
Date of birth 1985-02-01
Country of residence Canada
Occupation Colour specialist
Name of employer Crayola
† Identifier type Passport
† Number associated with identifier type CAN123123
† Jurisdiction of issue (country) Canada
"Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
Financial institution number


(This is Bank C's financial institution number.)

Branch number


(This is Bank C's branch number – the branch where Maroon Red's bank account is held.)

† Account number


(This is Maroon Red's account number at Bank C.)

Account type Personal
Account currency CAD
Date account opened 2000-09-09
"Account holder 1 of 2"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
Surname Red
Given name Maroon
"Account holder 2 of 2"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
Surname Red
Given name Velvet
"On whose behalf the beneficiary is to receive remittance"
Fields Information provided by Bank C
‡ Is there a third party beneficiary for the electronic funds transfer payment? Yes
Third party type Person
† Surname Red
† Given name Bright
Client number 68132843
House/Building number 555
Street address Oak Street
City Victoria
Country Canada
Province or state (code): BC
Postal or zip code V6G 0G1
Telephone number 250-121-7852
Email address
Date of birth 2010-10-10
Country of residence Canada
Occupation Unemployed
Identifier type Passport
Number associated with identifier type CAN789789
Jurisdiction of issue (country) Canada
"Relationship of the third party named above to the beneficiary"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc. for transaction 1 of 2
† Relationship Relative

Infographic summarizing scenario C.1

Illustration of details of the final receipt of an electronic funds transfer transaction with intermediaries from entity to person.
View text equivalent for infographic summarizing scenario C.1

Gaming Corporation MX goes to its bank, Bank M in Mexico, and requests a transfer of 25,000 EUR to Maroon Red in Canada. The details of this transfer are as follows:

Scenario C.2: Final receipt with intermediaries (person to entity)


Ruby Red goes to her bank, Bank I in Italy, and requests a transfer of 20,000 USD to Big Canadian Business in Canada. The details of this transfer are as follows:

Expected field information in the report that is submitted by Money Movers Inc.

Money Movers Inc. submits an Electronic Funds Transfer Report (final receipt) with the following information. 

General information – Scenario C.2
"General information about Money Movers Inc."
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
* Reporting entity number 7654321
‡ Reporting entity report reference number EFT999-246801
* Activity sector Money services business
Contact information for this report Information about the person at Money Movers Inc. that FINTRAC can liaise with in the event that a follow up is required
‡ Electronic funds transfer direction Final receipt
‡ Aggregation type Not applicable
‡ 24-hour period start date and time 2023-10-31T00:00:00-03:00
‡24-hour period end date and time 2023-10-31T23:59:59-03:00
Transactional information – Scenario C.2
"Transactional information"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
* Electronic funds transfer type SWIFT
* Date and time of transaction 2023-10-31T12:11:50-03:00
* Amount 20,000
* Currency USD
‡ Threshold indicator Above threshold
‡ Reporting entity transaction reference number EFT20241031-201
‡ Have you applied a regulatory exception to this transaction? No
"For money services business and foreign money services business only"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
Question 1 † As the final receiver of this transaction, are you also the initiator for this transaction? No
Question 2 † Is the transfer of funds initiated from your business? No
† (If yes to questions 1 and 2) What is the requester's residential status?  
† (If yes to questions 1 and 2) What is the beneficiary's residential status?  
Question 3 † Is the requester moving funds into or out of Canada? Into Canada
"Source of funds involved at initiation"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
‡ Was information about the source (person/entity) of funds obtained? No
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
‡ Requester type Person
† Surname Red
† Given name Ruby
† Street address 710A via della Spiga
† City Milan
† Country Italy
† Province or state (name): Lombardy
Postal or zip code 20085
Telephone number +39 0288 541
Extension 11
"Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
† Account number IT60 X054 2811 1010 0000 0123 456
"Account holder if different from the requester"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
‡ Were the funds withdrawn from an account not held by the requester? No
"On whose behalf the initiation of the electronic funds transfer is requested"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
‡ Was the initiation of the electronic funds transfer requested on behalf of another person or entity? No
"Person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
‡ Initiator type Entity
† Name of entity Bank I
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier BNKIITMM
† Country Italy
Unstructured address details Viale Fulvio Testi, 300 20126 Milano MI, Italy
"Sender of electronic funds transfer that was initiated by another person or entity"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
‡ Are there additional parties sending this electronic funds transfer? Yes
† Sender type Entity
† Name of entity Bank C
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier BNKCCACAL
Apartment/Room/Suite/Unit number Suite 10
House/Building number 889
† Street address Front Street
† City Calgary
† Country Canada
† Province or state (code): AB
Postal or zip code A2A 1A9
"Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
Relationship Receiving institution
Person or entity involved in effecting electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
† Are there additional parties involved in effecting the electronic funds transfer that is a SWIFT message? Yes
† Type of additional parties involved Entity
† Name of entity Bank U
† Bank identification code or business entity identifier BNKUUSNYC
House/Building number 1
† Street address Wall Street
† City New York City
† Country USA
† Province or state (code): NY
Postal or zip code 1005
"Relationship of the person or entity named above to the person or entity that initiates the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
Relationship Sender's correspondent (MT-53a)
"Person or entity that finally receives or is to finally receive the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
‡ Receiver type Entity
† Name of entity Money Movers Inc.
Identification number assigned to entity in respect of their electronic funds transfer activities 3218913
* Reporting entity location number 1150
House/Building number 100
* Street address Main Street
* City Winnipeg
* Country Canada
* Province or state (code): MB
Postal or zip code R1M 2Y3
"Disposition information"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
* Details of disposition Issued cheque
* Amount 20,000
Currency USD
"Involved in disposition"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
‡ Was there any other person or entity involved in the disposition? Yes
Surname Red
Given name Sunny
"Beneficiary information"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
‡ Beneficiary type Entity
† Name of entity Big Canadian Business
Client number 11124
House/Building number 555
† Street address George Street
† City St. John's
† Country Canada
† Province or state (code): NL
Postal or zip code A1C 1M2
Telephone number 250-121-9999
Email address
Nature of entity's principal business Medical equipment manufacturer
‡ Do you have incorporation or registration information? Yes
Incorporated or registered? Incorporated
† Incorporation number 10123456-7
† Jurisdiction of issue (country) of incorporation Canada
† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) of incorporation (code) NL
† Identifier type Certificate of incorporation
† Number associated with identifier type 10123456-7
† Jurisdiction of issue (country) Canada
† Jurisdiction of issue (province or state) of incorporation (code) NL
"Person authorized to bind the entity or act with respect to the account (maximum 3)"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
† Surname Red
† Given name Inca
"Account or reference information related to the electronic funds transfer"
Fields Information provided by Money Movers Inc.
† Reference number MSB112138

Infographic summarizing scenario C.2

Illustration of details of the final receipt of an electronic funds transfer transaction with intermediaries from a person to an entity.
View text equivalent for infographic summarizing scenario C.2

Ruby Red goes to her bank, Bank I in Italy, and requests a transfer of 20,000 USD to Big Canadian Business in Canada. The details of this transfer are as follows:

For assistance

If you have questions about this guidance, please contact FINTRAC by email at

Date Modified: