FINTRAC interpretation notices
The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) issues FINTRAC interpretation notices (FINs) to provide technical interpretations and positions regarding certain provisions contained in the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and associated Regulations.
For those readers who prefer a less technical explanation of the law, FINTRAC's guidance is designed to provide a plain language explanation of the Act and associated Regulations.
FINs do not have the force of law.
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FINTRAC interpretation notices
While FINs may make reference to provisions of the law in force at the time they were written, they are not a substitute for the law.
Criteria for "Engaged in a Money Services Business"
Accountants - Giving Instructions Versus Providing Advice
The purpose of this notice is to clarify the difference between providing advice to a client as opposed to giving instructions on behalf of a client, within the context of accountants' activities.
Accountants' activities
If you are an accountant or an accounting firm, you are subject to certain requirements under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA) and its regulations. This applies only when you engage in any of the following activities on behalf of any individual or entity (other than your employer), or give instructions in respect of those activities on behalf of any individual or entity (other than your employer):
- receiving or paying funds (for example you receive funds in trust to pay bills on behalf of your client);
- purchasing or selling securities, real estate property, business assets or entities; or
- transferring funds or securities by any means.
You are subject to the requirements when you engage in those activities, regardless of whether or not you receive any fees or have a formal letter of engagement to do so. In other words, even if you carry out these activities on a volunteer basis, you are subject to the PCMLTFA's requirements. Effective June 23, 2008, the receipt of professional fees themselves for the above‑mentioned activities does not trigger your requirements under the PCMLTFA.
Note: Activities of accountants or accounting firms other than those listed above, such as audit, review or compilation engagements carried out according to the recommendations in the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) Handbook, are not subject to the PCMLTFA or its regulations.
Giving instructions versus providing advice
When you give instructions for any of the above‑mentioned activities, it means that you actually direct the movement of funds. By contrast, when you provide advice to your clients, it means that you make recommendations or suggestions to them. Providing advice is not considered to be giving instructions.
Example of giving instructions: "Based on my client's instructions,
I request that you transfer $15,000 from my client's account, account number XXX, to account number YYY at Bank X in Country Z."Example of providing advice: "For tax purposes, we recommend that you transfer your money into a certain investment vehicle."
For more information about the requirements applicable to accountants and accounting firms, see the series of guidelines prepared by FINTRAC.
Opening an Account for a Person or Entity Engaged in the Business of Dealing in Securities Only Outside of Canada
See FINTRAC guidance for the securities sector.
The 24-Hour Rule
Subsection 9(1) of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA). Sections 3, 17, 21, 33.1, 35, 38, 39.2, 39.6, 40, 42 and 47; and subsections 12(1), and 28(1) of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations.
The purpose of this notice is to help clarify for reporting entities the measures they must undertake with respect to reporting two or more cash transactions, electronic funds transfers or casino disbursements in a 24-hour period. Any references to dollar amounts (such as $10,000) refer to the amount in Canadian dollars or its equivalent in foreign currency.
If you are a reporting entity, you have to submit a large cash transaction report (LCTR) to FINTRAC when you receive an amount of $10,000 or more in cash from a client in the course of a single transaction, unless the cash is received from a financial entity or a public body. In this context, cash means Canadian currency or foreign currency. Cash includes money in circulation in any country (bank notes or coins) but excludes cheques, money orders or other similar negotiable instruments.
You also have to submit an LCTR if you conduct two or more cash transactions of less than $10,000 each within 24 consecutive hours of one another, that were made by or on behalf of the same individual or entity, and that add up to $10,000 or more, unless the cash is received from a financial entity or a public body.
The 24-hour rule applies if you as the reporting entity know, or your employee or your senior officer knows, that the transactions were made within 24 consecutive hours of each other, by or on behalf of the same individual or entity. It applies only to transactions that are under $10,000. If a transaction is for $10,000 or more, it is reportable as a single transaction.
Other requirements and exceptions apply. For more information, see Guideline 7: Submitting Large Cash Transaction Reports to FINTRAC.
Also, if you are a financial entity, a money services business or a casino, you have to submit an electronic funds transfer report (EFTR) to FINTRAC if you send or receive, in the course of a single transaction, international electronic funds transfer (EFT) of $10,000 or more, made at the request of a client.
You also have to submit an EFTR if you conduct two or more EFTs of less than $10,000 each within 24 consecutive hours of one another, that were made by or on behalf of the same individual or entity, and that add up to $10,000 or more.
The 24-hour rule applies if you as the reporting entity know, or your employee or your senior officer knows, that the EFTs were made within 24 consecutive hours of each other, by or on behalf of the same individual or entity. It applies only to EFTs that are under $10,000. If an EFT is for $10,000 or more, it is reportable as a single transaction. For more information, see Guideline 8: Submitting Electronic Funds Transfer Reports to FINTRAC.
Exceptions for EFTs
The 24‑hour rule does not apply for an EFT sent to two or more beneficiaries if it was requested by the administrator of a pension fund federally or provincially regulated, a public body or a very large corporation.
Other requirements and exceptions apply. For more information, see Guideline 8: Submitting Electronic Funds Transfer Reports to FINTRAC.
Effective September 28, 2009, if you are a casino, you have to submit a casino disbursement report (CDR) to FINTRAC when you make a disbursement of $10,000 or more in the course of a single transaction.
You also have to submit a CDR if you make two or more disbursements of less than $10,000 each within 24 consecutive hours of one another, that were received by or on behalf of the same individual or entity, and that add up to $10,000 or more.
The 24-hour rule applies if your employee or your senior officer knows, that the disbursements were received within 24 consecutive hours of each other, by or on behalf of the same individual or entity. It applies only to disbursements that are under $10,000. If a disbursement is for $10,000 or more, it is reportable as a single transaction.
Other requirements and exceptions apply. For more information, see Guideline 10: Submitting Casino Disbursement Reports to FINTRAC.
Rolling or Static 24-Hour
The 24-hour period is a rolling time frame. In other words, the 24-hour period begins with each new cash transaction or EFT of less than $10,000, if you know they were made by or on behalf of the same individual or entity. In the case of a casino disbursement, the 24-hour period begins with each new disbursement of less than $10,000, if you know they were received by or on behalf of the same individual or entity.
However, if your system permits you to know of multiple cash transactions, EFTs or casino disbursements only within a static 24-hour period (e.g. from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. the next day) you are required to report the multiple transactions that you know of in that 24-hour period.
Example 1:
John Doe makes the following four cash transactions with a reporting entity called ABC on the same day. One of ABC's employees knows that these four cash transactions are all by the same individual. John Doe's cash deposits are as follows:
ABC would submit an LCTR (1) for the first cash deposit of $10,000 as it was received in the course of a single transaction. The other three smaller cash deposits of $4,000 would also have to be submitted in an LCTR (2) as they combine to an amount over $10,000 and they were conducted by the same individual within 24 hours.
Example 2:
Jane Doe requests a money services business called XYZ to send three EFTs on the same day. One of XYZ's employees knows that these three EFT transactions are all done at the request of the same individual. Jane Doe's EFT requests are as follows:
XYZ would submit an EFTR (1) to FINTRAC for the second EFT of $10,000 as it is sent in the course of a single transaction. The other two smaller EFTs do not have to be reported because they do not fall under the 24-hour rule (i.e., they combine to an amount under $10,000).
Example 3:
Entity A has a system that detects multiple cash transactions of less than $10,000 over a static 24‑hour period (starting at 8:00 am each morning). Entity B has a system that detects this based on a rolling 24‑hour period.
Three identical cash deposits occur at each entity as follows:
Both Entity A and Entity B would submit an LCTR (1) for the first two transactions as they would be detected by both systems. The second and third transactions would only be detected by Entity B's system as it is outside of the static 24-hour period for Entity A's system. Entity B would therefore submit another LCTR (2).
Example 4:
Casino 123 has a system that detects multiple disbursements of less than $10,000 over a static 24‑hour period (starting at 10:00 am each morning). Casino ZZZ has a system that detects this based on a rolling 24‑hour period.
Three different disbursements are made at each casino as follows:
Both Casino 123 and Casino ZZZ would submit a CDR (1) for the first two disbursements as they would be detected by both systems. The second and third disbursement would only be detected by Casino ZZZ's system as it is outside of the static 24-hour period for Casino 123's system. Casino ZZZ would therefore submit another CDR (2).
The 24-hour period cannot cover more than 24 consecutive hours. For instance, if the transactions in Example 3 above for Entity B occurred over a weekend period, (i.e., the first two transactions were made on a Friday, and the third made on a Sunday morning), the first two transactions would be reportable, but not the third.
Large Cash Transactions through Automated Banking Machines
The purpose of this interpretation notice is to clarify the requirements for financial entities when large cash transactions are conducted through an automated banking machine (ABM).
Relevant Provisions of the Regulations
The Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations (PCMLTFR) subsection 1(2) definition of "large cash transaction record"; section 3, paragraph 12(1)(a); section 13, and section 53.
Keeping a Record
If a cash transaction in the amount of $10,000 or more is conducted at an ABM, a large cash transaction record is required to capture the information on the receipt of the cash. A record is also required when a series of cash transactions are considered to be a large cash transaction under the 24-hour rule. (For more information about the 24-hour rule, see FINTRAC Interpretation Notice No. 4.)
The large cash transaction record has to include the name of each individual or entity in whose account the amount was deposited. However, there is no requirement for the large cash transaction record to include the name of the individual who made the deposit.
For more information about what is required in a large cash transaction record, see FINTRAC record keeping guidance.
Reporting the Transaction
If a cash transaction in the amount of $10,000 or more is conducted at an ABM or if a series of cash transactions at an ABM, or multiple ABMs, are considered to be a large cash transaction based on the 24-hour rule, a large cash transaction report is required.
Individual Conducting the Transaction
For a transaction using an ABM, it is reasonable to assume that the cardholder whose ABM card was used to access the ABM is the conductor of the transaction, unless other information is provided.
Identifying the Conductor
When cash is deposited through an ABM, financial entities are not required to identify the individual making the deposit.
Information about Where the Transaction Occurred
If a large cash transaction is conducted through an ABM, the complete address of the location of the ABM where the transaction occurred is required in Part A (Information about where the transaction took place) of the large cash transaction report.
Cash Transactions through the ABM of Another Financial Entity
Generally, ABM deposits are only possible within the ABM network of the same financial entity. However, some financial entities have entered into agreements to enable their clients/members to make deposits at another financial entity's ABMs.
In these situations, the financial entity that holds the client/member's account has the reporting obligation and record keeping requirements associated with large cash transactions conducted for those accounts through the ABM of another financial entity. The financial entity holding the client's/member's account must ensure that arrangements are in place in order to be informed by the financial entity whose ABM received the deposit that their client/member conducted a large cash transaction. The financial entity holding the client's/member's account also needs to obtain the required information from the other financial entity, such as the time, date and exact amount of the cash transaction, as well as the complete address of the ABM.
The financial entity holding the client/member's account must ensure that its locations in F2R are updated to include the address information for the other financial entity's ABM that was used in the transaction, in order for the information to be included in the large cash transaction report.
Cash Transactions into a Business Account through an ABM that is (Other than a Night Deposit or a Quick Drop)
Some financial entities provide business clients with the opportunity to make cash deposits using the night deposit box and then immediately update their account using an ABM.
To make this type of deposit, business clients must use an ABM (using their ABM card and PIN). The transaction is typically recorded as an ABM transaction by the financial entity's system, and commercial clients are immediately credited their deposits, which are verified the following day.
Although the cash was deposited in the night deposit box, the operation was carried out using an ABM. Therefore, this type of transaction is not considered to be a night deposit and should not be treated as such.
Since the transaction is carried out at an ABM in a business account (other than a night deposit or quick drop), Part E of the Large Cash Transaction Report (Information on the person conducting the transaction that is a deposit into a business account other than a night deposit or a quick drop) becomes mandatory and the name of the person who deposited the money must be entered in Part E.
The cardholder whose ABM card was used to access the ABM is the conductor of this transaction. If the name on the ABM card is the business's name, one of the three signing authorities for the business account may be designated as the person who deposited the money. The name of the business should not be entered as the conductor on the large cash transaction report.
For more information about reporting large cash transactions, see Guideline 7: Submitting Large Cash Transaction Reports to FINTRAC.
This interpretation notice clarifies how FINTRAC administers and interprets provisions of the existing legislation, regulations or guidelines. It is not based on specific circumstances and may be subject to change in the event of additional or different considerations.
Financial Transaction Reporting to FINTRAC by Reporting Entities that are Part of a Multiple-Entity Organizational Structure
Sections 5, 7, 7.1 and 9 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA)
Reporting entities have obligations under Part I of the PCMLTFA, including reporting, client identification, record keeping and implementing a compliance regime. Each distinct entity operating in Canada that has these obligations under the PCMLTFA is responsible for ensuring that all of their obligations are met.
The purpose of this notice is to clarify reporting obligations when there is more than one reporting entity in a multiple-entity organization.
Multiple-entity organization means an entity with one or more subsidiaries or any organizational structure with two or more distinct legal entities. This can be a holding company or a conglomerate financial institution, as in the following examples:
- A banking conglomerate with a retail banking subsidiary, an insurance company, a trust company, a loan company and a securities/investment firm that are each a distinct legal entity and each is a reporting entity
- A securities firm made up of one reporting entity registered with the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and another reporting entity registered with the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada
- A securities firm that has a subsidiary offering deposit taking, trust services or life insurance products and each is a reporting entity
- A life insurance company that has a subsidiary that is a trust company and another subsidiary that is a securities broker and each is a reporting entity
Reporting transactions
Reporting entities are required to report to FINTRAC electronically if they have the technical capability to do so. For more information about technical capability and reporting obligations, see FINTRAC's guidelines about each report type.
Reporting entities have to enrol with FINTRAC for electronic reporting. For a multiple-entity organization, this means that each distinct entity that is a reporting entity is required to be enrolled with FINTRAC separately. However, if each distinct entity that is a reporting entity is already enrolled separately with FINTRAC, no further or additional enrolment is required.
Centralized electronic reporting for multiple-entity organizations
If a multiple-entity organization chooses to centralize electronic reporting for part or all of the organization, each distinct reporting entity within the organization must still be separately enrolled with FINTRAC, as explained above.
The entity within the organization that is chosen to send reports to FINTRAC for any other reporting entity in the organization will also have to be registered as a service provider. Each reporting entity involved in the centralized reporting will need to designate that entity as their service provider and delegate the appropriate reports. In such situations, the legal obligation to report remains with each distinct reporting entity that conducts the reportable transactions.
Learn more about entering into service provider arrangements. It should be noted that there are no legislative or operational requirements for reporting entities to use a service provider, and that the use of a service provider is at the reporting entity's discretion.
Transactions involving more than one reporting entity
When two or more entities within a multiple-entity organization each undertake a reportable transaction that is part of larger transaction, because of their respective specialties, a distinct report is required for each reportable transaction. One aggregate report on behalf of the entire organization is not acceptable; an aggregate report would result in the reporting entity being in non-compliance with the PCMLTFA, which could lead to civil or criminal penalties.
However, if the entities involved are financial entities, money services businesses or casinos and the reportable transaction is an electronic funds transfer (EFT), more than one EFT report may not be required. Please see Guideline 8: Submitting Electronic Funds Transfer Reports to FINTRAC for more information about this.
Insolvency Practitioners Providing Trustee in Bankruptcy Services
Paragraph 5(j) of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA) and subsections 34(1), sections 35 and 36 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations.
The purpose of this notice is to clarify the application of the PCMLTFA relating to insolvency practitioners offering bankruptcy services.
Insolvency practitioners provide trustee in bankruptcy services. These services are not triggering activities for any obligations under the PCMLTFA. Trustee in bankruptcy services or insolvency practitioners are not covered as services or as an entity under our legislation. However, if you are an insolvency practitioner and you are an accountant or an accounting firm, you may have obligations relating to other activities.
Insolvency practitioners who are accountants:
If you are an individual accountant or an accounting firm offering trustee in bankruptcy services or acting as an insolvency practitioner, you may have obligations under the PCMLTFA if you engage in certain triggering activities other than bankruptcy services. However, as explained above, bankruptcy services you provide as an insolvency practitioner, including acting as a trustee in bankruptcy, do not fall within the triggering activities under our legislation.
Definition of accountants
An accountant means a chartered accountant, a certified general accountant or a certified management accountant. An accounting firm means an entity that provides accounting services to the public that has at least one partner, employee or administrator that is an accountant.
In this context, if you are an insolvency practitioner, whether a chartered insolvency and restructuring professional or otherwise, you would not be considered to be “providing accounting services to the public” if you only provide such services as follows:
- As receiver, pursuant to the provisions of a Court order or by-way of a private letter appointment pursuant to the terms of a security interest
- As trustee in bankruptcy
- As monitor under the provisions of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act or any other proceeding that results in the dissolution or restructuring of an enterprise or individual and to which the firm, individual or insolvency practitioner serves as an officer of the Court or agent to a creditor(s) or the debtor.
Triggering activities for accountants
If you are an accountant or an accounting firm, as explained above, you have obligations under the PCMLTFA if you engage in any of the following activities on behalf of any individual or entity (other than your employer) or give instructions in respect of those activities on behalf of any individual or entity (other than your employer):
- receiving or paying funds;
- purchasing or selling securities, real property or business assets or entities; or
- transferring funds or securities by any means.
In this context, an accountant or an accounting firm appointed by a Court, or acting as a trustee in bankruptcy, is not considered to be acting on behalf of any other individual or entity.
Obligations under the PCMLTFA, as referred to throughout this interpretation notice, include reporting, client identification, record keeping, and implementing a compliance regime. For more information about these, see FINTRAC's guidelines.
- Accountant
A chartered accountant, a certified general accountant, a certified management accountant or, if applicable, a chartered professional accountant. (comptable)
Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations (PCMLTFR), SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Accounting firm
An entity that is engaged in the business of providing accounting services to the public and has at least one partner, employee or administrator that is an accountant. (cabinet d'expertise comptable)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Acquirer
An entity that connects a private automated banking machine to a payment card network, as defined in section 3 of the Payment Card Networks Act, to facilitate transactions. (acquéreur)
Payment Card Networks Act- Act
The Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA). (la Loi)
Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations (PCMLTFAMPR), SOR/2007-292, s. 1, Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Registration Regulations (PCMLTFRR), SOR/2007-121, s. 1, PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2), and Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Suspicious Transaction Reporting Regulations (PCMLTFSTRR), SOR/2001-317, s. 1(2).- Administrative monetary penalties (AMPs)
Civil penalties that may be issued to reporting entities by FINTRAC for non-compliance with the PCMLTFA and associated Regulations. (pénalité administrative pécuniaire [PAP])
- Affiliate
An entity is affiliated with another entity if one of them is wholly owned by the other, if both are wholly owned by the same entity or if their financial statements are consolidated. (entité du même groupe)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 4.- Annuity
Has the same meaning as in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act. (rente)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Armoured cars
Persons or entities that are engaged in the business of transporting currency, money orders, traveller’s cheques or other similar negotiable instruments. (Véhicules blindés)
- As soon as practicable
A time period that falls in-between immediately and as soon as possible, within which a suspicious transaction report (STR) must be submitted to FINTRAC. The completion and submission of the STR should take priority over other tasks. In this context, the report must be completed promptly, taking into account the facts and circumstances of the situation. While some delay is permitted, it must have a reasonable explanation. (aussitôt que possible)
- Attempted transaction
Occurs when an individual or entity starts to conduct a transaction that is not completed. For example, a client or a potential client walks away from conducting a $10,000 cash deposit. (opération tentée)
- Authentic
In respect of verifying identity, means genuine and having the character of an original, credible, and reliable document or record. (authentique)
- Authorized person
A person who is authorized under subsection 45(2). (personne autorisée)
Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA), S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Authorized user
A person who is authorized by a holder of a prepaid payment product account to have electronic access to funds or virtual currency available in the account by means of a prepaid payment product that is connected to it. (utilisateur autorisé)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Beneficial owner(s)
Beneficial owners are the individuals who are the trustees, and known beneficiaries and settlors of a trust, or who directly or indirectly own or control 25% or more of i) the shares of a corporation or ii) an entity other than a corporation or trust, such as a partnership. The ultimate beneficial owner(s) cannot be another corporation or entity; it must be the actual individual(s) who owns or controls the entity. (bénéficiaire effectif)
- Beneficiary
A beneficiary is the individual or entity that will benefit from a transaction or to which the final remittance is made. (bénéficiaire)
- Branch
A branch is a part of your business at a distinct location other than your main office. (succursale)
- British Columbia notary corporation
An entity that carries on the business of providing notary services to the public in British Columbia in accordance with the Notaries Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 334. (société de notaires de la Colombie-Britannique)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- British Columbia notary public
A person who is a member of the Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia. (notaire public de la Colombie-Britannique)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Cash
Coins referred to in section 7 of the Currency Act, notes issued by the Bank of Canada under the Bank of Canada Act that are intended for circulation in Canada or coins or bank notes of countries other than Canada. (espèces)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2) and PCMLTFSTRR, SOR/2001-317, s. 1(2).- Casino
A government, organization, board or operator that is referred to in any of paragraphs 5(k) to (k.3) of the Act. (casino)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s 1(2) and PCMLTFSTRR, SOR/2001-317, s. 1(2).- Certified translator
An individual that holds the title of professional certified translator granted by a Canadian provincial or territorial association or body that is competent under Canadian provincial or territorial law to issue such certification. (traducteur agréé)
- Clarification request
A clarification request is a method used to communicate with money services businesses (MSBs) or foreign money services businesses (FMSBs) when FINTRAC needs more information about their registration form. This request is usually sent by email. (demande de précisions)
- Client
A person or entity that engages in a financial transaction with another person or entity. (client)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Client identification information
The identifying information that you have obtained on your clients, such as name, address, telephone number, occupation or nature of principal business, and date of birth for an individual. (renseignements d'identification du client)
- Competent authority
For the purpose of the criminal record check submitted with an application for registration, a competent authority is any person or organization that has the legally delegated or invested authority, capacity, or power to issue criminal record checks. (autorité compétente)
- Completed transaction
Is a transaction conducted by a person or entity, that is completed and results in the movement of funds, virtual currency, or the purchase or sale of an asset. (opération effectuée)
- Completing action
With respect to a reportable transaction, information related to the instructions provided by the person or entity making the request to the reporting entity to complete a transaction. For example, an individual arrives at a bank and requests to purchase a bank draft. The completing action is the details of how the reporting entity fulfilled the person or entity’s instructions which led to the transaction being completed. This includes what the funds or virtual currency initially brought to the reporting entity was used for (see “disposition”). A transaction may have one or more completing actions depending on the instructions provided by the person or entity. (action d’achèvement)
- Compliance officer
The individual, with the necessary authority, that you appoint to be responsible for the implementation of your compliance program. (agent de conformité)
- Compliance policies and procedures
Written methodology outlining the obligations applicable to your business under the PCMLTFA and its associated Regulations and the corresponding processes and controls you put in place to address your obligations. (politiques et procédures de conformité)
- Compliance program
All elements (compliance officer, policies and procedures, risk assessment, training program, effectiveness review) that you, as a reporting entity, are legally required to have under the PCMLTFA and its associated Regulations to ensure that you meet all your obligations. (programme de conformité)
- Context
Clarifies a set of circumstances or provides an explanation of a situation or financial transaction that can be understood and assessed. (contexte)
- Correspondent banking relationship
A relationship created by an agreement or arrangement under which an entity referred to in any of paragraphs 5(a), (b), (d),(e) and (e.1) or an entity that is referred to in section 5 and that is prescribed undertakes to provide to a prescribed foreign entity prescribed services or international electronic funds transfers, cash management or cheque clearing services. (relation de correspondant bancaire)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 9.4(3) and PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 16(1)(b).- Country of residence
The country where an individual has lived continuously for 12 months or more. The individual must have a dwelling in the country concerned. For greater certainty, a person only has one country of residence no matter how many dwelling places they may have, inside or outside of that country. (pays de résidence)
- Credit card acquiring business
A credit card acquiring business is a financial entity that has an agreement with a merchant to provide the following services:
- enabling a merchant to accept credit card payments by cardholders for goods and services and to receive payments for credit card purchases;
- processing services, payment settlements and providing point-of-sale equipment (such as computer terminals); and
- providing other ancillary services to the merchant.
- Credit union central
A central cooperative credit society, as defined in section 2 of the Cooperative Credit Associations Act, or a credit union central or a federation of credit unions or caisses populaires that is regulated by a provincial Act other than one enacted by the legislature of Quebec. (centrale de caisses de crédit)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Crowdfunding platform
A website or an application or other software that is used to raise funds or virtual currency through donations. (plateforme de sociofinancement)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Crowdfunding platform services
The provision and maintenance of a crowdfunding platform for use by other persons or entities to raise funds or virtual currency for themselves or for persons or entities specified by them. (services de plateforme de sociofinancement)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Current
In respect of a document or source of information that is used to verify identity, is up to date, and, in the case of a government-issued photo identification document, must not have been expired when the ID was verified. (à jour)
- Dealer in precious metals and stones
A person or entity that, in the course of their business activities, buys or sells precious metals, precious stones or jewellery. It includes a department or an agent of His Majesty in right of Canada or an agent or mandatary of His Majesty in right of a province when the department or the agent or mandatary carries out the activity, referred to in subsection 65(1), of selling precious metals to the public. (négociant en métaux précieux et pierres précieuses)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Deferred profit sharing plan
Has the same meaning as in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act. (régime de participation différée aux bénéfices)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Deposit slip
A record that sets out:
- (a) the date of the deposit;
- (b) the name of the person or entity that makes the deposit;
- (c) the amount of the deposit and of any part of it that is made in cash;
- (d) the method by which the deposit is made; and
- (e) the number of the account into which the deposit is made and the name of each account holder.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Directing services
A business is directing services at persons or entities in Canada if at least one of the following applies:
- The business's marketing or advertising is directed at persons or entities located in Canada;
- The business operates a ".ca" domain name; or,
- The business is listed in a Canadian business directory.
Additional criteria may be considered, such as if the business describes its services being offered in Canada or actively seeks feedback from persons or entities in Canada. (diriger des services)
- Distributed ledger
For the purpose of section 151 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations (PCMLTFR), a digital ledger that is maintained by multiple persons or entities and that can only be modified by a consensus of those persons or entities. (registres distribués)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 151(2).- Disposition
With respect to a reportable transaction, the disposition is what the funds or virtual currency was used for. For example, an individual arrives at a bank with cash and purchases a bank draft. The disposition is the purchase of the bank draft. (répartition)
- Electronic funds transfer
The transmission—by any electronic, magnetic or optical means—of instructions for the transfer of funds, including a transmission of instructions that is initiated and finally received by the same person or entity. In the case of SWIFT messages, only SWIFT MT-103 messages and their equivalent are included. It does not include a transmission or instructions for the transfer of funds:
- (a) that involves the beneficiary withdrawing cash from their account;
- (b) that is carried out by means of a direct deposit or pre-authorized debit;
- (c) that is carried out by cheque imaging and presentment
- (d) that is both initiated and finally received by persons or entities that are acting to clear or settle payment obligations between themselves; or
- (e) that is initiated or finally received by a person or entity referred to in paragraphs 5(a) to (h.1) of the Act for the purpose of internal treasury management, including the management of their financial assets and liabilities, if one of the parties to the transaction is a subsidiary of the other or if they are subsidiaries of the same corporation.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Employees profit sharing plan
Has the same meaning as in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act. (régime de participation des employés aux bénéfices)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Entity
A body corporate, a trust, a partnership, a fund or an unincorporated association or organization. (entité)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Facts
Actual events, actions, occurrences or elements that exist or are known to have happened or existed. Facts are not opinions. For example, facts surrounding a transaction or multiple transactions could include the date, time, location, amount or type of transaction or could include the account details, particular business lines, or the client's financial history. (faits)
- Family member
For the purposes of subsection 9.3(1) of the Act, a prescribed family member of a politically exposed foreign person, a politically exposed domestic person or a head of an international organization is:
- (a) their spouse or common-law partner;
- (b) their child;
- (c) their mother or father;
- (d) the mother or father of their spouse or common-law partner; or
- (e) a child of their mother or father.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 2(1).- Fiat currency
A currency that is issued by a country and is designated as legal tender in that country. (monnaie fiduciaire)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2) and PCMLTFSTRR, SOR/2001-317, s. 1(2).- Final receipt
In respect of an electronic funds transfer, means the receipt of the instructions by the person or entity that is to make the remittance to a beneficiary. (destinataire)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Financial entity
- (a) an entity that is referred to in any of paragraphs 5(a), (b) and (d) to (f) of the Act;
- (b) a financial services cooperative;
- (c) a life insurance company, or an entity that is a life insurance broker or agent, in respect of loans or prepaid payment products that it offers to the public and accounts that it maintains with respect to those loans or prepaid payment products, other than:
- (i) loans that are made by the insurer to a policy holder if the insured person has a terminal illness that significantly reduces their life expectancy and the loan is secured by the value of an insurance policy;
- (ii) loans that are made by the insurer to the policy holder for the sole purpose of funding the life insurance policy; and
- (iii) advance payments to which the policy holder is entitles that are made to them by the insurer;
- (d) a credit union central when it offers financial services to a person, or to an entity that is not a member of that credit union central; and
- (e) a department, or an entity that is an agent of His Majesty in right of Canada or an agent or mandatary of His Majesty in right of a province, when it carries out an activity referred to in section 76.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Financial Action Task Force
The Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering established in 1989. (Groupe d'action financière)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Financial services cooperative
A financial services cooperative that is regulated by an Act respecting financial services cooperatives, CQLR, c. C-67.3 or the Act respecting the Mouvement Desjardins, S.Q. 2000, c. 77, other than a caisse populaire. (coopérative de services financiers)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Foreign currency
A fiat currency that is issued by a country other than Canada. (devise)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Foreign currency exchange transaction
An exchange, at the request of another person or entity, of one fiat currency for another. (opération de change en devise)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Foreign currency exchange transaction ticket
A record respecting a foreign currency exchange transaction—including an entry in a transaction register—that sets out:
- (a) the date of the transaction;
- (b) in the case of a transaction of $3,000 or more, the name and address of the person or entity that requests the exchange, the nature of their principal business or their occupation and, in the case of a person, their date of birth;
- (c) the type and amount of each of the fiat currencies involved in the payment made and received by the person or entity that requests the exchange;
- (d) the method by which the payment is made and received;
- (e) the exchange rates used and their source;
- (f) the number of every account that is affected by the transaction, the type of account and the name of each account holder; and
- (g) every reference number that is connected to the transaction and has a function equivalent to that of an account number.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Foreign money services business
Persons and entities that do not have a place of business in Canada, that are engaged in the business of providing at least one of the following services that is directed at persons or entities in Canada, and that provide those services to their clients in Canada:
- (i) foreign exchange dealing,
- (ii) remitting funds or transmitting funds by any means or through any person, entity or electronic funds transfer network,
- (iii) issuing or redeeming money orders, traveller's cheques or other similar negotiable instruments except for cheques payable to a named person or entity,
- (iv) dealing in virtual currencies, or
- (v) any prescribed service.
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 5(h.1), PCMLTFRR, SOR/2007-121, s. 1 and PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Foreign state
Except for the purposes of Part 2, means a country other than Canada and includes any political subdivision or territory of a foreign state. (État étranger)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Funds
- (a) cash and other fiat currencies, and securities, negotiable instruments or other financial instruments that indicate a title or right to or interest in them; or
- (b) a private key of a cryptographic system that enables a person or entity to have access to a fiat currency other than cash.
For greater certainty, it does not include virtual currency. (fonds)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2) and PCMLTFSTRR, SOR/2001-317, s. 1(2).- Head of an international organization
A person who, at a given time, holds—or has held within a prescribed period before that time—the office or position of head of
- a) an international organization that is established by the governments of states;
- b) an institution of an organization referred to in paragraph (a); or
- c) an international sports organization.
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 9.3(3).- Immediately
In respect of submitting a Terrorist Property Report (TPR), the time period within which a TPR must be submitted, which does not allow for any delay prior to submission. (immédiatement)
- Information record
A record that sets out the name and address of a person or entity and:
- (a) in the case of a person, their date of birth and the nature of their principal business or their occupation; and
- (b) in the case of an entity, the nature of its principal business.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Initiation
In respect of an electronic funds transfer, means the first transmission of the instructions for the transfer of funds. (amorcer)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Institutional trust
For the purpose of section 15 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations (PCMLTFR), means a trust that is established by a corporation or other entity for a particular business purpose and includes a pension plan trust, a pension master trust, a supplemental pension plan trust, a mutual fund trust, a pooled fund trust, a registered retirement savings plan trust, a registered retirement income fund trust, a registered education savings plan trust, a group registered retirement savings plan trust, a deferred profit sharing plan trust, an employee profit sharing plan trust, a retirement compensation arrangement trust, an employee savings plan trust, a health and welfare trust, an unemployment benefit plan trust, a foreign insurance company trust, a foreign reinsurance trust, a reinsurance trust, a real estate investment trust, an environmental trust and a trust established in respect of endowment, a foundation or a registered charity. (fiducie institutionnelle)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 15(2).- International electronic funds transfer
An electronic funds transfer other than for the transfer of funds within Canada. (télévirement international)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Inter vivos trust
A personal trust, other than a trust created by will. (fiducie entre vifs)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Jewellery
Objects that are made of gold, silver, palladium, platinum, pearls or precious stones and that are intended to be worn as a personal adornment. (bijou)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Large cash transaction record
A record that indicates the receipt of an amount of $10,000 or more in cash in a single transaction and that contains the following information:
- (a) the date of the receipt;
- (b) if the amount is received for deposit into an account, the number of the account, the name of each account holder and the time of the deposit or an indication that the deposit is made in a night deposit box outside the recipient's normal business hours;
- (c) the name and address of every other person or entity that is involved in the transaction, the nature of their principal business or their occupation and, in the case of a person, their date of birth;
- (d) the type and amount of each fiat currency involved in the receipt;
- (e) the method by which the cash is received;
- (f) if applicable, the exchange rates used and their source;
- (g) the number of every other account that is affected by the transaction, the type of account and the name of each account holder
- (h) every reference number that is connected to the transaction and has a function equivalent to that of an account number;
- (i) the purpose of the transaction;
- (j) the following details of the remittance of, or in exchange for, the cash received:
- (i) the method of remittance;
- (ii) if the remittance is in funds, the type and amount of each type of funds involved;
- (iii) if the remittance is not in funds, the type of remittance and its value, if different from the amount of cash received; and
- (iv) the name of every person or entity involved in the remittance and their account number or policy number or, if they have no account number or policy number, their identifying number; and
- (k) if the amount is received by a dealer in precious metals and precious stones for the sale of precious metals, precious stones or jewellery:
- (i) the type of precious metals, precious stones or jewellery;
- (ii) the value of the precious metals, precious stones or jewellery, if different from the amount of cash received, and
- (iii) the wholesale value of the precious metals, precious stones or jewellery.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Large virtual currency transaction record
A record that indicates the receipt of an amount of $10,000 or more in virtual currency in a single transaction and that contains the following information:
- (a) the date of the receipt;
- (b) if the amount is received for deposit into an account, the name of each account holder;
- (c) the name and address of every other person or entity that is involved in the transaction, the nature of their principal business or their occupation and, in the case of a person, their date of birth;
- (d) the type and amount of each virtual currency involved in the receipt;
- (e) the exchange rates used and their source;
- (f) the number of every other account that is affected by the transaction, the type of account and the name of each account holder;
- (g) every reference number that is connected to the transaction and has a function equivalent to that of an account number;
- (h) every transaction identifier, including the sending and receiving addresses; and
- (i) if the amount is received by a dealer in precious metals and precious stones for the sale of precious metals, precious stones or jewellery:
- (i) the type of precious metals, precious stones or jewellery;
- (ii) the value of the precious metals, precious stones or jewellery, if different from the amount of virtual currency received; and
- (iii) the wholesale value of the precious metals, precious stones or jewellery.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Life insurance broker or agent
A person or entity that is authorized under provincial legislation to carry on the business of arranging contracts of life insurance. (représentant d'assurance-vie)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Life insurance company
A life company or foreign life company to which the Insurance Companies Act applies or a life insurance company regulated by a provincial Act. (société d'assurance-vie)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Listed person or entity
A listed person or entity means:
from March 2, 2025,
- a terrorist group as defined in subsection 83.01(1) of the Criminal Code;
- a person or entity that is the subject of an order or regulation made under the United Nations Act;
- a foreign state, as defined in section 2 of the Special Economic Measures Act, that is the subject of an order or regulation made under United Nations Act; and
from October 1, 2025
- a foreign state, as defined in section 2 of the Special Economic Measures Act, that is the subject of an order or regulation made under that Act;
- a person or entity that is the subject of an order or regulation made under the Special Economic Measures Act;
- a person who is the subject of an order or regulation made under section 4 of the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Sergei Magnitsky Law).
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).Consult the following sanctions lists :
- Under the United Nations Act
- Under the Special Economic Measures Act and the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act
Consult the following list for terrorist entities listed under the Criminal Code on the Public Safety Canada website:
- Terrorist group
According to subsection 83.01(1) of the Criminal Code, a terrorist group is defined as:
- an entity that has as one of its purposes or activities facilitating or carrying out any terrorist activity,
- a listed entity, or
- an association of such entities.
Consult the following list for terrorist entities listed under the Criminal Code on the Public Safety Canada website:
- Managing general agents (MGAs)
Life insurance brokers or agents that act as facilitators between other life insurance brokers or agents and life insurance companies. MGAs typically offer services to assist with insurance agents contracting and commission payments, facilitate the flow of information between insurer and agent, and provide training to, and compliance oversight of, insurance agents. (agent général de gestion)
- Mandatary
A person who acts, under a mandate or agreement, for another person or entity. (mandataire)
- Marketing or advertising
When a person or entity uses promotional materials such as advertisements, graphics for websites or billboards, etc., with the intent to promote money services business (MSB) services and to acquire business from persons or entities in Canada. (marketing ou publicité)
- Minister
In relation to sections 24.1 to 39, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and, in relation to any other provision of this Act, the Minister of Finance. (ministre)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Money laundering offence
An offence under subsection 462.31(1) of the Criminal Code. The United Nations defines money laundering as "any act or attempted act to disguise the source of money or assets derived from criminal activity." Essentially, money laundering is the process whereby "dirty money"—produced through criminal activity—is transformed into "clean money," the criminal origin of which is difficult to trace. (infraction de recyclage des produits de la criminalité)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Money laundering and terrorist financing indicators (ML/TF indicators)
Potential red flags that could initiate suspicion or indicate that something may be unusual in the absence of a reasonable explanation. [Indicateurs de blanchiment d'argent (BA) et de financement du terrorisme (FT) (indicateurs de BA/FT)]
- Money services business
A person or entity that has a place of business in Canada and that is engaged in the business of providing at least one of the following services:
- (i) foreign exchange dealing,
- (ii) remitting funds or transmitting funds by any means or through any person, entity or electronic funds transfer network,
- (iii) issuing or redeeming money orders, traveller's cheques or other similar negotiable instruments except for cheques payable to a named person or entity,
- (iv) dealing in virtual currencies, or
- (v) any prescribed service.
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 5(h), PCMLTFRR, SOR/2007-121, s. 1 and PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Money services business agent
An individual or entity authorized to deliver services on behalf of a money services business (MSB). It is not an MSB branch. (mandataire d'une entreprise de services monétaires)
- Mortgage administrator
A person or entity, other than a financial entity, that is engaged in the business of servicing mortgage agreements on real property or hypothec agreements on immovables on behalf of a lender. (administrateur hypothécaire)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 5(i), PCMLTFRR,SOR/2002-184, subsection 1(2)- Mortgage broker
A person or entity that is authorized under provincial legislation to act as an intermediary between a lender and a borrower with respect to loans secured by mortgages on real property or hypothecs on immovables. (courtier hypothécaire)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 5(i), PCMLTFRR,SOR/2002-184, subsection 1(2)- Mortgage lender
A person or entity, other than a financial entity, that is engaged in the business of providing loans secured by mortgages on real property or hypothecs on immovables. (prêteur hypothécaire)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 5(i), PCMLTFRR,SOR/2002-184, subsection 1(2)- Nature of principal business
An entity's type or field of business. Also applies to an individual in the case of a sole proprietorship. (nature de l'entreprise principale)
- New developments
Changes to the structure or operations of a business when new services, activities, or locations are put in place. For example, changes to a business model or business restructuring. (nouveaux développements)
- New technologies
The adoption of a technology that is new to a business. For example, when a business adopts new systems or software such as transaction monitoring systems or client onboarding and identification tools. (nouvelles technologies)
- No apparent reason
There is no clear explanation to account for suspicious behaviour or information. (sans raison apparente)
- Occupation
The job or profession of an individual. (profession ou métier)
- Passenger vehicle
Means a motor vehicle – other than an ambulance, a hearse, a motor vehicle that is clearly marked for policing activities, a motor vehicle that is clearly marked and equipped for emergency medical response activities or emergency fire response activities or a utility truck – that is designed or adapted primarily to carry no more than 10 individuals on highways and streets. (véhicule de tourisme)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Person
An individual. (personne)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Person authorized to give instructions
In respect of an account, means a person who is authorized to instruct on the account or make changes to the account, such as modifying the account type, updating the account contact details, and in the case of a credit card account, requesting a limit increase or decrease, or adding or removing card holders. A person who is only able to conduct transactions on the account is not considered a person authorized to give instructions. (personne habilitée à donner des instructions)
- Politically exposed domestic person
A person who, at a given time, holds—or has held within a prescribed period before that time—one of the offices or positions referred to in any of paragraphs (a) and (c) to (j) in or on behalf of the federal government or a provincial government or any of the offices or positions referred to in paragraphs (b) and (k):
- (a) Governor General, lieutenant governor or head of government;
- (b) member of the Senate or House of Commons or member of a legislature of a province;
- (c) deputy minister or equivalent rank;
- (d) ambassador, or attaché or counsellor of an ambassador;
- (e) military officer with a rank of general or above;
- (f) president of a corporation that is wholly owned directly by His Majesty in right of Canada or a province;
- (g) head of a government agency;
- (h) judge of an appellate court in a province, the Federal Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court of Canada;
- (i) leader or president of a political party represented in a legislature;
- (j) holder of any prescribed office or position; or
- (k) mayor, reeve or other similar chief officer of a municipal or local government.
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 9.3(3).- Politically exposed foreign person
A person who holds or has held one of the following offices or positions in or on behalf of a foreign state:
- (a) head of state or head of government;
- (b) member of the executive council of government or member of a legislature;
- (c) deputy minister or equivalent rank;
- (d) ambassador, or attaché or counsellor of an ambassador;
- (e) military officer with a rank of general or above;
- (f) president of a state-owned company or a state-owned bank;
- (g) head of a government agency;
- (h) judge of a supreme court, constitutional court or other court of last resort;
- (i) leader or president of a political party represented in a legislature; or
- (j) holder of any prescribed office or position.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Possibility
In regards to completing a suspicious transaction report (STR), the likelihood that a transaction may be related to a money laundering/terrorist financing (ML/TF) offence. For example, based on your assessment of facts, context and ML/TF indicators you have reasonable grounds to suspect that a transaction is related to the commission or attempted commission of an ML/TF offence. (possibilité)
- Precious metal
Gold, silver, palladium or platinum in the form of coins, bars, ingots or granules or in any other similar form. (métal précieux)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Precious stones
Diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, tanzanite, rubies or alexandrite. (pierre précieuse)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Prepaid payment product
A product that is issued by a financial entity and that enables a person or entity to engage in a transaction by giving them electronic access to funds or virtual currency paid to a prepaid payment product account held with the financial entity in advance of the transaction. It excludes a product that:
- (a) enables a person or entity to access a credit or debit account or one that is issued for use only with particular merchants; or
- (b) is issued for single use for the purposes of a retail rebate program.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Prepaid payment product account
An account – other than an account to which only a public body or, if doing so for the purposes of humanitarian aid, a registered charity as defined in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act, can add funds or virtual currency – that is connected to a prepaid payment product and that permits:
- (a) funds or virtual currency that total $1,000 or more to be added to the account within a 24-hour period; or
- (b) a balance of funds or virtual currency of $1,000 or more to be maintained.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Prescribed
Prescribed by regulations made by the Governor in Council. (Version anglaise seulement)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Private automated banking machine
Any automated banking machine that is not owned or operated by a bank as defined in section 2 of the Bank Act, by an association regulated by the Cooperative Credit Associations Act or by a cooperative credit society, a savings and credit union or a caisse populaire regulated by a provincial Act. (guichet automatique privé)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Probability
The likelihood in regards to completing a suspicious transaction report (STR) that a financial transaction is related to a money laundering/terrorist financing (ML/TF) offence. For example, based on facts, having reasonable grounds to believe that a transaction is probably related to the commission or attempted commission of an ML/TF offence. (probabilité)
- Production order
A judicial order that compels a person or entity to disclose records to peace officers or public officers. (ordonnance de communication)
- Public body
- (a) a department or an agent of His Majesty in right of Canada or an agent or mandatary of His Majesty in right of a province;
- (b) an incorporated city or town, village, metropolitan authority, township, district, county, rural municipality or other incorporated municipal body in Canada or an agent or mandatary in Canada of any of them; and
- (c) an organization that operates a public hospital and that is designated by the Minister of National Revenue as a hospital authority under the Excise Tax Act, or an agent or mandatary of such an organization.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Real estate broker or sales representative
A person or entity that is authorized under provincial legislation to act as an agent or mandatary for purchasers or vendors in respect of the purchase or sale of real property or immovables. (courtier ou agent immobilier)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Real estate developer
A person or entity that, in any calendar year after 2007, has sold to the public, other than in the capacity of a real estate broker or sales representative:
- (a) five or more new houses or condominium units;
- (b) one or more new commercial or industrial buildings; or
- (c) one or more new multi-unit residential buildings each of which contains five or more residential units, or two or more new multi-unit residential buildings that together contain five or more residential units.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Reasonable measures
Steps taken to achieve a desired outcome, even if they do not result in the desired outcome. For example, this can include doing one or more of the following:
- asking the client,
- conducting open source searches,
- retrieving information already available, including information held in non-digital formats, or
- consulting commercially available information.
- Receipt of funds record
A record that indicates the receipt of an amount of funds and that contains the following information:
- (a) the date of the receipt;
- (b) if the amount is received from a person, their name, address and date of birth and the nature of their principal business or their occupation;
- (c) if the amount is received from or on behalf of an entity, the entity's name and address and the nature of their principal business;
- (d) the amount of the funds received and of any part of the funds that is received in cash;
- (e) the method by which the amount is received;
- (f) the type and amount of each fiat currency involved in the receipt;
- (g) if applicable, the exchange rates used and their source;
- (h) the number of every account that is affected by the transaction in which the receipt occurs, the type of account and the name of each account holder;
- (i) the name and address of every other person or entity that is involved in the transaction, the nature of their principal business or their occupation and, in the case of a person, their date of birth;
- (j) every reference number that is connected to the transaction and has a function equivalent to that of an account number; and
- (k) the purpose of the transaction.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Registered pension plan
Has the same meaning as in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act. (régime de pension agréé)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Registered retirement income fund
Has the same meaning as in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act. (fonds enregistré de revenu de retraite)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Reliable
In respect of information that is used to verify identity, means that the source is well known, reputable, and is considered one that you trust to verify the identity of the client. (fiable)
- Representative for service
An individual in Canada that has been appointed by a person or entity that is a foreign money services business (FMSB), pursuant to the PCMLTFA, to receive notices and documents on behalf of the FMSB. (représentant du service)
- Risk assessment
The review and documentation of potential money laundering/terrorist financing risks in order to help a business establish policies, procedures and controls to detect and mitigate these risks and their impact. (évaluation des risques)
- Sanctions evasion offence
An offence arising from the contravention of a restriction or prohibition established by an order or a regulation made under the United Nations Act, the Special Economic Measures Act or the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Sergei Magnitsky Law). (infraction de contournement des sanctions)
- Securities dealer
A person or entity that is referred to in paragraph 5(g) of the Act. (courtier en valeurs mobilières)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Senior officer
In respect of an entity, means:
- (a) a director of the entity who is one of its full-time employees;
- (b) the entity's chief executive officer, chief operating officer, president, secretary, treasurer, controller, chief financial officer, chief accountant, chief auditor or chief actuary, or any person who performs any of those functions; or
- (c) any other officer who reports directly to the entity's board of directors, chief executive officer or chief operating officer.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Service agreement
An agreement between a money services business (MSB) and an organization according to which the MSB will provide any of the following MSB services on an ongoing basis:
- money transfers;
- foreign currency exchange;
- issuing or redeeming money orders, traveller's cheques or anything similar; or
- dealing in virtual currencies;
- crowdfunding; or
- armoured cars.
- Settlor
A settlor is an individual or entity that creates a trust with a written trust declaration. The settlor ensures that legal responsibility for the trust is given to a trustee and that the trustee is provided with a trust instrument document that explains how the trust is to be used for the beneficiaries. A settlor includes any individual or entity that contributes financially to that trust, either directly or indirectly. (constituant)
- Shell bank
A foreign financial institution that:
- (a) does not have a place of business that:
- (i) is located at a fixed address—where it employs one or more persons on a full-time basis and maintains operating records related to its banking activities—in a country in which it is authorized to conduct banking activities; and
- (ii) is subject to inspection by the regulatory authority that licensed it to conduct banking activities; and
- (b) is not controlled by, or under common control with, a depository institution, credit union or foreign financial institution that maintains a place of business referred to in paragraph (a) in Canada or in a foreign country.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(1).- (a) does not have a place of business that:
- Signature
Includes an electronic signature or other information in electronic form that is created or adopted by a client of a person or entity referred to in section 5 of the Act and that is accepted by the person or entity as being unique to that client. (signature)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Signature card
In respect of an account, means a document that is signed by a person who is authorized to give instructions in respect of the account, or electronic data that constitutes the signature of such a person. (fiche-signature)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Source of funds or of virtual currency (VC)
The origin of the particular funds or VC used to carry out a specific transaction or to attempt to carry out a transaction. It is how the funds were acquired, not where the funds may have been transferred from. For example, the source of funds could originate from activities or occurrences such as employment income, gifts, the sale of a large asset, criminal activity, etc. (origine des fonds ou de la monnaie virtuelle (MV))
- Source of wealth
The origin of a person's total assets that can be reasonably explained, rather than what might be expected. For example, a person's wealth could originate from an accumulation of activities and occurrences such as business undertakings, family estates, previous and current employment income, investments, real estate, inheritance, lottery winnings, etc. (origine de la richesse)
- Starting action
With respect to a reportable transaction, information related to the instructions provided by the person or entity making the request to the reporting entity to start a transaction. For example, an individual arrives at a bank and requests to purchase a bank draft. The starting action is the details of the instructions for the purchase which includes the funds or virtual currency that the requesting person or entity brought to the reporting entity. A transaction must have at least one starting action. (action d’amorce)
The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. (SWIFT)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Terrorist activity
Has the same meaning as in subsection 83.01(1) of the Criminal Code. (activité terroriste)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Terrorist activity financing offence
An offence under section 83.02, 83.03 or 83.04 of the Criminal Code or an offence under section 83.12 of the Criminal Code arising out of a contravention of section 83.08 of that Act.
A terrorist financing offence is knowingly collecting or giving property (such as money) to carry out terrorist activities. This includes the use and possession of any property to help carry out the terrorist activities. The money earned for terrorist financing can be from legal sources, such as personal donations and profits from a business or charitable organization or from criminal sources, such as the drug trade, the smuggling of weapons and other goods, fraud, kidnapping and extortion. (infraction de financement des activités terroristes)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Third party
Any individual or entity that instructs another individual or entity to act on their behalf for a financial activity or transaction. (tiers)
- Threats to the security of Canada
Has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act. (menaces envers la sécurité du Canada)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Title insurance
Insurance against loss or damage caused by:
- the existence of a mortgage, charge, lien, encumbrance, servitude or any other restriction on real property;
- the existence of a mortgage, charge, lien, pledge, encumbrance or any other restriction on personal property;
- a defect in any document that evidences the creation of any restriction referred to in paragraph (a) or (b);
- a defect in the title to property; or
- any other matter affecting the title to property or affecting the right to the use and enjoyment of property. (assurance titre)
Insurance Companies Act- Title insurer
A person or entity that is engaged in the business of providing title insurance, as defined in the schedule to the Insurance Companies Act. (assureur de titres)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Training program
A written and implemented program outlining the ongoing training for your employees, agents or other individuals authorized to act on your behalf. It should contain information about all your obligations and requirements to be fulfilled under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and its associated Regulations. (programme de formation)
- Trust
A right of property held by one individual or entity (a trustee) for the benefit of another individual or entity (a beneficiary). (fiducie)
- Trust company
A company that is referred to in any of paragraphs 5(d) to (e.1) of the Act. (société de fiducie)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Trustee
A trustee is the individual or entity authorized to hold or administer the assets of a trust. (fiduciaire)
- Tutor
In the context of civil law, a person who has been lawfully appointed to the care of the person and property of a minor. (tuteur)
- Two year effectiveness review
A review, conducted every two years (at a minimum), by an internal or external auditor to test the effectiveness of your policies and procedures, risk assessment, and training program. (examen bisannuel de l'efficacité)
- Valid
In respect of a document or information that is used to verify identity, appears legitimate or authentic and does not appear to have been altered or had any information redacted. The information must also be valid according to the issuer, for example if a passport is invalid because of a name change, it is not valid for FINTRAC purposes. (valide)
- Verify identity
To refer to certain information or documentation, in accordance with the prescribed methods, to identify a person or entity (client). (vérifier l'identité)
- Very large corporation or trust
A corporation or trust that has minimum net assets of $75 million CAD on its last audited balance sheet. The corporation's shares or units have to be traded on a Canadian stock exchange or on a stock exchange designated under subsection 262(1) of the Income Tax Act. The corporation or trust also has to operate in a country that is a member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). (personne morale ou fiducie dont l'actif est très important)
- Violation
A contravention of the Act or the regulations that is designated as a violation by regulations made under subsection 73.1(1). (violation)
PCMLTFA, S.C. 2000, c 17, s. 2(1).- Virtual currency
- (a) a digital representation of value that can be used for payment or investment purposes that is not a fiat currency and that can be readily exchanged for funds or for another virtual currency that can be readily exchanged for funds; or
- (b) a private key of a cryptographic system that enables a person or entity to have access to a digital representation of value referred to in paragraph (a).
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2) and PCMLTFSTRR, SOR/2001-317, s. 1(2).- Virtual currency exchange transaction
An exchange, at the request of another person or entity, of virtual currency for funds, funds for virtual currency or one virtual currency for another. (opération de change en monnaie virtuelle)
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Virtual currency exchange transaction ticket
A record respecting a virtual currency exchange transaction—including an entry in a transaction register—that sets out:
- (a) the date of the transaction;
- (b) in the case of a transaction of $1,000 or more, the name and address of the person or entity that requests the exchange, the nature of their principal business or their occupation and, in the case of a person, their date of birth;
- (c) the type and amount of each type of funds and each of the virtual currencies involved in the payment made and received by the person or entity that requests the exchange;
- (d) the method by which the payment is made and received;
- (e) the exchange rates used and their source;
- (f) the number of every account that is affected by the transaction, the type of account and the name of each account holder;
- (g) every reference number that is connected to the transaction and has a function equivalent to that of an account number; and
- (h) every transaction identifier, including the sending and receiving addresses.
PCMLTFR, SOR/2002-184, s. 1(2).- Working days
In respect of an electronic funds transfer (EFT) report or a large virtual currency transaction report, a working day is a day between and including Monday to Friday. It excludes Saturday, Sunday, and a public holiday. (jour ouvrable)
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