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Mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders : FINTRAC's requirements

Updated – effective October 11, 2024

From: Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)

Determine if FINTRAC's anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing requirements apply to your business and understand what you must do to comply.

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Who must comply

Mortgage administrators, mortgage brokers and mortgage lenders must fulfill obligations under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (the Act) and associated Regulations.

The mortgage sector includes:

Determine if you have obligations

The following self-assessment questionnaire helps you determine if you are subject to the Act and associated Regulations as of October 11, 2024. Consult: Mortgage Sector Self-Assessment Tool.

Legal references

Summary of requirements for mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders

Mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders must fulfill the following requirements under the Act and associated Regulations.

Note for employees: If you are an employee of a mortgage administrator, broker or lender, the following requirements are the responsibility of your employer, except with respect to reporting suspicious transactions, which is applicable to both you, as an employee and your employer.

Implement a compliance program

Mortgage administrators, brokers, and lenders must implement a compliance program. A strong compliance program will form the basis of meeting your regulatory requirements.

Know your client

Mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders must verify the identity of persons and entities for certain activities and transactions, and carry out other customer due diligence activities as described below:

When to verify the identity of persons and entities

Mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders must verify the identity of persons and entities for certain activities and transactions.

Methods to verify the identity of persons and entities

Mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders must verify the identity of persons and entities using the methods prescribed by the Act and associated Regulations.

Business relationship requirements

Mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders enter into a business relationship with a client the first time they are required to verify the identity of that client.

Ongoing  monitoring requirements

Mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders have ongoing monitoring requirements when they enter into a business relationship with a client.

Beneficial ownership requirements

Mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders must obtain and take reasonable measures to confirm the accuracy of beneficial ownership information for entities.

Third party determination requirements

Mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders have third party determination requirements when they are required to submit certain reports and keep certain records.

Politically exposed persons and heads of international organizations requirements

Mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders are required to take reasonable measures to make politically exposed persons and heads of international organizations determinations for certain activities or transactions. If a mortgage administrator, broker or lender determines that a person is a politically exposed person or the head of an international organization then they have additional related requirements.

Report transactions

Mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders must submit the following reports to FINTRAC:

Suspicious Transaction Reports

Listed Person or Entity Property Reports

Large Cash Transaction Reports

Large Virtual Currency Transaction Reports

24-hour rule

Mortgage administrators, brokers and lenders have 24-hour rule requirements for Large Cash Transaction Reports and Large Virtual Currency Transaction Reports

Sanctions evasion

Keep records

Mortgage administrators, brokers, and lenders must keep certain records, including records related to transactions and client identification

Apply ministerial directives

Ministerial directive requirements apply to all reporting entity sectors.

FINTRAC assessment expectations

To ensure compliance with the Act and its associated Regulations, FINTRAC is authorized to conduct compliance examinations to assess whether you are meeting your requirements under the law.

Areas of review can include:

To learn more about FINTRAC assessments, review the FINTRAC assessment manual.

Penalties for non-compliance

FINTRAC has the legislative authority to issue administrative monetary penalties to reporting entities that are found to be non-compliant with the Act and associated Regulations. For more information, see Penalties for non-compliance.


The FINTRAC Guidance glossary includes terminology defined in the Act and associated Regulations, as well as terms used throughout the guidance. For more information, see FINTRAC's Guidance Glossary.

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