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Batch reporting : Methods to report to FINTRAC

Updated on May 17, 2024

From: Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)

Learn how you can submit all types of reports in batches to FINTRAC, except Large Virtual Currency Transaction Reports.

On this page

What is batch reporting

Batch reporting is the submission of multiple reports, or corrections to reports, in batch files that are formatted following FINTRAC's specifications. Transmission software is provided by FINTRAC.

You can submit the following reports by batch:

In some cases, you may correct reports submitted by batch using the FINTRAC Web Reporting System, the secure online system accessed over the internet.

FINTRAC API report submission

Entities are able to submit the following reports through FINTRAC API report submission:

Steps to use batch reporting

There are 4 steps to follow in order to use batch reporting.

Step 1: Enroll with FINTRAC for electronic reporting

Follow the instructions provided on the page FINTRAC Web Reporting System

Step 2: Apply for a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificate

You need a PKI certificate to protect your batch files. This certificate acts as a digital signature and tells FINTRAC who sent the file.

You can request a copy of the PKI subscriber agreement when you enroll or you can contact us by:

When you sign and submit the PKI subscriber agreement, you are agreeing to follow the obligations described in FINTRAC's Certificate Policy.

Once your application is accepted, we will contact the designated certificate holder listed on your application by phone with the information needed to complete this step and also download the batch transmission software.

Step 3: Install the batch transmission software

Follow the instructions in the CloudMask batch transmission guide to install and configure the software.

The guide also tells you how to transmit files to FINTRAC using the software.

Step 4: Complete the batch certification process

You have to send batch files using the software's test channel to show that your files are correctly formatted. 

You need to certify each report type independently to be submitted by batch.   

For instructions on how to build a batch file for each report type, refer to FINTRAC's batch documentation.

The batch files you submit for certification need to:

You need to send at least 5 files for each report type to be certified for that report type. 

You should receive acknowledgement files from FINTRAC in your inbound channel within hours of sending your batch files.

To certify, 4 of your last 5 batch files need to:

Once 4 of your last 5 batch files have been successfully processed, we will send confirmation by email that you have been certified for that report type. You will then be able to use the production channel for that report type.

Note: Each time the format changes for a report you will need to go through the batch certification process.

You will be notified within 24 hours of having successfully completed the batch acceptance test. This means that:

If you need help with the batch certification process, please contact FINTRAC's service desk by

Batch documentation

The documents below describe how to create, submit and correct batch files.

Public Key Infrastructure certificate policy

Batch transmission data quality issues questions and answers

Standard batch reporting instructions and specifications

SWIFT batch reporting instructions and specifications

XML batch reporting instructions and specifications

XML schema

Note: The XML schemas are in .TXT files, you should save them as .XSD files.

Report validation rules

Codes for error messages Updated on October 23, 2023

Reporting related codes

In your batch reports you will be required to provide codes for information about countries, provinces, territories, states, currency, etc. The attached tables provide the necessary codes. Two formats are offered for better accessibility TXT=text format and XLS= Microsoft Excel.

Related guidance

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